19.12.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Thomas Speckhofer,
Fast computation of special resultants
P 215 |
18.12.2024 11:00 | Chinese-Austrian Workshop RICAM | Chenhuang Wu,
Binary sequences with ideal arithmetic correlation
SP2 416-2 |
18.12.2024 10:30 | Chinese-Austrian Workshop RICAM | Zhixiong Chen,
Expansion complexity of pseudorandom sequences
SP2 416-2 |
18.12.2024 09:30 | Chinese-Austrian Workshop RICAM | Arne Winterhof,
Legendre pairs
SP2 416-2 |
18.12.2024 09:00 | Chinese-Austrian Workshop RICAM | Alina Ostafe,
On the frequency of primes preserving dynamical irreducibility of polynomials
SP2 416-2 |
17.12.2024 16:15 | NuMa Seminar | Stéphane Gaydier,
Shape and topology optimization
S2 416-1 |
17.12.2024 16:00 | Chinese-Austrian Workshop RICAM | Kaimin Cheng,
A new construction of irreducible polynomials over finite fields
SP2 416-2 |
17.12.2024 15:30 | Chinese-Austrian Workshop RICAM | Yixin Ren,
On the arithmetic correlation of M-ary sequences
SP2 416-2 |
17.12.2024 15:30 | NuMa Seminar | Simon Prieur,
The deflation method with topological derivative
S2 416-1 |
17.12.2024 14:30 | Chinese-Austrian Workshop RICAM | László Mérai,
The Rudin-Shapiro function along irreducible polynomials over finite fields
SP2 416-2 |
17.12.2024 14:30 | RICAM Group Seminar | Maximilian Zettler, Voestalpine Linz
Application-oriented modelling and numerical simulation of phase transformations in steel
SP2 416-1 |
17.12.2024 14:00 | Chinese-Austrian Workshop RICAM | Oliver Roche-Newton, JKU
The maker-breaker domination game
SP2 416-2 |
16.12.2024 13:30 | Guest lecture | Prof. Gennadi Malaschonok, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
Main features of computer algebra MathPartner
Zoom + RISC |
13.12.2024 13:00 | Master's Thesis Seminar_Inst. Finanzmath. | Dominik Baumann,
Butson Hadamard matrices and their applications
T406/1 |
13.12.2024 12:55 | Master's Thesis Seminar_Inst. Finanzmath. | Julian Frauscher,
Dynamic Portfolio Management Using Graph Neural Networks
T406/1 |
13.12.2024 12:50 | Master's Thesis Seminar_Inst. Finanzmath. | Christoph Dormayr,
Die Koksma-Hlawka Ungleichung - die fundamentale Fehlerschranke der quasi-Monte Carlo Methode
T406/1 |
13.12.2024 12:45 | Master's Thesis Seminar_Inst. Finanzmath. | Julia Reidinger,
The GCD-Sum Function: Its Properties and Generalisations
T406/1 |
12.12.2024 15:30 | IFAS Research Seminar | Francesca Basini,
Trajectory inference with neural potentials and neural diffusion bridges in single-cell differentiation
S2 Z74 |
12.12.2024 14:30 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Isaac Wood,
Simple formulas for sums of squares
MZ 005B |
12.12.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Erhard Aichinger,
Ax-Katz type results for the number of solutions of equations over finite abelian groups
MZ 005B |
11.12.2024 15:30 | Seminar Analysis | Richard Lechner, Institute of Analysis, JKU
Stabilization of operators
S5 102 |
10.12.2024 15:45 | NuMa Seminar | Gabriele Dürnberger,
Numerical Methods for obstacle and contact problems (Progress report on Master's Thesis)
S2 416-1 |
10.12.2024 15:30 | Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik | Josef Dick, UNSW Sydney
Low discrepancy, quasi-uniform point sets
Ricam |
10.12.2024 15:00 | RICAM Group Seminar | Stefan Tyoler,
IETI-DP Solvers for Continuous Galerkin Isogeometric Analysis on multi-patch domains with non-matching interfaces
SP2 416-1 |
10.12.2024 15:00 | NuMa Seminar | Stefan Tyoler,
IETI-DP Solvers for Continuous Galerkin Isogeometric Analysis on multi-patch domains with non-matching interfaces
S2 416-1 |
10.12.2024 11:30 | Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD) | Manfred Buchacher,
Some problems in algebraic dynamics
10.12.2024 11:15 | Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD) | Audie Warren,
The Genus of Linkages via Tropical Geometry
10.12.2024 11:00 | Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD) | Josef Schicho,
Mitsubishi is not classifiable
10.12.2024 10:30 | Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD) | Jakob Obrovsky,
Hypergeometric and d'Alembertian solutions for coupled recurrence systems
10.12.2024 10:15 | Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD) | Niels Lubbes,
Univariate linear factors of bivariate quaternionic polynomials
10.12.2024 10:00 | Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD) | Ralf Hemmecke,
Buchberger Steps Samba
10.12.2024 09:30 | Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD) | Jose Capco,
Questions on set-theoretic complete intersection of curves
10.12.2024 09:15 | Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD) | Nikolai Fadeev,
Generalized asymptotic expansions
10.12.2024 09:00 | Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD) | Manuel Kauers,
Flip Graphs for Polynomial Multiplication
05.12.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Michalis Kokkinos,
Incidence theory and applications
02.12.2024 14:00 | RICAM PhD Seminar Serie | Lukas Weissinger,
Singular Value and Frame Decomposition-based Reconstruction for Atmospheric Tomography
416-2 |
28.11.2024 15:30 | RICAM Colloquium | Prof. Tobias Breiten, TU Berlin
Linear control theory for nonlinear systems via Koopman lifting
SP2 416-2 |
28.11.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Lixin Du,
Symbolic summation in multivariate difference fields
K 009D |
28.11.2024 10:15 | Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik | Friedrich Pillichshammer,
The L_p-discrepancy for finite p>1 suffers from the curse of dimensionality
S2 416-2 |
27.11.2024 15:30 | Seminar Analysis | Krystian Kazaniecki, Institute of Analysis, JKU
Schur property for jump parts of gradient measures
KG 519 |
26.11.2024 15:30 | NuMa Seminar | Theodore Cherriere,
Sizing and free-shape optimization of an inductance with a complex AC loss model
S2 416-1 |
21.11.2024 15:30 | IFAS Research Seminar | Bilal Barakat,
Challenges and Opportunities of Model-based estimates for monitoring Sustainable Development Goal 4 on Education
S2 Z74 |
21.11.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Mario Ullrich,
s-numbers of operators in Banach spaces and applications
K 034D |
18.11.2024 14:00 | RICAM PhD Seminar Serie | Devika Khurana, JKU
First-passage time of SDEs to time-varying thresholds and its applications
416-2 |
15.11.2024 09:00 | CREATOR PhD Workshop, RICAM
Career Planing & Farewell
416-2 | |
14.11.2024 14:00 | CREATOR PhD Workshop, RICAM
416-1 | |
14.11.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Raphael Pages,
p-Riccati equation and factorisations of linear differential operators in positive characteristic
HT 177F |
13.11.2024 13:30 | CREATOR Post-Retreat Program, RICAM
Poster Session
416-2 | |
13.11.2024 09:00 | CREATOR Retreat, RICAM
Scientific Presentation and Concluding Discussions
416-2 | |
12.11.2024 09:05 | CREATOR Retreat, RICAM
Team Meetings and Collaboration (PhDs, Associates)
416-1 | |
12.11.2024 09:00 | CREATOR Retreat, RICAM
Planning of Phase-2: Presentation and Discussion (PIs, SAB, Mercators)
416-2 | |
11.11.2024 15:00 | CREATOR Retreat, RICAM
416-2 | |
11.11.2024 10:45 | CREATOR Pre-Retreat, RICAM
Gender & Diversity Workshop
416-1 | |
07.11.2024 15:30 | RICAM Colloquium | Martin Hanke, Universität Mainz
Numerical algorithms for a stochastic realization problem
SP2 416-2 |
07.11.2024 15:30 | IFAS Research Seminar | Gregor Zens,
Bayesian Factor Models for Age-Specific Demographic Counts
S2 Z74 |
07.11.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Oliver Roche-Newton,
The minimum degree question for the Maker Breaker Domination game
S2 048 |
06.11.2024 15:30 | Seminar Analysis | Tomasz Cieslak, IMPAN
Fisher information, new functional inequalities and systems of PDEs
K 034D |
04.11.2024 14:00 | RICAM PhD Seminar Serie | Michael Winkler,
Continuation methods for higher-order density-based topology optimization
416-2 |
31.10.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Peter Fuchs,
Anshel-Clay nearrings
K 012D |
30.10.2024 15:30 | Seminar Analysis | Rami Ayoush, Institute of Analysis, JKU
On manifold n-widths
K 034D |
28.10.2024 13:30 | Guest lecture | Thaynara Arielly de Lima, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil
Formalization of a General Theory of Quaternions and Applications
RISC + Zoom |
24.10.2024 14:30 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Paul Hametner,
The Neighborhood Conjecture for biased Maker-Breaker games
K 012D |
24.10.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Steven Senger, Missouri State University
Dot product problems in various settings
K 012D |
22.10.2024 15:30 | NuMa Seminar | Alexandre Daby-Seesaram,
Hybridising standard reduced-order modelling methods with interpretable sparse neural networks for real-time patient-specific lung simulations
S2 416-1 |
21.10.2024 15:30 | RICAM Group Seminar | Alexandre Daby-Seesaram, Ecole Polytechnique
Hybridising standard reduced-order modelling methods with interpretable sparse neural networks for real-time patient-specific lung simulations
SP2 416-1 |
21.10.2024 14:00 | RICAM PhD Seminar Serie | Amira Meddah, JKU
Stochastic Hybrid Dynamical Systems for Simulating Low-Grade Glioma Evolution
416-2 |
21.10.2024 12:30 | RICAM PhD Defense | Krishnendu Bhowmick,
Convexity, sumsets and discrete geometry
SP2 416-2 |
17.10.2024 15:30 | RICAM Colloquium | Larisa Yaroslavtseva, University of Graz
On the complexity of strong approximation of SDEs with a non-Lipschitz drift coefficient
SP2 416-2 |
17.10.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Charlotte Hardouin, Univ Toulouse
Galois group for large steps walks
K 012D |
16.10.2024 15:30 | Seminar Analysis | Rami Ayoush, Institute of Analysis, JKU
On the universal approximation theorem pt. 2
K 034D |
16.10.2024 13:00 | Tag der offenen Bürotür am FB Mathematik | Mitarbeitende des FB,
Tag der offenen Bürotür am Fachbereich Mathematik - JKU
FB Mathematik |
14.10.2024 13:30 | Guest lecture | Prof. Dr. Mauricio Ayala-Rincón, Universidade de Brasília
Mechanizing Combinatorial Applications of Compactness
RISC, Hagenberg |
10.10.2024 15:30 | IFAS Research Seminar | Dariusz Ucinski,
Convex relaxation for optimum experimental design with correlated observations
S2 Z74 |
10.10.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Jeremy Berthomieu, Sorbonne
Algorithms for Gröbner bases change of order
BA 9911 |
10.10.2024 11:00 | Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik | Gerhard Larcher,
Some facts on Zaremba's conjecture
S2 416-2 |
09.10.2024 15:30 | Seminar Analysis | Rami Ayoush,
On the universal approximation theorem pt. 1
K 034D |
08.10.2024 15:30 | NuMa Seminar | Florian Oberender, Göttingen
Density matrix reconstruction in ultrafast free electron optics
S2 416-1 |
08.10.2024 15:30 | RICAM Group Seminar | Florian Oberender,
Density matrix reconstruction in ultrafast free electron optics
SP2 416-1 |
07.10.2024 14:00 | RICAM PhD Seminar Serie | Stefan Tyoler,
Adaptive mesh refinement with non-matching Isogeometric multi-patch domains
416-2 |
04.10.2024 10:30 | RICAM Group Seminar | Patricia Martinez Dias,
Digital-twin based assessment of atrial arrhythmias: influence of personalization strategies
SP2 416-2 |
03.10.2024 15:30 | Gerhart Bruckmann Lecture in Statistics & DS | Tatyana Krivobokova,
An extended latent factor framework for ill-posed generalised linear regression
S2 Z74 |
03.10.2024 15:30 | RICAM Group Seminar | Peter Balazs,
Frame Theory: the mathematical foundation for acoustics, quantum physics, numerics and machine learning.
SP2 416-2 |
03.10.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Manuel Kauers,
A Shape Lemma for Differential Operators
BA 9911 |
27.09.2024 10:15 | RICAM Group Seminar | Robin Hiniborch,
On linear independent T-Splines and their applications in two and three spatial dimensions
SP2 416-2 |
23.09.2024 15:00 | RICAM Group Seminar | Theodor Komann, TU Darmstadt
Robust shape optimization
416-2 |
23.09.2024 14:00 | RICAM PhD Seminar Serie | Minha Anees, RICAM
Enhancing the efficacy of radiofrequency ablation: developing in-silico human model for improved treatment outcomes
416-2 |
23.09.2024 13:30 | Guest lecture | Prof. Dr. Tetsuo Ida, University of Tsukuba
An e-origami construction of a big wing crane
RISC, Hagenberg |
18.09.2024 12:00 | RICAM Group Seminar | Daniel Walter,
Minimization in spaces of measures: No-gap second order conditions and fast algorithms
SP2 416-2 |
11.09.2024 17:00 | Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B | Sumaia Saad-Eddin,
Asymptotic Properties of Zeta-Functions, Constrained $k$-Primes, and Arithmetic Functions
S2 053 |
10.09.2024 10:15 | Seminar Geometrie | Ada Šadl Praprotnik,
Rational S-patches with application to exact sphere representation
S2 053 |
09.09.2024 14:00 | Yisen Wang, RICAM
WZ-Pair in Combinatorial Identities
SP2 416-2 | |
13.08.2024 10:45 | Habilitation Colloquium | Robert Beinert, TU Berlin
Phase Retrieval: Uniqueness Guarantees, Tensorial Liftings, and Applications
SP2 416-2 |
22.07.2024 10:15 | CANCELED | Eva-Maria Wagner, TU Wien
Recursive Synthesis in Saturation
S2 048 |
09.07.2024 11:00 | Seminar Analysis | Thomas Schlumprecht, Texas A&M University
On stability, reflexivity, property Q, and Kalton's problem
S2 120 |
02.07.2024 14:00 | Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik | Peter Kritzer,
QMC and non-negative local discrepancy
S2 120 |
28.06.2024 10:15 | Seminar Analysis | Rami Ayoush, Institute of Analysis, JKU
Embeddings of Barron spaces
MT 226/1 |
27.06.2024 15:30 | RICAM Colloquium | Michael Hintermüller,
QVIs: Semismooth Newton, Optimal Control, and Uncertainties
S2 416-2 |
27.06.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Klara Bernauer,
Nullspace over the multivariate polynomials over a single algebraic extension
S3 048 |
26.06.2024 15:30 | Seminar Analysis | Thomas Speckhofer, Institute of Analysis, JKU
Dimension dependence of factorization results and restricted invertibility
KG 519 |
21.06.2024 10:15 | Seminar Analysis | Rami Ayoush,
Probabilistic Barron spaces
MT 226/1 |
20.06.2024 15:30 | RICAM Colloquium | Marjeta Knez, University of Ljubljana
On Pythagorean-hodograph curves and their applications
SP2 416-2 |
20.06.2024 15:30 | IFAS Research Seminar | William Peden,
Philosophy of Science and the Statistics Wars
S2 Z74 |
20.06.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Manfred Buchacher,
An introduction to tropical geometry
P 004 |
19.06.2024 15:30 | Seminar Analysis | Markus Passenbrunner, Institute of Analysis, JKU
Variation inequalities for smartingales
KG 519 |
18.06.2024 15:30 | NuMa Seminar | Stefan Takacs,
A preconditioner for Isogeometric Analysis for a parabolic optimal control problem in primal formulation
S2 044 |
14.06.2024 11:15 | Guest lecture | Chaoping Xing,
Fast Fourier transform via automorphism groups of rational function fields
Ricam |
14.06.2024 10:30 | Seminar Analysis | Rami Ayoush, Institute of Analysis, JKU
On spectral Barron spaces
MT 226/1 |
14.06.2024 09:45 | Guest lecture | Joel Rivat,
The digits of prime numbers
Ricam |
14.06.2024 09:00 | Guest lecture | Igor Shparlinski,
Exponential sums with matrix exponential functions
Ricam |
13.06.2024 15:50 | Guest lecture | Arne Winterhof,
Some highlights of Harald Niederreiter´s work
Ricam |
13.06.2024 15:30 | IFAS Research Seminar | Emmanuel Lesaffre,
The use of historical data in clinical trials: Does it pay off?
S2 Z74 |
13.06.2024 14:20 | Guest lecture | Stefan Heinrich,
Memories and news on MCQMC
Ricam |
13.06.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Peter Fuchs,
Kernels of covered groups with operators from an inverse semigroup
P 004 |
12.06.2024 15:30 | Seminar Analysis | Eduard Curca, University Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Interpolation and sums of Sobolev spaces
KG 519 |
11.06.2024 16:30 | Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD) | Tim Boykett,
Automorphism groups of relation powers
HS 11 |
11.06.2024 16:15 | Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD) | Peter Mayr,
2-nilpotent algebras
HS 11 |
11.06.2024 16:00 | Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD) | Jakob Obrovsky,
On Solutions of Difference Equations over Rings with Zero Divisors
HS 11 |
11.06.2024 15:45 | Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD) | Niels Lubbes,
Translational surfaces
HS 11 |
11.06.2024 15:00 | Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD) | Mike Behrisch,
Decomposing lattices of integer partitions using arrow relations
HS 11 |
11.06.2024 14:45 | Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD) | Guenter Pilz,
HS 11 |
11.06.2024 14:30 | Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD) | Peter Fuchs,
Kernels of covered groups with operators
HS 11 |
11.06.2024 14:15 | Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD) | Erhard Aichinger,
Observations on strong Gröbner bases over Euclidean domains
HS 11 |
11.06.2024 14:00 | Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD) | Lixin Du,
Existence of telescopers for P-recursive sequences
HS 11 |
11.06.2024 13:45 | Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath. | Lukas Hochholzer,
Benfordsche Gesetz
HT177F |
10.06.2024 13:30 | Guest lecture | Univ.-Prof. Dr. Richard Küng, JKU
A (soft) intro to quantum computing
RISC Hagenberg |
06.06.2024 15:30 | Dissertationskolloquium | Priyanka Roy,
Learning in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces for selected Stochastic Processes
S2 120 |
06.06.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Thi Xuan Vu,
Symmetric Polynomials and Beyond, part 2
P 004 |
06.06.2024 10:00 | Jakob Haselbacher, M3DM
Parametrization of a 3-state cell death model for esophageal tissue
SP3 047 | |
05.06.2024 15:30 | Seminar Analysis | Rami Ayoush, Institute of Analysis, JKU
On universal approximation theorem
KG 519 |
04.06.2024 15:30 | NuMa Seminar | Andreas Schafelner,
Parallel multiple goal-oriented adaptive space-time finite element methods for quasi-linear parabolic evolution equations
S2 044 |
04.06.2024 13:45 | Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik | Luca de Gennaro Aquino, Universität Kopenhagen
Reference-dependent asset pricing with a stochastic consumption-dividend ratio
HT177F |
29.05.2024 15:30 | Seminar Analysis | Ilya Zlotnikov, University of Vienna
Sampling in (quasi) shift-invariant spaces generated by ratios of exponential polynomials
KG 519 |
29.05.2024 10:15 | Berufungsvortrag | Speaker,
Algebraic and Geometric algorithms: the era of non-linear computations (Hearing: Professorship “Computational Science”)
S4 025 |
29.05.2024 09:00 | Berufungsvortrag | Speaker,
Reaction networks and positive solutions to systems of polynomial equations with real exponents (Hearing: Professorship “Computational Science”)
S4 025 |
28.05.2024 15:30 | NuMa Seminar | Theodore Cherriere,
On multi-material topology optimization of electrical machines
S2 044 |
28.05.2024 11:30 | Berufungsvortrag | Speaker,
Symbolic Computation Science (Hearing: Professorship “Computational Science”)
S4 025 |
28.05.2024 10:15 | Berufungsvortrag | Speaker,
Desingularization with applications to special functions (Hearing: Professorship “Computational Science”)
S4 025 |
27.05.2024 11:30 | Berufungsvortrag | Speaker,
Convexity and the sum-product problem
S4 025 |
27.05.2024 10:15 | Berufungsvortrag | Speaker,
Computational Tropical Geometry and Its Applications (Hearing: Professorship “Computational Science”)
S4 025 |
27.05.2024 09:00 | Berufungsvortrag | Speaker,
Applied Algebra: Combinatorics, Computation and Reality (Hearing: Professorship “Computational Science”)
S4 025 |
24.05.2024 10:00 | Habilitation Colloquium | Dr. Silviu Cristian Radu, RISC
Algorithms and theorems for proving identities related to modular functions
HA 105 and via Zoom |
23.05.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Thomas Speckhofer,
Symmetric Polynomials and Beyond, part 1
S3 057 |
22.05.2024 15:30 | Seminar Analysis | Karol Lesnik, Adam Mickiewicz University
Absolutely summing inclusions of r.i. function spaces
KG 519 |
17.05.2024 09:00 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 6,
on Structures — Polyhedra, Meshes, Platforms
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
16.05.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Yisen Wang,
Generalized Hermite Reduction, Creative Telescoping and Definite Integration of D-Finite Functions
S3 057 |
16.05.2024 11:00 | Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik | Arne Winterhof,
Legendre Pairs
S2 059 |
16.05.2024 09:00 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 6,
on Structures — Polyhedra, Meshes, Platforms
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
15.05.2024 15:30 | Seminar Analysis | Anton Tselishchev, Bar Ilan University
Schauder frames and bases of translates in L^p(R) spaces
KG 519 |
15.05.2024 09:00 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 6,
on Structures — Polyhedra, Meshes, Platforms
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
14.05.2024 09:00 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 6,
on Structures — Polyhedra, Meshes, Platforms
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
13.05.2024 14:00 | Guest lecture | Tingyue Li, Fudan University
Quantitative Runge Approximation for Lamé System and its Applications to Numerical Methods
416-1 |
13.05.2024 10:00 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 6,
on Structures — Polyhedra, Meshes, Platforms
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
08.05.2024 15:30 | Seminar Analysis | Jakob Fromherz, Institute of Analysis, JKU
Radial variation of positive harmonic functions on Lipschitz domains - part II
KG 519 |
07.05.2024 15:30 | NuMa Seminar | Stefan Tyoler,
IETI-DP solver for conforming Galerkin discretizations with hanging nodes
S2 044 |
03.05.2024 09:00 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 5,
on Kinematic Aspects of Robotics
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
02.05.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Xiuyun Li,
Towards a Parallel Summation Algorithm
S3 057 |
02.05.2024 09:00 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 5,
on Kinematic Aspects of Robotics
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
01.05.2024 09:00 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 5,
on Kinematic Aspects of Robotics
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
30.04.2024 13:45 | Seminar Analysis | Peter Yuditskii, Institute of Analysis, JKU
On point spectrum of Jacobi matrices generated by iterations of quadratic polynomial
S4 025 |
30.04.2024 09:00 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 5,
on Kinematic Aspects of Robotics
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
29.04.2024 10:00 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 5,
on Kinematic Aspects of Robotics
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
25.04.2024 15:30 | IFAS Research Seminar | Asger Hobolth,
Phase-type distributions in mathematical population genetics: An emerging framework
S2 Z74 |
25.04.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Andreas Plank,
(Counter-) Model Counting for Quantified Boolean Formulas
S3 057 |
24.04.2024 15:30 | Seminar Analysis | Jakob Fromherz, Institute of Analysis, JKU
Radial variation of positive harmonic functions on Lipschitz domains
KG 519 |
23.04.2024 16:15 | NuMa Seminar | Markus Schwarz,
Modeling and Simulation of Anisotropic Magnetic Materials
S2 044 |
23.04.2024 15:30 | NuMa Seminar | Eva-Maria Haslhofer,
Parameter estimation in lumped-parameter thermal networks
S2 044 |
23.04.2024 13:45 | Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath. | Lena Hager,
Analysis of Option Trading Strategies
HT177F |
23.04.2024 10:15 | R. Weinhandl, L. Del Chicca, S. Reichenberger, JKU
Mathematisches Grundwissen an der Schnittstelle Schule-Hochschule: Lehrplan, Zentralmatura, Anforderungen und Erfahrungen
S4 025 | |
19.04.2024 09:00 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 4,
Barcamp — From rigidity to flexibility and back
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
18.04.2024 15:30 | IFAS Research Seminar | Johann Bacher,
Datenverknüpfung als neue Herausforderung der Umfrageforschung
S2 Z74 |
18.04.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Iryna Raievska and Maryna Raievska, University of Warsaw; Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine
Local nearrings and GAP
S3 057 |
18.04.2024 10:15 | Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik | Gunther Leobacher,
Permeable Sets
Ricam |
18.04.2024 09:00 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 4,
Barcamp — From rigidity to flexibility and back
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
17.04.2024 15:30 | Seminar Analysis | Bartosz Trojan, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Stationary states for stable processes with partial resetting
KG 519 |
17.04.2024 09:00 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 4,
Barcamp — From rigidity to flexibility and back
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
16.04.2024 15:30 | NuMa Seminar | Alessio Cesarano,
Tracing pareto-optimal points in multi-objective shape optimization applied to electric machines
S2 044 |
16.04.2024 13:45 | Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath. | Philipp Götzenberger,
Portfolio-Selektion unter Berücksichtigung von Nachhaltigkeitsparametern
HT177F |
16.04.2024 09:00 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 4,
Barcamp — From rigidity to flexibility and back
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
15.04.2024 10:00 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 4,
Barcamp — From rigidity to flexibility and back
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
12.04.2024 09:30 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 3,
on Rigidity in Action
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
11.04.2024 15:30 | IFAS Research Seminar | Magdalena Muszynska-Spielauer,
Different dimensions of lifespan inequality
S2 Z74 |
11.04.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Simon Grünbacher,
The Algorithmic Lovasz Local Lemma
HS 11 |
11.04.2024 09:30 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 3,
on Rigidity in Action
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
10.04.2024 09:30 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 3,
on Rigidity in Action
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
09.04.2024 16:15 | Seminar Analysis | Piotr B. Mucha, University of Warsaw
Besov spaces in action on the fluid mechanics systems
HS 11 |
09.04.2024 15:30 | NuMa Seminar | Oliver Habrich,
Parameter identification in the Cahn-Hilliard equation
S2 044 |
09.04.2024 09:30 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 3,
on Rigidity in Action
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
08.04.2024 09:30 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 3,
on Rigidity in Action
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
08.04.2024 09:00 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | REGISTRATION,
Workshop 3 on Rigidity in Action
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
05.04.2024 09:30 | RICAM Workshop | day 3,
GRAPES conference
S2 416-2 |
04.04.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Yiman Gao,
An Additive Decomposition over Exponential Extensions
S2 059 |
04.04.2024 09:30 | RICAM Workshop | day 2,
GRAPES conference
S2 416-2 |
03.04.2024 14:15 | RICAM Workshop | day 1,
GRAPES Workshop
S2 416-2 |
03.04.2024 10:15 | Guest lecture | Shaoshi Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Arithmetic Aspect of D-finite Power Series
SP2 416-1 |
21.03.2024 15:00 | PhD defense | Bernardo Rossi, JKU Linz and CU Prague
Universal Algebraic Geometry and Polynomial Interpolation
S2 416-2 |
21.03.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Erhard Aichinger, JKU
How to describe polynomial functions - a survey of completeness results
T 406/1 |
21.03.2024 13:00 | Dissertationskolloquium | Nepomuk Krenn, RICAM
Topology Optimisation of Electric Machines under Electro-Thermal Coupling
S2 416-1 |
20.03.2024 15:30 | Seminar Analysis | Christos P. Tantalakis,
A special truncated K-moment problem
KG 519 |
19.03.2024 15:30 | NuMa Seminar | Bogdan Radu,
A scalar potential approach for magnetostatics avoiding the coenergy
S2 044 |
19.03.2024 13:45 | Master's Thesis Seminar_Inst. Finanzmath. | Johannes Grünberger,
Linear Complexity and Continued Fractions of Families of Binary Sequences
HT177F |
19.03.2024 11:00 | Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik | Sumaia Saad Eddin,
Key Conjectures in Zeta Function Theory: A Focus on the Mertens Conjecture
K009D |
15.03.2024 09:00 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 2,
on Code of Rigidity
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
14.03.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Alin Bostan, Inria
How to decide if a D-finite power series is algebraic?
14.03.2024 09:30 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 2,
on Code of Rigidity
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
13.03.2024 15:30 | Seminar Analysis | Rami Ayoush, Institute of Analysis, JKU
Alberti's type rank one theorem for martingales
KG 519 |
13.03.2024 09:30 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 2,
on Code of Rigidity
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
12.03.2024 15:30 | NuMa Seminar | Rainer Schneckenleitner, Tampere University
Model Order Reduction for the Simulation of Electrical Machines with Multi-Strand Windings
S2 044 |
12.03.2024 13:45 | Dissertationskolloquium | Alessio Cesarano, RICAM
Shape optimization of rotating electric machines
S2 416-1 |
12.03.2024 09:30 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 2,
on Code of Rigidity
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
11.03.2024 11:00 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 2,
on Code of Rigidity
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
08.03.2024 09:30 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 1,
on Landscapes and Rigidity
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
07.03.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Manuel Kauers,
T 406/1 |
07.03.2024 09:30 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 1,
on Landscapes and Rigidity
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
06.03.2024 15:30 | Seminar Analysis | Peter Yuditskii,
Periodically modulated rescaling limits and canonical systems with cantor spectrum
KG 519 |
06.03.2024 09:30 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 1,
on Landscapes and Rigidity
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
05.03.2024 09:30 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 1,
on Landscapes and Rigidity
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
04.03.2024 13:30 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Workshop 1,
on Landscapes and Rigidity
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
01.03.2024 09:00 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Training School,
with Bill Jackson and Hans-Peter Schröckner
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
29.02.2024 09:00 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Training School,
with Bill Jackson and Hans-Peter Schröckner
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
28.02.2024 09:00 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Training School,
with Bill Jackson and Hans-Peter Schröckner
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
27.02.2024 09:00 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Training School,
with Bill Jackson and Hans-Peter Schröckner
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
26.02.2024 14:00 | Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024 | Training School,
with Bill Jackson and Hans-Peter Schröckner
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
26.02.2024 11:00 | Guest lecture | Beata Ondrusova, Slovac Academy of Sciences
Addressing Obstacles in the Clinical Implementation of the Inverse Problem of Electrocardiography
S2 416-1 |
22.02.2024 17:00 | ADWiM 2024 | organizers,
Closing Words
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
22.02.2024 15:30 | ADWiM 2024 | Panel Discussion on Empowerment and Outreach,
with A. Edletzberger, S. Frühwirth-Schnatter, R. Rissner, S. Saminger-Platz
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
22.02.2024 14:00 | ADWiM 2024 | Melissa Nielsen, LEA - Let's Empower Austria
Gender Talk
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
22.02.2024 12:40 | ADWiM 2024 | Lunch Break,
combined with poster session
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
22.02.2024 10:40 | ADWiM 2024 | Contributed Sessions,
S1: room 046; S2: room 044; S3: room 059; S4: room 054; S5: room 053
SP2 ground floor |
22.02.2024 09:15 | ADWiM 2024 | Julia Eisenberg, Vienna University of Technology
Retirement: When time no longer equals money
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
22.02.2024 09:00 | ADWiM 2024 | Herbert Egger / Stefan Koch, RICAM and JKU
SP2 416-2 4th floor |
14.02.2024 15:30 | Seminar Analysis | Michal Wojciechowski, Polish Academy of Scienc
Quaternionic, pluriharmonic functions
S2 059 |
13.02.2024 15:30 | NuMa Seminar | Jiri V. Outrata,
On the implicit programming approach to MPECs via the SC generalized derivatives
S2 416-1 |
11.02.2024 09:00 | Projektwoche Angewandte Mathematik | Danke an die Projektleiter*innen,
Projektwoche Angewandte Mathematik für Schüler*innen, 11. 2. - 15.2.2024
Kefermarkt |
06.02.2024 14:00 | Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik | Sascha Desmettre,
Worst-Case Optimal Investment in Incomplete Markets
S3 048 |
31.01.2024 14:30 | Dissertationskolloquium | Florian Aichinger, Ricam
Rough Volatility in Financial Markets and Electricity Spot Price Modeling
S2 059 |
25.01.2024 15:30 | RICAM Colloquium | Volker Mehrmann, TU Berlin
Energy Based Mathematical Modeling, Simulation, and Control of Real World Systems
S2 416-2 |
25.01.2024 15:30 | IFAS Research Seminar | Lenka Filova,
Optimal Designs Accounting for Efficacy and Toxicity
S2 Z74 |
25.01.2024 14:30 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Thomas Speckhofer,
Factorization of operators on Banach spaces
MT 327 |
25.01.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Oliver Roche-Newton,
The number of angles determined by a set of points
MT 327 |
18.01.2024 15:30 | RICAM Colloquium | Peter Kritzer, RICAM
What lattice rules can do for you
S2 416-2 |
18.01.2024 15:30 | IFAS Research Seminar | Herwig Friedl,
Hands-on Applications of Mixture models
S2 Z74 |
18.01.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Yurii Zhuchok,
On automorphisms of the category of free finitely generated dimonoids
MT 327 |
11.01.2024 15:30 | RICAM Colloquium | Ekaterina Sherina, University of Vienna
On some Inverse Problems in Elastography
SP2 416-2 |
11.01.2024 15:30 | IFAS Research Seminar | Gernot Filipp,
„Grenzgebiete“ – Überschneidungen von Theorie und Praxis in der amtlichen Statistik
S2 Z74 |
11.01.2024 13:45 | Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics | Stefano Fioravanti,
On Freese’s technique
MT 327 |
11.01.2024 10:15 | Seminar Analysis | Thomas Speckhofer, Institut für Analysis, JKU
Dissertationskolloquium: Factorization of operators on Banach spaces
T 406/1 |
10.01.2024 15:30 | Seminar Analysis | Benjamin Eichinger, TU Wien
Necessary and sufficient conditions for universality limits
T 406/1 |
09.01.2024 13:45 | RICAM Group Seminar | Wolfgang Rannetbauer, voestalpine Stahl - TSM
SP2 416-2 |