Upcoming Talks

17.03.2025  14:00 PhD Training Series
P. Kritzer/L. Rossi/D. Dold/S. Takacs,
Funding Opportunities
SP2 416-2
19.03.2025  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Damian Dabrowski, University of Jyväskylä
Favard length and quantitative rectifiability
S2 044
20.03.2025  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Erhard Aichinger,
Nearring highlights and a nearing anniversary: a talk in honour of Günter Pilz's birthday
P 215
20.03.2025  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Florian Frommlet,
The R Package FBMS (Flexible Bayesian Model Selection)
S2 Z74
27.03.2025  13:30 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Philipp Guth,
S2 416-2
27.03.2025  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Markus Hetzmannseder,
Multi Factor Authentication at JKU
P 215
27.03.2025  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Thomas Speckhofer,
The Schwartz-Zippel lemma and its applications
P 215
31.03.2025  14:00 PhD Training Series
Christoph Koutschan, RICAM
RICAM / Betriebsrat procedures training
SP2 416-2
03.04.2025  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Jakob Führer,
P 215
10.04.2025  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Gregor Böhm, Uni Wien
P 215
10.04.2025  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Gregor Mathes,
From fossils to forecasts: Understanding extinction dynamics under climate change
S2 Z74
24.04.2025  10:15 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Arne Winterhof,
S2 416-2
08.05.2025  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Michalis Kokkinos,
P 215
15.05.2025  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Isaac Wood,
P 215
22.05.2025  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Raphael Pages,
P 215
22.05.2025  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Corinna Perchtold,
Precipitation and Mortality modeling in Austria
S2 Z74
05.06.2025  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Niels Lubbes,
P 215
12.06.2025  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Yurii Zhuchok,
P 215
26.06.2025  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Moritz Eichhorn,
P 215
26.06.2025  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Simon Grünbacher,
P 215
24.09.2025  09:00 25 Years of Applied Geometry at JKU
Barton, Giannelli, Kapl, Pan, etc., Angewandte Geometrie
International Symposium: 25 Years of Applied Geometry at JKU

Past Talks

13.03.2025  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Georg Regensburger, Universitaet Kassel
Integro-differential Rings and Operators with Generalized Evaluation
P 215
12.03.2025  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Peter Yuditskii, Institute of Analysis, JKU
On the Green mapping for the complement to a real Julia set, Part II
S2 044
10.03.2025  14:30 PhD defense
Thomas Speckhofer, Institute of Analysis, JKU
Factorization of Operators on Banach Spaces
SP2 416-2
06.03.2025  15:30 RICAM Colloquium
Han Cheng Lie, Universität Potsdam
A class of rank-constrained operator approximation problems and some applications
SP2 416-2
06.03.2025  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manuel Kauers,
Mark van Hoeij's submodule approach to creative telescoping
P 215
06.03.2025  10:15 NuMa Seminar
Felix Engertsberger,
Reduced basis methods for the simulation of electric machines
S2 346
04.03.2025  10:00 RICAM Group Seminar
Vesa Kaarnioja,
Quasi-Monte Carlo for Bayesian inverse problems governed by PDEs
SP2 416-2
03.03.2025  14:00 RICAM Group Seminar
Beata Ondrusova,
PhD Training Series: AI tools for academic research
SP2 416-2
27.02.2025  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Antony Overstall,
Gibbs optimal design of experiments
S2 Z74
19.02.2025  13:00 PhD defense
Jana Vráblíková,
Arc Spline Approximation of Envelopes
S3 057
18.02.2025  14:00 Seminar Geometrie
Linus Mußmächer,
S2 0346
10.02.2025  10:00 PhD defense
Anton Ponomarchuk, RICAM
Towards an understanding of the complexity of ReLU neural networks
S2 416-2
09.02.2025  09:00 Projektwoche Angewandte Mathematik
Danke an die Projektleiter*innen,
Projektwoche Angewandte Mathematik für Schüler*innen, 9. bis 13. Februar 2025
06.02.2025  13:45 Seminar Analysis
Maciej Rzeszut, Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce
Fefferman Multiplier Theorem for Hardy Martingales
S3 057
05.02.2025  15:30 Dissertationskolloquium
Simon Hackl, Industrial Mathematics
Geometrical Acoustics based improvements in Focusing and Reconstruction Methods for Medical Ultrasound Imaging
SP2 416-1
04.02.2025  15:45 Berufungsvortrag
Metric inequalities under lower scalar curvature bounds
S2 048
04.02.2025  13:30 Berufungsvortrag
Singularity formation and blowup dynamics in nonlinear PDEs
S2 048
04.02.2025  10:45 Berufungsvortrag
The local complexity of certain function spaces
S2 048
04.02.2025  08:30 Berufungsvortrag
Operators on Networks: Eigenvalues, Eigenfunctions, and Heat Kernels
S2 048
03.02.2025  15:45 Berufungsvortrag
Operators and Functions
S2 048
03.02.2025  13:30 Berufungsvortrag
Variational models in materials science
S2 048
03.02.2025  10:45 Berufungsvortrag
Higher order variational problems in geometry
S2 048
03.02.2025  08:30 Berufungsvortrag
Singular PDEs: regularity and homogenization
S2 048
30.01.2025  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Johannes Pritz,
Wirtschaft verstehen: Wirtschaftsstatistik als Basisinstrument für eine evidenzbasierte Wirtschaftspolitik
S2 Z74
30.01.2025  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manfred Buchacher,
Tutte's invariant method and a problem of eliminating poles
S2 219
30.01.2025  08:30
Priyanka Roy,
Online Learning Algorithms in Hilbert Spaces with Beta and Phi Mixing Sequences
S2 0610-2
29.01.2025  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Peter Yuditskii, Institute of Analysis, JKU
On the Green mapping for the complement to a real Julia set
K 009D
28.01.2025  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Fatima Hasanova,
Multigrid methods for the biharmonic equation in multipatch IGA (Computational aspects)
S2 416-1
27.01.2025  14:00 RICAM PhD Seminar Serie
Michalis Kokkinos, JKU
Incidence theory and applications
27.01.2025  11:30 RICAM Group Seminar
Jesper Schröder, RICAM
The minimum energy estimator for a cubic wave equation
23.01.2025  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Niels Lubbes,
Univariate linear factors of bivariate quaternionic polynomials
BA 9911
23.01.2025  09:00
METIS Consortium Meeting
22.01.2025  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Thomas Speckhofer, Institute of Analysis, JKU
Operator ideals
S3 047
22.01.2025  09:00
METIS Consortium Meeting
21.01.2025  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Nepomuk Krenn,
Robust design optimization by the topological derivative
S2 416-1
21.01.2025  09:30
METIS Consortium Meeting
16.01.2025  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Liam Smithers,
7th Dimensional Cross Product Vectors
BA 9911
16.01.2025  10:15 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Jan Vybiral,
Dispersion of a point set: lower and upper bounds
SP2 416-2
14.01.2025  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Phillip Baumann,
The Topological State Derivative
S2 416-1
14.01.2025  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Eva-Maria Haslhofer,
Reduced Basis Method for Heat Transfer in Electric Machine Simulation
S2 416-1
13.01.2025  14:00 RICAM PhD Seminar Serie
Corinna Perchtold, JKU
Precipitation and mortality modeling in Austria
09.01.2025  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Nikolaus Haselgruber,
Statistical Models for Health Monitoring of Railway Track Failures
S2 Z74
09.01.2025  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Christoph Koutschan,
Counting binary balanced matrices
BA 9911
19.12.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Thomas Speckhofer,
Fast computation of special resultants
P 215
18.12.2024  11:00 Chinese-Austrian Workshop RICAM
Chenhuang Wu,
Binary sequences with ideal arithmetic correlation
SP2 416-2
18.12.2024  10:30 Chinese-Austrian Workshop RICAM
Zhixiong Chen,
Expansion complexity of pseudorandom sequences
SP2 416-2
18.12.2024  09:30 Chinese-Austrian Workshop RICAM
Arne Winterhof,
Legendre pairs
SP2 416-2
18.12.2024  09:00 Chinese-Austrian Workshop RICAM
Alina Ostafe,
On the frequency of primes preserving dynamical irreducibility of polynomials
SP2 416-2
17.12.2024  16:15 NuMa Seminar
Stéphane Gaydier,
Shape and topology optimization
S2 416-1
17.12.2024  16:00 Chinese-Austrian Workshop RICAM
Kaimin Cheng,
A new construction of irreducible polynomials over finite fields
SP2 416-2
17.12.2024  15:30 Chinese-Austrian Workshop RICAM
Yixin Ren,
On the arithmetic correlation of M-ary sequences
SP2 416-2
17.12.2024  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Simon Prieur,
The deflation method with topological derivative
S2 416-1
17.12.2024  14:30 Chinese-Austrian Workshop RICAM
László Mérai,
The Rudin-Shapiro function along irreducible polynomials over finite fields
SP2 416-2
17.12.2024  14:30 RICAM Group Seminar
Maximilian Zettler, Voestalpine Linz
Application-oriented modelling and numerical simulation of phase transformations in steel
SP2 416-1
17.12.2024  14:00 Chinese-Austrian Workshop RICAM
Oliver Roche-Newton, JKU
The maker-breaker domination game
SP2 416-2
16.12.2024  13:30 Guest lecture
Prof. Gennadi Malaschonok, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
Main features of computer algebra MathPartner
Zoom + RISC
13.12.2024  13:00 Master's Thesis Seminar_Inst. Finanzmath.
Dominik Baumann,
Butson Hadamard matrices and their applications
13.12.2024  12:55 Master's Thesis Seminar_Inst. Finanzmath.
Julian Frauscher,
Dynamic Portfolio Management Using Graph Neural Networks
13.12.2024  12:50 Master's Thesis Seminar_Inst. Finanzmath.
Christoph Dormayr,
Die Koksma-Hlawka Ungleichung - die fundamentale Fehlerschranke der quasi-Monte Carlo Methode
13.12.2024  12:45 Master's Thesis Seminar_Inst. Finanzmath.
Julia Reidinger,
The GCD-Sum Function: Its Properties and Generalisations
12.12.2024  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Francesca Basini,
Trajectory inference with neural potentials and neural diffusion bridges in single-cell differentiation
S2 Z74
12.12.2024  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Isaac Wood,
Simple formulas for sums of squares
MZ 005B
12.12.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Erhard Aichinger,
Ax-Katz type results for the number of solutions of equations over finite abelian groups
MZ 005B
11.12.2024  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Richard Lechner, Institute of Analysis, JKU
Stabilization of operators
S5 102
10.12.2024  15:45 NuMa Seminar
Gabriele Dürnberger,
Numerical Methods for obstacle and contact problems (Progress report on Master's Thesis)
S2 416-1
10.12.2024  15:30 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Josef Dick, UNSW Sydney
Low discrepancy, quasi-uniform point sets
10.12.2024  15:00 RICAM Group Seminar
Stefan Tyoler,
IETI-DP Solvers for Continuous Galerkin Isogeometric Analysis on multi-patch domains with non-matching interfaces
SP2 416-1
10.12.2024  15:00 NuMa Seminar
Stefan Tyoler,
IETI-DP Solvers for Continuous Galerkin Isogeometric Analysis on multi-patch domains with non-matching interfaces
S2 416-1
10.12.2024  11:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Manfred Buchacher,
Some problems in algebraic dynamics
10.12.2024  11:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Audie Warren,
The Genus of Linkages via Tropical Geometry
10.12.2024  11:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Josef Schicho,
Mitsubishi is not classifiable
10.12.2024  10:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Jakob Obrovsky,
Hypergeometric and d'Alembertian solutions for coupled recurrence systems
10.12.2024  10:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Niels Lubbes,
Univariate linear factors of bivariate quaternionic polynomials
10.12.2024  10:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Ralf Hemmecke,
Buchberger Steps Samba
10.12.2024  09:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Jose Capco,
Questions on set-theoretic complete intersection of curves
10.12.2024  09:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Nikolai Fadeev,
Generalized asymptotic expansions
10.12.2024  09:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Manuel Kauers,
Flip Graphs for Polynomial Multiplication
05.12.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Michalis Kokkinos,
Incidence theory and applications
02.12.2024  14:00 RICAM PhD Seminar Serie
Lukas Weissinger,
Singular Value and Frame Decomposition-based Reconstruction for Atmospheric Tomography
28.11.2024  15:30 RICAM Colloquium
Prof. Tobias Breiten, TU Berlin
Linear control theory for nonlinear systems via Koopman lifting
SP2 416-2
28.11.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Lixin Du,
Symbolic summation in multivariate difference fields
K 009D
28.11.2024  10:15 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Friedrich Pillichshammer,
The L_p-discrepancy for finite p>1 suffers from the curse of dimensionality
S2 416-2
27.11.2024  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Krystian Kazaniecki, Institute of Analysis, JKU
Schur property for jump parts of gradient measures
KG 519
26.11.2024  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Theodore Cherriere,
Sizing and free-shape optimization of an inductance with a complex AC loss model
S2 416-1
21.11.2024  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Bilal Barakat,
Challenges and Opportunities of Model-based estimates for monitoring Sustainable Development Goal 4 on Education
S2 Z74
21.11.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Mario Ullrich,
s-numbers of operators in Banach spaces and applications
K 034D
18.11.2024  14:00 RICAM PhD Seminar Serie
Devika Khurana, JKU
First-passage time of SDEs to time-varying thresholds and its applications
15.11.2024  09:00
Career Planing & Farewell
14.11.2024  14:00
14.11.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Raphael Pages,
p-Riccati equation and factorisations of linear differential operators in positive characteristic
HT 177F
13.11.2024  13:30
CREATOR Post-Retreat Program, RICAM
Poster Session
13.11.2024  09:00
Scientific Presentation and Concluding Discussions
12.11.2024  09:05
Team Meetings and Collaboration (PhDs, Associates)
12.11.2024  09:00
Planning of Phase-2: Presentation and Discussion (PIs, SAB, Mercators)
11.11.2024  15:00
11.11.2024  10:45
Gender & Diversity Workshop
07.11.2024  15:30 RICAM Colloquium
Martin Hanke, Universität Mainz
Numerical algorithms for a stochastic realization problem
SP2 416-2
07.11.2024  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Gregor Zens,
Bayesian Factor Models for Age-Specific Demographic Counts
S2 Z74
07.11.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Oliver Roche-Newton,
The minimum degree question for the Maker Breaker Domination game
S2 048
06.11.2024  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Tomasz Cieslak, IMPAN
Fisher information, new functional inequalities and systems of PDEs
K 034D
04.11.2024  14:00 RICAM PhD Seminar Serie
Michael Winkler,
Continuation methods for higher-order density-based topology optimization
31.10.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Peter Fuchs,
Anshel-Clay nearrings
K 012D
30.10.2024  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Rami Ayoush, Institute of Analysis, JKU
On manifold n-widths
K 034D
28.10.2024  13:30 Guest lecture
Thaynara Arielly de Lima, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil
Formalization of a General Theory of Quaternions and Applications
RISC + Zoom
24.10.2024  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Paul Hametner,
The Neighborhood Conjecture for biased Maker-Breaker games
K 012D
24.10.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Steven Senger, Missouri State University
Dot product problems in various settings
K 012D
22.10.2024  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Alexandre Daby-Seesaram,
Hybridising standard reduced-order modelling methods with interpretable sparse neural networks for real-time patient-specific lung simulations
S2 416-1
21.10.2024  15:30 RICAM Group Seminar
Alexandre Daby-Seesaram, Ecole Polytechnique
Hybridising standard reduced-order modelling methods with interpretable sparse neural networks for real-time patient-specific lung simulations
SP2 416-1
21.10.2024  14:00 RICAM PhD Seminar Serie
Amira Meddah, JKU
Stochastic Hybrid Dynamical Systems for Simulating Low-Grade Glioma Evolution
21.10.2024  12:30 RICAM PhD Defense
Krishnendu Bhowmick,
Convexity, sumsets and discrete geometry
SP2 416-2
17.10.2024  15:30 RICAM Colloquium
Larisa Yaroslavtseva, University of Graz
On the complexity of strong approximation of SDEs with a non-Lipschitz drift coefficient
SP2 416-2
17.10.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Charlotte Hardouin, Univ Toulouse
Galois group for large steps walks
K 012D
16.10.2024  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Rami Ayoush, Institute of Analysis, JKU
On the universal approximation theorem pt. 2
K 034D
16.10.2024  13:00 Tag der offenen Bürotür am FB Mathematik
Mitarbeitende des FB,
Tag der offenen Bürotür am Fachbereich Mathematik - JKU
FB Mathematik
14.10.2024  13:30 Guest lecture
Prof. Dr. Mauricio Ayala-Rincón, Universidade de Brasília
Mechanizing Combinatorial Applications of Compactness
RISC, Hagenberg
10.10.2024  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Dariusz Ucinski,
Convex relaxation for optimum experimental design with correlated observations
S2 Z74
10.10.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Jeremy Berthomieu, Sorbonne
Algorithms for Gröbner bases change of order
BA 9911
10.10.2024  11:00 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Gerhard Larcher,
Some facts on Zaremba's conjecture
S2 416-2
09.10.2024  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Rami Ayoush,
On the universal approximation theorem pt. 1
K 034D
08.10.2024  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Florian Oberender, Göttingen
Density matrix reconstruction in ultrafast free electron optics
S2 416-1
08.10.2024  15:30 RICAM Group Seminar
Florian Oberender,
Density matrix reconstruction in ultrafast free electron optics
SP2 416-1
07.10.2024  14:00 RICAM PhD Seminar Serie
Stefan Tyoler,
Adaptive mesh refinement with non-matching Isogeometric multi-patch domains
04.10.2024  10:30 RICAM Group Seminar
Patricia Martinez Dias,
Digital-twin based assessment of atrial arrhythmias: influence of personalization strategies
SP2 416-2
03.10.2024  15:30 Gerhart Bruckmann Lecture in Statistics & DS
Tatyana Krivobokova,
An extended latent factor framework for ill-posed generalised linear regression
S2 Z74
03.10.2024  15:30 RICAM Group Seminar
Peter Balazs,
Frame Theory: the mathematical foundation for acoustics, quantum physics, numerics and machine learning.
SP2 416-2
03.10.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manuel Kauers,
A Shape Lemma for Differential Operators
BA 9911
27.09.2024  10:15 RICAM Group Seminar
Robin Hiniborch,
On linear independent T-Splines and their applications in two and three spatial dimensions
SP2 416-2
23.09.2024  15:00 RICAM Group Seminar
Theodor Komann, TU Darmstadt
Robust shape optimization
23.09.2024  14:00 RICAM PhD Seminar Serie
Minha Anees, RICAM
Enhancing the efficacy of radiofrequency ablation: developing in-silico human model for improved treatment outcomes
23.09.2024  13:30 Guest lecture
Prof. Dr. Tetsuo Ida, University of Tsukuba
An e-origami construction of a big wing crane
RISC, Hagenberg
18.09.2024  12:00 RICAM Group Seminar
Daniel Walter,
Minimization in spaces of measures: No-gap second order conditions and fast algorithms
SP2 416-2
11.09.2024  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Sumaia Saad-Eddin,
Asymptotic Properties of Zeta-Functions, Constrained $k$-Primes, and Arithmetic Functions
S2 053
10.09.2024  10:15 Seminar Geometrie
Ada Šadl Praprotnik,
Rational S-patches with application to exact sphere representation
S2 053
09.09.2024  14:00
Yisen Wang, RICAM
WZ-Pair in Combinatorial Identities
SP2 416-2
13.08.2024  10:45 Habilitation Colloquium
Robert Beinert, TU Berlin
Phase Retrieval: Uniqueness Guarantees, Tensorial Liftings, and Applications
SP2 416-2
22.07.2024  10:15 CANCELED
Eva-Maria Wagner, TU Wien
Recursive Synthesis in Saturation
S2 048
09.07.2024  11:00 Seminar Analysis
Thomas Schlumprecht, Texas A&M University
On stability, reflexivity, property Q, and Kalton's problem
S2 120
02.07.2024  14:00 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Peter Kritzer,
QMC and non-negative local discrepancy
S2 120
28.06.2024  10:15 Seminar Analysis
Rami Ayoush, Institute of Analysis, JKU
Embeddings of Barron spaces
MT 226/1
27.06.2024  15:30 RICAM Colloquium
Michael Hintermüller,
QVIs: Semismooth Newton, Optimal Control, and Uncertainties
S2 416-2
27.06.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Klara Bernauer,
Nullspace over the multivariate polynomials over a single algebraic extension
S3 048
26.06.2024  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Thomas Speckhofer, Institute of Analysis, JKU
Dimension dependence of factorization results and restricted invertibility
KG 519
21.06.2024  10:15 Seminar Analysis
Rami Ayoush,
Probabilistic Barron spaces
MT 226/1
20.06.2024  15:30 RICAM Colloquium
Marjeta Knez, University of Ljubljana
On Pythagorean-hodograph curves and their applications
SP2 416-2
20.06.2024  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
William Peden,
Philosophy of Science and the Statistics Wars
S2 Z74
20.06.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manfred Buchacher,
An introduction to tropical geometry
P 004
19.06.2024  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Markus Passenbrunner, Institute of Analysis, JKU
Variation inequalities for smartingales
KG 519
18.06.2024  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Stefan Takacs,
A preconditioner for Isogeometric Analysis for a parabolic optimal control problem in primal formulation
S2 044
14.06.2024  11:15 Guest lecture
Chaoping Xing,
Fast Fourier transform via automorphism groups of rational function fields
14.06.2024  10:30 Seminar Analysis
Rami Ayoush, Institute of Analysis, JKU
On spectral Barron spaces
MT 226/1
14.06.2024  09:45 Guest lecture
Joel Rivat,
The digits of prime numbers
14.06.2024  09:00 Guest lecture
Igor Shparlinski,
Exponential sums with matrix exponential functions
13.06.2024  15:50 Guest lecture
Arne Winterhof,
Some highlights of Harald Niederreiter´s work
13.06.2024  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Emmanuel Lesaffre,
The use of historical data in clinical trials: Does it pay off?
S2 Z74
13.06.2024  14:20 Guest lecture
Stefan Heinrich,
Memories and news on MCQMC
13.06.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Peter Fuchs,
Kernels of covered groups with operators from an inverse semigroup
P 004
12.06.2024  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Eduard Curca, University Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Interpolation and sums of Sobolev spaces
KG 519
11.06.2024  16:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Tim Boykett,
Automorphism groups of relation powers
HS 11
11.06.2024  16:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Peter Mayr,
2-nilpotent algebras
HS 11
11.06.2024  16:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Jakob Obrovsky,
On Solutions of Difference Equations over Rings with Zero Divisors
HS 11
11.06.2024  15:45 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Niels Lubbes,
Translational surfaces
HS 11
11.06.2024  15:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Mike Behrisch,
Decomposing lattices of integer partitions using arrow relations
HS 11
11.06.2024  14:45 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Guenter Pilz,
HS 11
11.06.2024  14:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Peter Fuchs,
Kernels of covered groups with operators
HS 11
11.06.2024  14:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Erhard Aichinger,
Observations on strong Gröbner bases over Euclidean domains
HS 11
11.06.2024  14:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Lixin Du,
Existence of telescopers for P-recursive sequences
HS 11
11.06.2024  13:45 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Lukas Hochholzer,
Benfordsche Gesetz
10.06.2024  13:30 Guest lecture
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Richard Küng, JKU
A (soft) intro to quantum computing
RISC Hagenberg
06.06.2024  15:30 Dissertationskolloquium
Priyanka Roy,
Learning in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces for selected Stochastic Processes
S2 120
06.06.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Thi Xuan Vu,
Symmetric Polynomials and Beyond, part 2
P 004
06.06.2024  10:00
Jakob Haselbacher, M3DM
Parametrization of a 3-state cell death model for esophageal tissue
SP3 047
05.06.2024  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Rami Ayoush, Institute of Analysis, JKU
On universal approximation theorem
KG 519
04.06.2024  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Andreas Schafelner,
Parallel multiple goal-oriented adaptive space-time finite element methods for quasi-linear parabolic evolution equations
S2 044
04.06.2024  13:45 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Luca de Gennaro Aquino, Universität Kopenhagen
Reference-dependent asset pricing with a stochastic consumption-dividend ratio
29.05.2024  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Ilya Zlotnikov, University of Vienna
Sampling in (quasi) shift-invariant spaces generated by ratios of exponential polynomials
KG 519
29.05.2024  10:15 Berufungsvortrag
Algebraic and Geometric algorithms: the era of non-linear computations (Hearing: Professorship “Computational Science”)
S4 025
29.05.2024  09:00 Berufungsvortrag
Reaction networks and positive solutions to systems of polynomial equations with real exponents (Hearing: Professorship “Computational Science”)
S4 025
28.05.2024  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Theodore Cherriere,
On multi-material topology optimization of electrical machines
S2 044
28.05.2024  11:30 Berufungsvortrag
Symbolic Computation Science (Hearing: Professorship “Computational Science”)
S4 025
28.05.2024  10:15 Berufungsvortrag
Desingularization with applications to special functions (Hearing: Professorship “Computational Science”)
S4 025
27.05.2024  11:30 Berufungsvortrag
Convexity and the sum-product problem
S4 025
27.05.2024  10:15 Berufungsvortrag
Computational Tropical Geometry and Its Applications (Hearing: Professorship “Computational Science”)
S4 025
27.05.2024  09:00 Berufungsvortrag
Applied Algebra: Combinatorics, Computation and Reality (Hearing: Professorship “Computational Science”)
S4 025
24.05.2024  10:00 Habilitation Colloquium
Dr. Silviu Cristian Radu, RISC
Algorithms and theorems for proving identities related to modular functions
HA 105 and via Zoom
23.05.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Thomas Speckhofer,
Symmetric Polynomials and Beyond, part 1
S3 057
22.05.2024  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Karol Lesnik, Adam Mickiewicz University
Absolutely summing inclusions of r.i. function spaces
KG 519
17.05.2024  09:00 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 6,
on Structures — Polyhedra, Meshes, Platforms
SP2 416-2 4th floor
16.05.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Yisen Wang,
Generalized Hermite Reduction, Creative Telescoping and Definite Integration of D-Finite Functions
S3 057
16.05.2024  11:00 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Arne Winterhof,
Legendre Pairs
S2 059
16.05.2024  09:00 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 6,
on Structures — Polyhedra, Meshes, Platforms
SP2 416-2 4th floor
15.05.2024  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Anton Tselishchev, Bar Ilan University
Schauder frames and bases of translates in L^p(R) spaces
KG 519
15.05.2024  09:00 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 6,
on Structures — Polyhedra, Meshes, Platforms
SP2 416-2 4th floor
14.05.2024  09:00 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 6,
on Structures — Polyhedra, Meshes, Platforms
SP2 416-2 4th floor
13.05.2024  14:00 Guest lecture
Tingyue Li, Fudan University
Quantitative Runge Approximation for Lamé System and its Applications to Numerical Methods
13.05.2024  10:00 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 6,
on Structures — Polyhedra, Meshes, Platforms
SP2 416-2 4th floor
08.05.2024  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Jakob Fromherz, Institute of Analysis, JKU
Radial variation of positive harmonic functions on Lipschitz domains - part II
KG 519
07.05.2024  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Stefan Tyoler,
IETI-DP solver for conforming Galerkin discretizations with hanging nodes
S2 044
03.05.2024  09:00 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 5,
on Kinematic Aspects of Robotics
SP2 416-2 4th floor
02.05.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Xiuyun Li,
Towards a Parallel Summation Algorithm
S3 057
02.05.2024  09:00 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 5,
on Kinematic Aspects of Robotics
SP2 416-2 4th floor
01.05.2024  09:00 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 5,
on Kinematic Aspects of Robotics
SP2 416-2 4th floor
30.04.2024  13:45 Seminar Analysis
Peter Yuditskii, Institute of Analysis, JKU
On point spectrum of Jacobi matrices generated by iterations of quadratic polynomial
S4 025
30.04.2024  09:00 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 5,
on Kinematic Aspects of Robotics
SP2 416-2 4th floor
29.04.2024  10:00 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 5,
on Kinematic Aspects of Robotics
SP2 416-2 4th floor
25.04.2024  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Asger Hobolth,
Phase-type distributions in mathematical population genetics: An emerging framework
S2 Z74
25.04.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Andreas Plank,
(Counter-) Model Counting for Quantified Boolean Formulas
S3 057
24.04.2024  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Jakob Fromherz, Institute of Analysis, JKU
Radial variation of positive harmonic functions on Lipschitz domains
KG 519
23.04.2024  16:15 NuMa Seminar
Markus Schwarz,
Modeling and Simulation of Anisotropic Magnetic Materials
S2 044
23.04.2024  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Eva-Maria Haslhofer,
Parameter estimation in lumped-parameter thermal networks
S2 044
23.04.2024  13:45 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Lena Hager,
Analysis of Option Trading Strategies
23.04.2024  10:15
R. Weinhandl, L. Del Chicca, S. Reichenberger, JKU
Mathematisches Grundwissen an der Schnittstelle Schule-Hochschule: Lehrplan, Zentralmatura, Anforderungen und Erfahrungen
S4 025
19.04.2024  09:00 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 4,
Barcamp — From rigidity to flexibility and back
SP2 416-2 4th floor
18.04.2024  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Johann Bacher,
Datenverknüpfung als neue Herausforderung der Umfrageforschung
S2 Z74
18.04.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Iryna Raievska and Maryna Raievska, University of Warsaw; Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine
Local nearrings and GAP
S3 057
18.04.2024  10:15 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Gunther Leobacher,
Permeable Sets
18.04.2024  09:00 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 4,
Barcamp — From rigidity to flexibility and back
SP2 416-2 4th floor
17.04.2024  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Bartosz Trojan, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Stationary states for stable processes with partial resetting
KG 519
17.04.2024  09:00 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 4,
Barcamp — From rigidity to flexibility and back
SP2 416-2 4th floor
16.04.2024  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Alessio Cesarano,
Tracing pareto-optimal points in multi-objective shape optimization applied to electric machines
S2 044
16.04.2024  13:45 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Philipp Götzenberger,
Portfolio-Selektion unter Berücksichtigung von Nachhaltigkeitsparametern
16.04.2024  09:00 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 4,
Barcamp — From rigidity to flexibility and back
SP2 416-2 4th floor
15.04.2024  10:00 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 4,
Barcamp — From rigidity to flexibility and back
SP2 416-2 4th floor
12.04.2024  09:30 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 3,
on Rigidity in Action
SP2 416-2 4th floor
11.04.2024  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Magdalena Muszynska-Spielauer,
Different dimensions of lifespan inequality
S2 Z74
11.04.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Simon Grünbacher,
The Algorithmic Lovasz Local Lemma
HS 11
11.04.2024  09:30 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 3,
on Rigidity in Action
SP2 416-2 4th floor
10.04.2024  09:30 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 3,
on Rigidity in Action
SP2 416-2 4th floor
09.04.2024  16:15 Seminar Analysis
Piotr B. Mucha, University of Warsaw
Besov spaces in action on the fluid mechanics systems
HS 11
09.04.2024  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Oliver Habrich,
Parameter identification in the Cahn-Hilliard equation
S2 044
09.04.2024  09:30 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 3,
on Rigidity in Action
SP2 416-2 4th floor
08.04.2024  09:30 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 3,
on Rigidity in Action
SP2 416-2 4th floor
08.04.2024  09:00 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 3 on Rigidity in Action
SP2 416-2 4th floor
05.04.2024  09:30 RICAM Workshop
day 3,
GRAPES conference
S2 416-2
04.04.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Yiman Gao,
An Additive Decomposition over Exponential Extensions
S2 059
04.04.2024  09:30 RICAM Workshop
day 2,
GRAPES conference
S2 416-2
03.04.2024  14:15 RICAM Workshop
day 1,
GRAPES Workshop
S2 416-2
03.04.2024  10:15 Guest lecture
Shaoshi Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Arithmetic Aspect of D-finite Power Series
SP2 416-1
21.03.2024  15:00 PhD defense
Bernardo Rossi, JKU Linz and CU Prague
Universal Algebraic Geometry and Polynomial Interpolation
S2 416-2
21.03.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Erhard Aichinger, JKU
How to describe polynomial functions - a survey of completeness results
T 406/1
21.03.2024  13:00 Dissertationskolloquium
Nepomuk Krenn, RICAM
Topology Optimisation of Electric Machines under Electro-Thermal Coupling
S2 416-1
20.03.2024  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Christos P. Tantalakis,
A special truncated K-moment problem
KG 519
19.03.2024  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Bogdan Radu,
A scalar potential approach for magnetostatics avoiding the coenergy
S2 044
19.03.2024  13:45 Master's Thesis Seminar_Inst. Finanzmath.
Johannes Grünberger,
Linear Complexity and Continued Fractions of Families of Binary Sequences
19.03.2024  11:00 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Sumaia Saad Eddin,
Key Conjectures in Zeta Function Theory: A Focus on the Mertens Conjecture
15.03.2024  09:00 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 2,
on Code of Rigidity
SP2 416-2 4th floor
14.03.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Alin Bostan, Inria
How to decide if a D-finite power series is algebraic?
14.03.2024  09:30 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 2,
on Code of Rigidity
SP2 416-2 4th floor
13.03.2024  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Rami Ayoush, Institute of Analysis, JKU
Alberti's type rank one theorem for martingales
KG 519
13.03.2024  09:30 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 2,
on Code of Rigidity
SP2 416-2 4th floor
12.03.2024  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Rainer Schneckenleitner, Tampere University
Model Order Reduction for the Simulation of Electrical Machines with Multi-Strand Windings
S2 044
12.03.2024  13:45 Dissertationskolloquium
Alessio Cesarano, RICAM
Shape optimization of rotating electric machines
S2 416-1
12.03.2024  09:30 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 2,
on Code of Rigidity
SP2 416-2 4th floor
11.03.2024  11:00 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 2,
on Code of Rigidity
SP2 416-2 4th floor
08.03.2024  09:30 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 1,
on Landscapes and Rigidity
SP2 416-2 4th floor
07.03.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manuel Kauers,
T 406/1
07.03.2024  09:30 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 1,
on Landscapes and Rigidity
SP2 416-2 4th floor
06.03.2024  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Peter Yuditskii,
Periodically modulated rescaling limits and canonical systems with cantor spectrum
KG 519
06.03.2024  09:30 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 1,
on Landscapes and Rigidity
SP2 416-2 4th floor
05.03.2024  09:30 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 1,
on Landscapes and Rigidity
SP2 416-2 4th floor
04.03.2024  13:30 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Workshop 1,
on Landscapes and Rigidity
SP2 416-2 4th floor
01.03.2024  09:00 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Training School,
with Bill Jackson and Hans-Peter Schröckner
SP2 416-2 4th floor
29.02.2024  09:00 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Training School,
with Bill Jackson and Hans-Peter Schröckner
SP2 416-2 4th floor
28.02.2024  09:00 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Training School,
with Bill Jackson and Hans-Peter Schröckner
SP2 416-2 4th floor
27.02.2024  09:00 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Training School,
with Bill Jackson and Hans-Peter Schröckner
SP2 416-2 4th floor
26.02.2024  14:00 Special Semester Rigidity & Flexibility 2024
Training School,
with Bill Jackson and Hans-Peter Schröckner
SP2 416-2 4th floor
26.02.2024  11:00 Guest lecture
Beata Ondrusova, Slovac Academy of Sciences
Addressing Obstacles in the Clinical Implementation of the Inverse Problem of Electrocardiography
S2 416-1
22.02.2024  17:00 ADWiM 2024
Closing Words
SP2 416-2 4th floor
22.02.2024  15:30 ADWiM 2024
Panel Discussion on Empowerment and Outreach,
with A. Edletzberger, S. Frühwirth-Schnatter, R. Rissner, S. Saminger-Platz
SP2 416-2 4th floor
22.02.2024  14:00 ADWiM 2024
Melissa Nielsen, LEA - Let's Empower Austria
Gender Talk
SP2 416-2 4th floor
22.02.2024  12:40 ADWiM 2024
Lunch Break,
combined with poster session
SP2 416-2 4th floor
22.02.2024  10:40 ADWiM 2024
Contributed Sessions,
S1: room 046; S2: room 044; S3: room 059; S4: room 054; S5: room 053
SP2 ground floor
22.02.2024  09:15 ADWiM 2024
Julia Eisenberg, Vienna University of Technology
Retirement: When time no longer equals money
SP2 416-2 4th floor
22.02.2024  09:00 ADWiM 2024
Herbert Egger / Stefan Koch, RICAM and JKU
SP2 416-2 4th floor
14.02.2024  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Michal Wojciechowski, Polish Academy of Scienc
Quaternionic, pluriharmonic functions
S2 059
13.02.2024  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Jiri V. Outrata,
On the implicit programming approach to MPECs via the SC generalized derivatives
S2 416-1
11.02.2024  09:00 Projektwoche Angewandte Mathematik
Danke an die Projektleiter*innen,
Projektwoche Angewandte Mathematik für Schüler*innen, 11. 2. - 15.2.2024
06.02.2024  14:00 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Sascha Desmettre,
Worst-Case Optimal Investment in Incomplete Markets
S3 048
31.01.2024  14:30 Dissertationskolloquium
Florian Aichinger, Ricam
Rough Volatility in Financial Markets and Electricity Spot Price Modeling
S2 059
25.01.2024  15:30 RICAM Colloquium
Volker Mehrmann, TU Berlin
Energy Based Mathematical Modeling, Simulation, and Control of Real World Systems
S2 416-2
25.01.2024  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Lenka Filova,
Optimal Designs Accounting for Efficacy and Toxicity
S2 Z74
25.01.2024  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Thomas Speckhofer,
Factorization of operators on Banach spaces
MT 327
25.01.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Oliver Roche-Newton,
The number of angles determined by a set of points
MT 327
18.01.2024  15:30 RICAM Colloquium
Peter Kritzer, RICAM
What lattice rules can do for you
S2 416-2
18.01.2024  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Herwig Friedl,
Hands-on Applications of Mixture models
S2 Z74
18.01.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Yurii Zhuchok,
On automorphisms of the category of free finitely generated dimonoids
MT 327
11.01.2024  15:30 RICAM Colloquium
Ekaterina Sherina, University of Vienna
On some Inverse Problems in Elastography
SP2 416-2
11.01.2024  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Gernot Filipp,
„Grenzgebiete“ – Überschneidungen von Theorie und Praxis in der amtlichen Statistik
S2 Z74
11.01.2024  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Stefano Fioravanti,
On Freese’s technique
MT 327
11.01.2024  10:15 Seminar Analysis
Thomas Speckhofer, Institut für Analysis, JKU
Dissertationskolloquium: Factorization of operators on Banach spaces
T 406/1
10.01.2024  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Benjamin Eichinger, TU Wien
Necessary and sufficient conditions for universality limits
T 406/1
09.01.2024  13:45 RICAM Group Seminar
Wolfgang Rannetbauer, voestalpine Stahl - TSM
SP2 416-2
14.12.2023  15:30 RICAM Colloquium
Philipp Grohs, University of Vienna and RICAM
Mathematical Aspects of STFT Phase Retrieval
SP2 416-2
14.12.2023  13:45 CANCELED
Audie Warren,
Galois groups of rigid graphs
MT 327
14.12.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manfred Buchacher,
Splitting a Rational Function over a Plane Algebraic Curve
MT 327
14.12.2023  10:15 RICAM Group Seminar
Lukas Spiegelhofer,
The simplest 2-regular sequences
SP2 416-1
13.12.2023  13:30 Dissertationskolloquium
Anton Ponomarchuk, RICAM
Towards an understanding of different classes of ReLU neural networks
SP2 416-2
12.12.2023  17:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Yuriii Zhuchok,
Representations of the strong endomorphism monoid of graphs
S2 0416-2
12.12.2023  17:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Niels Lubbes,
Topological types of surfaces that contain a great and a small circle through each point
S2 0416-2
12.12.2023  16:45 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Medhi Makhul,
Galois groups of rigid graphs
S2 0416-2
12.12.2023  16:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Vishnupriya Anupindi,
Reduced Digital Nets
S2 0416-2
12.12.2023  15:45 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Sumaia Saad Eddin,
Products of two proportional primes
S2 0416-2
12.12.2023  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Alessio Cesarano,
Continuation methods: implementation
S2 416-1
12.12.2023  15:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Manuel Kauers,
Radical Ideals in Ore Algebras
S2 0416-2
12.12.2023  15:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Manfred Buchacher,
Separating Variables over Plane Algebraic Curves
S2 0416-2
12.12.2023  15:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Simon Hubmer,
Quasi-Invariant Basis Functions with a Numerical Application
S2 0416-2
07.12.2023  14:45 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Giuseppe Baselli, Politecnico di Milano
Examples of AI bioimaging applications in realistic clinical frameworks
SP2 416-2
07.12.2023  14:00 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Tareen Dawood, King's College London
Uncertainty Awareness and Trust in Cardiac DL Models
SP2 416-2
07.12.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Xiuyun Li,
Stability Problems in Symbolic Summation
MT 327
07.12.2023  11:15 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Gianluigi Rozza, SISSA
SP2 416-2
07.12.2023  10:00 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Yinzhe Wu, Imperial College London
Generative AI in Medical Images
SP2 416-2
06.12.2023  16:45 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Bruno Viti, University of Graz
Gaussian Process for Cardiac Few-Shot Segmentation
SP2 416-2
06.12.2023  16:00 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Bettina Heise, JKU & Recent GmbH
Imaging radiation therapy induced (early) side effects at skin
SP2 416-2
06.12.2023  14:45 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Juan Toscano, Brown University
SP2 416-2
06.12.2023  14:00 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Qian Tao, TU Delft
Bayesian uncertainty estimation for medical image segmentation
SP2 416-2
06.12.2023  11:15 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
César Acebes, Hospital de la Santa Creu i San Pa
Advancements and Challenges in Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Image Processing in a clinical setting
SP2 416-2
06.12.2023  10:00 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Vijay Rajagopal, University of Melbourne
Deep learning workflows to visualise and quantify cardiac ultrastructre
SP2 416-2
05.12.2023  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Michael Winkler,
Continuation methods: theory
S2 416-1
05.12.2023  14:45 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Franz Thaler, Medical University of Graz
Deep Learning-based Semantic Medical Image Segmentation of MR and CT Data
SP2 416-2
05.12.2023  14:30 Guest lecture
Piotr Kawałek, Jagiellonian University Kraków and TU Wien
CC circuits-constructions and lower bounds
05.12.2023  14:00 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Philipp Seeböck, Medical University of Vienna
SP2 416-2
05.12.2023  11:15 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Jens Meier, Kepler University Hospital
Hidden gems in biomedical signals
SP2 416-2
05.12.2023  10:00 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Lorena Escudero Sánchez, University of Cambridge
AI applications in ovarian cancer computed tomography
SP2 416-2
04.12.2023  16:00 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Francesco Regazzoni, Politecnico di Milano
Augmenting physics-based models by means of Scientific Machine Learning methods in Computational Cardiology
SP2 416-2
04.12.2023  14:45 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Raquel Iniesta, King's College London
Developing medical AI that works for the benefit of all: a human-focused approach
SP2 416-2
04.12.2023  14:00 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Karli Gilette, Medical University of Graz
Generation of Synthetic Databases of 12 lead ECGs using Virtual Models of Whole Heart Electrophysiology
SP2 416-2
30.11.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Bernardo Rossi,
How to express conjunctions with few variables
MT 327
29.11.2023  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Cristian-Silviu Radu,
Algorithms and theorems for proving identities related to modular functions
S2 046
29.11.2023  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Michal Wojciechowski, Polish Academy of Sciences
Quaternionic, pluriharmonic function
T 406/1
28.11.2023  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Theodore Cherriere,
Newton methods
S2 346
28.11.2023  15:00 PhD defense
Duc Hoan Nguyen, RICAM
Regularization in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert space for Covariate Shift Domain Adaptation
S2 416-1
24.11.2023  12:00 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Lena Hager,
Analysis of Option Trading Strategies
S5 103
23.11.2023  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Camelia Trandafir,
Age-specific spatio-temporal patterns of ovarian cancer mortality in Spain
S2 Z74
23.11.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Shaoshi Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dynamics of P-recursive Sequences
MT 327
21.11.2023  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Matus Benko,
Sensitivity analysis of the solution mapping for a large class of optimization problems
S2 416-1
17.11.2023  11:15 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Richard Clayton, University of Sheffield
Calibration of cardiac electrophysiology models from experimental and clinical data – progress and challenges
SP2 416-2
17.11.2023  10:00 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Christoph Augustin, Medical University of Graz
SP2 416-2
17.11.2023  09:15 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Cristóbal Bertoglio, University of Groningen
Inverse Problems in Cardiovascular Biomechanics
SP2 416-2
16.11.2023  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Yarema Okhrin,
Computer-vision-based Bitcoin price forecasting with relevance-based clustering
S2 Z74
16.11.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Gerhard Wendt,
0-primitive near-rings
MT 327
16.11.2023  11:15 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Rolf Krause, Università della Svizzera Italiana
Coupled Approaches for Multiphysics Simulations in Cardiology - from CPU to GPU
SP2 416-2
16.11.2023  10:00 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Simone Pezzuto, Univeristy of Trento
Scientific Machine Learning for Cardiac Electrophysiology Applications
SP2 416-2
16.11.2023  09:15 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Yves Coudière, University of Bordeaux
Numerical simulation of cardiac pacing devices: modeling and validation issues.
SP2 416-2
15.11.2023  16:45 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Luca Pavarino, Univeristy of Pavia
Scalable parallel solvers for cardiac reaction-diffusion cell-by-cell models
SP2 416-2
15.11.2023  16:00 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Luca Dedé, Politecnico Milano
Multiphysics, multiscale, and computational models for simulating the human heart
SP2 416-2
15.11.2023  14:45 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Joakim Sundnes, SIMULA Research Laboratory
A mathematical model of myocyte contraction based on discrete representations of individual sarcomeres
SP2 416-2
15.11.2023  14:00 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Juan Carlos del Alamo, University of Washington
SP2 416-2
15.11.2023  11:15 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Oscar Camara, Universidad Pompeu Fabra
A tortuous pathway to develop, validate, and translate patient-specific computational models of left atrial haemodynamics to support occluder implanta
SP2 416-2
15.11.2023  10:00 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Adelaide De Vecchi, King's College London
Personalised modelling of thrombus formation in the left atrial appendage: revisiting the Virchow’s triad
SP2 416-2
15.11.2023  09:15 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Christian Vergara, Politecnico Milano
Image-based and data-integrated computational analyses for cardiac electro-physiology, hemodynamics, and perfusion
SP2 416-2
14.11.2023  16:45 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Martin Weiser, Zuse Institute Berlin
Adaptive multirate integration of cardiac electrophysiology in the EMI model
SP2 416-2
14.11.2023  16:00 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Yves Bourgault, University of Ottawa
Mathematical formulation and numerical methods for the Extracellular-Membrane-Intracellular model
SP2 416-2
14.11.2023  14:45 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Gary Mirams, University of Nottingham
Considering identifiability, model selection, experimental artefacts and model discrepancy in design of experiments to build ion channel models
SP2 416-2
14.11.2023  14:00 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Elizabeth Cherry, Georgia Tech
Data-informed approaches to simulations of cardiac electrical activity
SP2 416-2
14.11.2023  11:15 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Marina Strocchi, Imperial College London
Cell to Whole Organ Global Sensitivity Analysis and Parameter Inference on a Four-chamber Heart Electromechanics Model Using Gaussian Processes Emulat
SP2 416-2
14.11.2023  10:00 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Elias Karabelas, University of Graz
Gaussian Process Emulators – A powerful tool for scaling the generation of cardiac digital twins
SP2 416-2
14.11.2023  09:15 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Federica Caforio, University of Graz
Parameter Estimation in cardiac biomechanical models with physics-informed neural networks
SP2 416-2
13.11.2023  16:45 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Mariano Vázquez, ELEM Biotech & Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Supercomputer-based Virtual Humans: examples on cardiovascular modelling
SP2 416-2
13.11.2023  16:00 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Elena Di Martino, University of Calgary
In-vivo biomarkers as an aid to treatment planning for aortic aneurysms
SP2 416-2
13.11.2023  14:45 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Alfonso Bueno Orovio, University of Oxford
From comorbidities to pharmacogenetics in the modelling and simulation of inherited cardiomyopathies
SP2 416-2
13.11.2023  14:00 Special Semester Math. Methods in Medicine
Flavio Fenton, Georgia Tech
Nonlinear dynamics in the heart: From period three to spiral-wave teleportation as the mechanism for defibrillation
SP2 416-2
09.11.2023  15:30 RICAM Colloquium
Prof. Fredi Tröltzsch, TU Berlin
On the bang-bang principle for parabolic control problems
S2 416-2
09.11.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Sergey Yurkevich, U Wien
Biomembranes and creative telescoping
MT 327
07.11.2023  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Richard Löscher,
Space-Time Least Squares Methods
S2 416-1
06.11.2023  13:00 RICAM PhD Defense
Arpan Mukherjee, RICAM
Mathematical Analysis of Therapy Modalities using Heat Generation or Acoustic Cavitation
SP2 416-2
03.11.2023  10:15 RICAM PhD Defense
Fabian Hinterer, RICAM
Inverse problems in imaging applications across the scales
S2 048
31.10.2023  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Martin Halla,
Eigenvalue problems and compatible approximations
S2 416-1
27.10.2023  12:00 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Johannes Grünberger,
Linear Complexity and Continued Fractions on Families of Binary Sequences
S5 103
24.10.2023  15:30 Habilitation Colloquium
Mario Ullrich,
Random vs. optimal data for high-dimensional approximation
S2 046
19.10.2023  15:30 RICAM Colloquium
Arne Winterhof, RICAM
Applications of Number Theory
SP2 416-2
19.10.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Cyrille Chenavier, U Limoges
Computation of Koszul homology and application to involutivity of partial differential system
MT 327
18.10.2023  14:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. William Duke, UCLA Mathematics, USA
Integral and rational representations of forms
RISC, Hagenberg
17.10.2023  15:30 Guest lecture
Albert Vucaj, TU Wien
Clones on finite sets and Minion conditions
S2 054
16.10.2023  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Maria Heigl,
Isogeometric Analysis for a non-linear elasticity problem
S2 416-1
12.10.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Clement Pernet, U Grenoble
On the complexity of computing the characteristic polynomial
11.10.2023  14:30 PhD defense
Jakob Moosbauer,
Search Techniques for Matrix Algorithms
S2 416-2
10.10.2023  14:30 Seminar Analysis
Mathias Sonnleitner, University of Passau
Random vs. optimal information for approximation in Hilbert spaces
S2 416-2
10.10.2023  12:30 PhD defense
Jiayue Qi, RISC
On the Chow ring of moduli space of stable marked curves of genus zero
S2 059
05.10.2023  15:30 RICAM Colloquium
Tanja Tarvainen, University of Eastern Finland
Tomography using light and sound
SP2 416-2
05.10.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manuel Kauers,
The Theorem of Gessel and Viennot
MT 327
15.09.2023  10:30 PhD defense
Youssra Souli MSc,
Exploring stochastic models for the dynamics of biochemical reactions
S2 120
14.09.2023  16:00 NuMa Seminar
Johanna Beier,
Derivation and simulation of thermoelastic Kirchhoff plates
S2 416-1
13.09.2023  11:30 RICAM Workshop
Ye Ji, TU Delft/Dalian
Analysis-suitable Parameterization Techniques for Isogeometric Analysis
S2 416-2
13.09.2023  10:45 RICAM Workshop
Jochen Hinz, EPFL
Spline-based parameterisation techniques
S2 416-2
13.09.2023  09:35 RICAM Workshop
Marjeta Knez, University of Ljubljana
A family of C1 Clough-Tocher spline spaces on G0 piecewise quadratic domain partitions
S2 416-2
13.09.2023  09:00 RICAM Workshop
Jan Groselj, University of Ljubljana
C1 Clough-Tocher splines of higher degrees in a B-spline-like representation
S2 416-2
12.09.2023  16:15 RICAM Workshop
Hugo Verhelst, TU Delft
Isogeometric Analysis of Wrinkling
S2 416-2
12.09.2023  14:45 RICAM Workshop
Michael Wiesheu, TU Darmstadt
Topology Optimization of a Magnetocaloric Refrigeration System with Isogeometric Analysis
S2 416-2
12.09.2023  14:00 RICAM Workshop
Majd Kosta, Technion
Multi-material stress constrained topology optimization with precise evolving boundaries using IGA
S2 416-2
12.09.2023  11:30 RICAM Workshop
Benjamin Marussig, TU Graz
Immersed Boundary-Conformal Method: An isogeometric discretization for topology optimization?
S2 416-2
12.09.2023  11:05 RICAM Workshop
Felix Scholz, JKU
Optimizing isogeometric discretizations using deep neural networks
S2 416-2
12.09.2023  10:40 RICAM Workshop
Bert Jüttler, JKU
Locally linearly independent B-spline bases on adaptively refined hierarchical T-meshes
S2 416-2
12.09.2023  09:15 RICAM Workshop
Fehmi Cirak, Cambridge University
Unified geometry and analysis representations for shape and topology optimisation
S2 416-2
12.09.2023  08:30 RICAM Workshop
Emad Shakur, RICAM
Isogeometric analysis for solving topology optimization problems with precise and explicit boundary representation
S2 416-2
11.09.2023  17:00 RICAM Workshop
Andrea Bressan, IMATI CNR
A dirty trick
S2 416-2
11.09.2023  16:15 RICAM Workshop
Mario Kapl, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
C1 smooth isogeometric spline spaces for trilinearly parameterized multi-patch volumes
S2 416-2
11.09.2023  15:45 RICAM Workshop
Thomas Takacs, RICAM
Geometric Challenges in Isogeometric Analysis
S2 416-2
11.09.2023  14:30 RICAM Workshop
Stefan Takacs, JKU
An Introduction to Isogeometric Analysis
S2 416-2
11.09.2023  14:00 RICAM Workshop
Peter Gangl, RICAM
An Introduction to Topology Optimization
S2 416-2
11.09.2023  13:45 RICAM Workshop
Workshop on Topology Optimization and Isogeometric Analysis
S2 416-2
16.08.2023  14:50 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Robert Dougherty-Bliss,
New primality tests and their (very big) pseudoprimes
S3 057
16.08.2023  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Laura Dilly,
Maker-Breaker domination game
S3 057
16.08.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Dominik Baumann,
Automorphism group sizes of random graphs
S3 057
25.07.2023  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Nora Philippi,
Asymptotic analysis and numerical approximation of some partial differential equations on networks
S2 416-1
21.07.2023  17:00 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Wen-Fong Ke, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Sequences from symmetric products of {1,...,k}
S2 0371
10.07.2023  16:00 RICAM Group Seminar
Jarle Sogn, University of Oslo
Preconditioning and fast diagonalization of a parabolic PDE-constrained optimization problem using IgA
S2 416-1
10.07.2023  10:00 Guest lecture
John Sebastian Simon, Czech Academy of Sciences Prague
Stability analysis of the velocity tracking problem for the Navier-Stokes equations with bang-bang controls
S2 416-1
29.06.2023  15:30 RICAM Colloquium
Philipp Guth,
Optimization and Optimal Control
SP2 416-2
29.06.2023  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Jonas Guru,
Galois Theory: An illustrating algorithm
MT 226
29.06.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Thibaut Verron,
Computing tropical varieties using Tate series
MT 226
28.06.2023  15:15 PhD defense
Dany Esteban Rios Rodas,
Using Neural Networks to Generate and Optimize Parameterizations of Point Data for Fitting Spline Curves and Surfaces
SP5 102
27.06.2023  14:30 NuMa Seminar
Maria Heigl,
Isogeometric Analysis for a non-linear elasticity problem
S2 416-1
27.06.2023  14:15 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Bruno Cvitkusic,
Analyse von Put-Write Strategien auf den S&P500
S3 047
27.06.2023  14:00 PhD defense
Philipp Nuspl, RISC
Algorithms for linear recurrence sequences
MT 327
27.06.2023  13:45 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Philipp Grzywaczyk,
A New Estimate for the Existence of Primitive Elements of Finite Fields Outside of Affine Hyperplanes
S3 047
27.06.2023  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Michael Winkler,
On finding multiple stationary points of nonconvex, box-constrained optimization problems
S2 416-1
22.06.2023  15:30 RICAM Colloquium
Mourad Sini,
Inverse Problems and Mathematical Imaging
SP2 416-2
22.06.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Clemens Raab,
On integration in finite terms
22.06.2023  10:15 PhD defense
Lisa Groiss,
Contributions to Geometry Reconstruction with Splines: Parametrization and Adaptive Refinement
S2 416-2
21.06.2023  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Anton Tselishchev, Institute of Analysis, JKU
On multipliers into martingale $SL^infty$ spaces for arbitrary filtrations
S2 Z74
20.06.2023  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Bogdan Radu,
A mixed finite element method for 2D nonlinear magnetostatics
S2 416-1
15.06.2023  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Eiichi Isogai,
Sequential Estimation Problems
S2 Z74
15.06.2023  15:30 RICAM Colloquium
Michael Kolmbauer,
Transfer Group
SP2 416-2
15.06.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Simon Grünbacher,
Identity testing for sparse polynomials on rectangular domains
S2 054
15.06.2023  10:00 Seminar of Stochastic
Devika Khurana MSc, I. Stochastic
First passage times of solutions to certain SDEs with application to neuroscience.
SCP2 (0610)
14.06.2023  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Jakob Fromherz, Institute of Analysis, JKU
Metric embeddings/extensions and the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma
S2 Z74
13.06.2023  14:15 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Jakob Obrovsky,
Aperiodic 2-Adic Complexity of Binary Sequences
S3 047
13.06.2023  13:45 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Nico Stimmeder,
The Threshold Severity Model
S3 047
13.06.2023  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Monika Wolfmayr,
A posteriori error estimation for time-periodic eddy current problems
S2 416-1
08.06.2023  09:00 Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory
Fang Han, University of Washington
Chatterjee's rank correlation: what is new?
BH St.Magdalena
07.06.2023  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Richard Lechner, Institute of Analysis, JKU
The Gamlen-Gaudet construction in Haar system Hardy spaces
S2 Z74
07.06.2023  09:00 Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory
Andrea Zemánková, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Uninorms, n-uninorms and pseudo-uninorms with continuous underlying functions
BH St.Magdalena
06.06.2023  15:00 Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory
Alfred Müller, Universität Siegen
Decisions under uncertainty: sufficient conditions for multivariate almost stochastic dominance
BH St.Magdalena
06.06.2023  14:30 NuMa Seminar
Eva-Maria Haslhofer,
Parameter estimation in lumped-parameter thermal networks (LPTNs)
S2 416-1
06.06.2023  13:45 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Franziska Füßlberger,
Complex complementary sequences
S3 047
06.06.2023  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Franz Scharnreitner,
On energy based vector-hysteresis models
S2 416-1
06.06.2023  09:30 Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory
Irène Gijbels, KU Leuven
Copula-based dependence measures between random vectors
BH St.Magdalena
06.06.2023  09:00 Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory
40th Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory,
Copulas: Theory and Applications
BH St.Magdalena
01.06.2023  15:30 RICAM Colloquium
Bert Jüttler,
Geometry in Simulations
SP2 416-2
01.06.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Bernardo Rossi,
Polynomial interpolation in Mal'cev algebras
MT 226
31.05.2023  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Thomas Speckhofer, Institute of Analysis, JKU
Factorization in Haar system Hardy spaces (part 2)
S2 Z74
25.05.2023  15:30 RICAM Colloquium
Jan Giesselmann, TU Darmstadt
Observer based data assimilation for one dimensional, barotropic Euler equations on networks (Computational Methods for PDEs)
SP2 416-2
25.05.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manfred Buchacher,
Separating Variables in Bivariate Polynomial Ideals: The Local Case
S2 054
25.05.2023  10:30 Dissertationskolloquium
Duc Hoan Nguyen, RICAM
Regularized Domain Adaptation in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces
S2 416-2
24.05.2023  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Thomas Speckhofer, Institute of Analysis, JKU
Factorization in Haar system Hardy spaces (part 1)
S2 Z74
23.05.2023  14:15 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Stefan Pomberger,
Alternative Risk-Free Rates and its New Financial Instruments
S3 047
23.05.2023  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Massimiliano Leoni,
Modelling and numerical simulation of Veno-Venous Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (VV-ECMO)
S2 416-1
23.05.2023  13:45 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Michael Gutbrunner,
Ruin Probabilities in a Collective Risk Model with Hawkes claim arrivals
S3 047
17.05.2023  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Jakob Fromherz, Institute of Analysis, JKU
Eigenfunctions of the Fourier Transform
S2 Z74
17.05.2023  15:00 NuMa Seminar
Felix Engertsberger,
Master's Exam: The Scalar Potential Approach in Nonlinear Magnetostatics
S2 416-2
15.05.2023  13:30 RICAM Group Seminar
Michael Feischl, TU Wien
Stability of LU-Factorizations and Optimality of Adaptive Algorithms
S2 416-2
11.05.2023  15:30 RICAM Colloquium
Josef Schicho, RICAM
Symbolic Computation
SP2 416-2
11.05.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Philipp Nuspl,
Positive Sequences in the OEIS
S2 054
10.05.2023  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Anton Tselishchev,
Sampling in Bernstein and Paley-Wiener spaces, pt. 2
S2 Z74
10.05.2023  14:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Peter Kirschenhofer, Montanuniversität Leoben
On some problems concerning the distribution of polynomials with bounded roots
RISC, Hagenberg
09.05.2023  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Argyrios Petras,
Computational assessment of High Power Short Duration (HPSD) protocols in cardiac radiofrequency ablation
S2 416-1
03.05.2023  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Anton Tselishchev, Institute of Analysis, JKU
Sampling in Bernstein and Paley-Wiener spaces, pt. 1
S2 Z74
02.05.2023  14:30 NuMa Seminar
Andreas Schafelner,
Multigrid in Time for Time-Periodic Parabolic Evolution Problems
S2 416-1
02.05.2023  14:00 Guest lecture
Dr. Gerard Huet and Dr. Amba Kulkarni,
From lexical trees to effective Eilenberg machines: the Zen toolkit for computational linguistics
RISC, Hagenberg
02.05.2023  13:45 Dissertationskolloquium
Stefan Tyoler,
Efficient computation of a spline basis for adaptive multipatch discretizations
S2 416-1
27.04.2023  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Susanne Saminger-Platz,
On perturbing bivariate copulas and their dependence properties
S2 Z74
27.04.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Jakob Moosbauer,
The Boyer-Moore Algorithm for String Matching in Linear Time
S2 054
26.04.2023  10:15 Dissertationskolloquium
Jana Vráblíková, Inst. Angewandte Geometrie
Arc spline approximations of envelopes of swept volumes
S2 0346
25.04.2023  15:30 Dissertationskolloquium
Sofia Trautner,
Planar domain parameterizations and the Pythagorean-Hodograph boundary element method
S2 0346
20.04.2023  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Georg Zimmermann,
Handling ordinal outcomes in medical research
S2 Z74
20.04.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Matias Bender, Inria
Gröbner bases and systems of sparse polynomial equations
18.04.2023  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Astrid Pechstein,
Joint finite element models for structures and continua at large deformations
S2 416-1
30.03.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Diana Carolina Montoya, Universität Wien
Combinatorics of the reals and independence results
S2 054
29.03.2023  14:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Dr. Walter M. Bridges, Universitaet zu Koeln, Germany
Statistics for Unimodal Sequences
RISC, Hagenberg
28.03.2023  14:15 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Johannes Grünberger,
Maximale Kreuzkorrelation von Golomb-Costas-Arrays
S3 047
28.03.2023  13:45 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Armin Hinterreither,
About the Liouville function and its cryptographic suitability
S3 047
23.03.2023  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Elham Yousefi,
Optimal Design Methods for Model Discrimination
S2 Z74
23.03.2023  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Philip Turecek, U Erlangen
Counting finite magmas
K 224B
23.03.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Maximilian Jaroschek,
15 Jahre Studium? Von der Forschung in die freie Wirtschaft
K 224B
21.03.2023  14:15 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Lukas Wögerer,
Erzeugung positiv definiter Korrelationsmatrizen durch sukzessives Erweitern
S3 047
21.03.2023  13:45 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Theo Crazzolara,
Value-at-Risk with Vine Copulas
S3 047
16.03.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manuel Kauers,
Transcendence Certificates for D-finite Functions
S2 054
14.03.2023  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Alex Ferrer,
Structural optimization: past and recent advances
S2 416-1
08.03.2023  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Mario Ullrich,
Random vs. optimal data for high-dimensional approximation
HS 13
01.03.2023  14:00 Seminar Analysis
Thomas Schlumprecht, Texas A&M University
$L_1$-distortion of the Transportation space: a tale of two dimensions
S2 059
12.02.2023  14:00
Projektwoche Angewandte Mathematik 2023, 12.-16. Februar 2023
Schloss Weinberg
07.02.2023  15:00 RICAM PhD Defense
Bernhard Pöchtrager, RICAM
Coupling Multiphysical Systems in Automotive Simulation Software
SP2 416-2
02.02.2023  17:30 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Sebastian Moharitsch,
A Case Study of modeling electricity spot prices with a two factor model
S3 048
02.02.2023  17:15 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Nico Stimmeder,
The Threshold Severity Model
S3 048
02.02.2023  16:15 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Jakob Obrovsky,
2-Adic and Linear Complexity of Binary Sequences
S3 048
01.02.2023  13:30
Priyanka Roy, m3dm
Uniform convergence of empirical copulas induced by orbits of a special Markov process to singular copulas
S2 0610-2
31.01.2023  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Andreas Schafelner,
Goal-Oriented Adaptive Space-Time Finite Element Methods for Regularized Parabolic $p$-Laplace Problems
S3 048
26.01.2023  16:15 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Stefan Pomberger,
Alternative Risk-Free Rates and its New Financial Instruments
S3 047
26.01.2023  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Ritabrata Dutta, Warwick University
Sampling Likelihood-Free ‘generalized' posteriors with Stochastic Gradient MCMC
S2 Z74
26.01.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Lixin Du,
Hermite reduction for D-finite functions via integral bases
S2 048
24.01.2023  16:15 NuMa Seminar
Felix Engertsberger,
The Scalar Potential Approach In Nonlinear Magnetostatics
S2 046
24.01.2023  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Maria Heigl,
Isogeometric Analysis for non-linear elasticity problems
S2 046
19.01.2023  16:15 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Franziska Füßlberger,
Complex complementary sequences
S2 219
19.01.2023  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Sebastian Fuchs, University of Salzburg, Austria
Using dimension reduction for quantifying and estimating predictability and explainability in regression analysis
S2 Z74
19.01.2023  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Philipp Nuspl,
Order bounds for closure properties of C^2-finite sequences
S2 048
19.01.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Ronald Kamleitner,
The Complexity of Euclid's Algorithm
S2 048
19.01.2023  11:00 Guest lecture
Donato Vasquez Varas, RICAM
Learning polynomial optimal feedback laws of finite-horizon control problems
S2 416-2
19.01.2023  10:00 Dissertationskolloquium
Fabian Hinterer, Industrial Mathematics
Inverse problems in imaging applications across the scales
S2 517-2
17.01.2023  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Théodore Cherrière,
Topology optimization of an electrical machine from scratch: multi-material and multi-physics considerations
S3 048
17.01.2023  10:30 PhD defense
Vishnupriya Anupindi, RICAM
Linear Complexity of Sequences Derived From Hyperelliptic Curves of Genus 2
12.01.2023  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Luca Gerardo-Giorda, JKU
Differential equations meet data: quantifying uncertainty for strategy planning in Ecology and Disease.
S2 Z74
12.01.2023  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Maximilian Donnermair,
The Method of Four Russians
S2 048
12.01.2023  14:00 Guest lecture
Verónica Becher,
Perfect necklaces and their discrepancy estimates
S2 044
12.01.2023  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Jakob Fromherz,
GCDs for Polynomial Matrices
S2 048
10.01.2023  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Nepomuk Krenn,
Topology optimization of a rotating electric machine by the topological derivative
S3 048
29.12.2022  13:45 Seminar Analysis
Anton Tselishchev, Steklov Mathematical Institute
Littlewood–Paley–Rubio de Francia inequality for Walsh and Vilenkin systems
S5 101
15.12.2022  16:15 Master's Thesis Seminar_Inst. Finanzmath.
Michael Gutbrunner,
An Introduction to Hawkes Processes
S2 219
15.12.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Bernardo Rossi,
Polymorphisms and complexity theory
S2 048
15.12.2022  09:00 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Yilmaz Bilgi,
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for Synthetic Time Series Data Generation
S3 047
13.12.2022  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Ludwig Mitter,
Remarks on the Convergence of Successive Subspace Correction (SSC) Methods
S3 048
12.12.2022  16:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Georg Grasegger,
Rigidity of penny graphs
S3 047
12.12.2022  16:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Eriola Hoxhaj,
How to Reconstruct a Planar Map from its Discriminant
S3 047
12.12.2022  16:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Manuel Kauers,
Some potentially D-finite functions
S3 047
12.12.2022  15:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Anatolii Zhuchok,
Free dimonoids in varieties
S3 047
12.12.2022  15:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Jiayue Qi,
Vertex-splitting of a loaded tree
S3 047
12.12.2022  15:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Nils Lubbes,
Bivariate quaternionic factorizations and surfaces that decompose into two circles (joint work with Johanna Frischauf and Hans-Peter Schröcker)
S3 047
12.12.2022  14:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Pablo González Mazón,
Birational 3D free-form deformations of degree 1×1×1
S3 047
12.12.2022  14:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Peter Mayr,
Systems of term equations
S3 047
12.12.2022  14:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Franz Winkler,
Algebraic Geometry for Solving Differential Equations
S3 047
12.12.2022  10:15 PhD defense
Koustav Banerjee, DK "Computational Mathematics" and RISC
New Asymptotics and Inequalities Related to the Partition Function
09.12.2022  12:00 Seminar Analysis
Rami Ayoush, University of Warsaw
On finite configurations in the spectra of singular measures
S3 055
06.12.2022  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Josef Mergl,
Analysis and numerical approximation of a model for heat transfer via interfaces and radiation
S3 048
05.12.2022  14:00 PhD defense
Andrea Farahat,
Isogeometric Analysis with C1-smooth functions over multi-patch surfaces
SP2 416-2
01.12.2022  16:15 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Philipp Grzywaczyk,
Primitive Elements of Finite Fields outside of Affine Hyperplanes
01.12.2022  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Andrea Berghold, Med Uni Graz
Randomization in Clinical Trials
S2 Z74
01.12.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Clemens Hofstadler,
Universal truth of operator statements via ideal membership
S2 048
29.11.2022  14:00 PhD defense
Lixin Du,
Generalized Integral Bases and Applications in Creative Telescoping
28.11.2022  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Jarle Sogn,
Preconditioner for a 3D-1D inverse problem using IgA
S2 219
24.11.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Thibaut Verron,
Computing Gröbner bases for structured systems
S2 048
23.11.2022  14:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Ole Warnaar, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Cylindric partitions
RISC, Hagenberg
23.11.2022  10:15 Dissertationskolloquium
Philipp Langgruber,
C1-Smooth isogeometric splines on Multipatch domains
S2 Z74
22.11.2022  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Oliver Habrich,
On uniqueness and stable estimation of multiple parameters in the Cahn-Hilliard equation
S3 048
22.11.2022  13:45 Seminar Analysis
Michal Wojciechowski, Polish Academy of Sciences
''Microlocal approach to the Hausdorff dimension of measures - spectral basis of spherical harmonics on S^3
MT 128
17.11.2022  16:15 Master's Thesis Seminar_Inst. Finanzmath.
Theo Crazzolara,
Value at Risk with Vine Copulas - The Basics
S2 219
17.11.2022  14:00 Guest lecture
Dr. Xianchang Meng,
Chebyshev’s bias and related topics
S3 057
17.11.2022  13:45 Seminar Analysis
Bartosz Trojan, Polish Academy of Science
Hardy spaces on homogeneous Lie groups
HF 9904
17.11.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Yurii Zhuchok,
On some correspondences of endomorphism semigroups
S2 048
16.11.2022  10:15 Guest lecture
Deepesh Toshniwal, TU Delft
Almost-C1 splines: Construction and application to modelling and analyses on quadrilateral meshes
S2 Z74
15.11.2022  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Kathrin Hellmuth,
Kinetic inverse problems: kernel reconstruction from macroscopic data - an application to chemotaxis
S3 048
10.11.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Jakob Moosbauer,
Flip Graphs for Matrix Multiplication
S2 048
08.11.2022  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Marvin Fritz,
Well-posedness of mixed-dimensional and nonlocal phase-field models of Cahn-Hilliard type applied to tumor growth
S3 048
08.11.2022  13:45 Seminar Analysis
Ilia Binder, University of Toronto
Harmonic measure and Conformal maps: computational properties
HS 14
03.11.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Oliver Roche-Newton,
Counting arcs in the finite field plane
S2 048
03.11.2022  12:00 Seminar Analysis
Rami Ayoush, University of Warsaw
Dimensional estimates for measures on quaternionic spheres
S5 101
29.10.2022  11:00 DK Concluding Event
Peter Gangl,
Space-Time Simulation and Design Optimization of Electric Machines Closing
S2 416
29.10.2022  10:00 DK Concluding Event
Philipp Nuspl,
An extension of C-finite sequences: C2-finite sequences
S2 416
29.10.2022  09:00 DK Concluding Event
Lixin Du,
Hermite Reduction for D-finite Functions
S2 416
28.10.2022  16:30 DK Concluding Event
Amira Meddah,
A stochastic hierarchical model for low-grade glioma evolution
S2 416
28.10.2022  15:30 DK Concluding Event
Thorsten Hohage,
Learned Infinite Elements
S2 416
28.10.2022  14:30 DK Concluding Event
Jiayue Qi,
Vertex splitting of a loaded tree
S2 416
28.10.2022  13:30 DK Concluding Event
Nicolas Smoot,
Additive Number Theory: An Introduction to Partition Numbers and Their Mysterious Laws
S2 416
28.10.2022  11:00 DK Concluding Event
Mohab Safey El Din,
Polynomial system solving through Gröbner bases and applications
S2 416
28.10.2022  10:00 DK Concluding Event
Cecilia Schwalsberger,
Space-time parallel eddy currents and Kaczmarz methods for adaptive optics
S2 416
28.10.2022  09:00 DK Concluding Event
Antonella Falini,
Matrix Factorization algorithms and Error Functions for the task of Change Detection in HyperSpectral Images
S2 416
27.10.2022  16:30 DK Concluding Event
Christoph Hofer,
Fast Multipatch Isogeometric Analysis Solvers
S2 416
27.10.2022  15:30 DK Concluding Event
Anke Wiese,
The Exponential Lie Series for Ito Integrals
S2 416
27.10.2022  14:30 DK Concluding Event
Koustav Banerjee,
Error bounds for the asymptotic expansion of the partition function and its consequences
S2 416
27.10.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Krishnendu Bhowmick,
Flag algebra
S2 048
27.10.2022  13:30 DK Concluding Event
Rob Corless,
Computational Discovery on Jupyter
S2 416
25.10.2022  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Bogdan Radu,
A finite element time domain method for Maxwell's equations
S3 048
20.10.2022  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Alejandra Avalos Pacheco,
Multi-study Factor Regression Models for Large Complex Data with Applications to Nutritional Epidemiology and Cancer Genomics
S2 Z74
20.10.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Matthew England, University of Coventry
Cylindrical Algebraic Coverings: An SC-Square Success Story
19.10.2022  09:00 Guest lecture
Francois Boulier, Adrien Poteaux and David Bourqui,
Kolchin's irreducibility theorem
18.10.2022  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Nora Philippi,
An asymptotic preserving hybrid-dG method for convection-diffusion equations on pipe networks
S3 048
18.10.2022  13:00 Guest lecture
Delphine Boucher,
Equations with coefficients in a skew polynomial ring
18.10.2022  09:00 Guest lecture
Rida Ait El Manssour,
Multiplicity structure of the arc space of a fat point
13.10.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Erhard Aichinger and Simon Grünbacher,
Hardness of checking quasi-identities
S2 048
07.10.2022  09:15 Guest lecture
Prof. Ulrich Reif, TU Darmstadt
Degenerate Surface Patches
S2 416-1
06.10.2022  15:00 PhD defense
Sandra Merchel,
Local Regularization and Efficiency in Least-Squares Fitting by Tensor-Product Spline Surfaces
S2 416-1
06.10.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manuel Kauers,
A follow-up on Günter's talk
S2 048
06.10.2022  11:00
Dr. Julia Eisenberg, TU Wien
On Some Regime-Switching Problems in Insurance: What is the challenge?
S4 025
05.10.2022  15:30 PhD defense
Michael Mandlmayr,
Semismooth* Newton Methods for Quasi-Variational Inequalities and Contact Problems with Friction
BA 9909
29.09.2022  13:00 Seminar Analysis
Maciej Rzeszut, Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce
Disjointification inequalities for Hoeffding subspaces of $H^1$ on an infinite polydisc
S2 219
28.09.2022  14:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Krishnaswami Alladi, University of Florida
Special Seminar Talk: Schmidt-type theorems via weighted partition identities
RISC, Hagenberg
26.09.2022  14:30 Guest lecture
Dr. Nicolás A. Barnafi, University of Pavia
Robust and scalable solvers for cardiac electromechanics
S2 219
26.09.2022  13:30 Guest lecture
Prof. Krishnaswami Alladi, University of Florida
RISC COLLOQUIUM TALK: Stage Productions on Ramanujan – a Comparison
RISC, Hagenberg
20.09.2022  14:30 Guest lecture
Anatolii V. Zhuchok, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National Univ., Ukraine
Relatively free trioids
S3 048
11.08.2022  13:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Miriam Patry,
Line Sidon sets
S2 416-1
03.08.2022  12:00 Seminar Analysis
Maciej Rzeszut, Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce
Moments of bilinear forms of heavy-tailed random vectors
S5 102
02.08.2022  11:00 Guest lecture
Patrick Mehlitz,
On the fuzzy sum rule for the regular subdifferential
S2 416-2
14.07.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Viktoria Langenreither,
Restricted Lattice Walks
S5 102
12.07.2022  10:30 PhD defense
Onyekachi Osisiogu,
Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods: Component-by-Component Algorithms
30.06.2022  14:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Dr. George E. Andrews, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
LOCATION IS CHANGED: "Separable Integer Partition Classes"
only zoom
30.06.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Gleb Pogudin, Ecole Polytechnique
Fair and square: quadratizing differential equations
28.06.2022  16:15 NuMa Seminar
Michael Winkler,
(Fast) Proximal Gradient Methods
S5 101
28.06.2022  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Alessio Cesarano,
Space-time optimization of rotating electric machines
S5 101
23.06.2022  14:00 IFAS Research Seminar
Liana Jacobi, The University of Melbourne
Posterior Manifolds over Hyperparameter Regions (and Joint Prior Parameter Dependence)
S2 Z74
23.06.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Günter Pilz,
Which (sub)direct decompositions are useful?
K 009D
21.06.2022  14:30 Guest lecture
David Grynkiewicz, University of Memphis, TN, USA
Polynomial Methods in Combinatorial Number Theory
S3 048
14.06.2022  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Josef Mergl,
Modelling and simulation of heat transfer across interfaces
S2 054
14.06.2022  15:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Vishnupriya Anupindi,
Linear Complexity
S2 416-2
14.06.2022  14:45 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Tim Boykett,
Maximal and Minimal permutation clones - some notes
S2 416-2
14.06.2022  14:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Erhard Aichinger,
Learning polytopes
S2 416-2
14.06.2022  14:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Yurii Zhuchok,
Endomorphisms of free commutative monogenic trioids
S2 416-2
14.06.2022  13:45 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Myriam Dupraz,
Optimal Products Representation
S2 416-2
14.06.2022  13:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Günter Pilz,
Vanishing Polynomials
S2 416-2
14.06.2022  11:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Manuel Kauers,
S2 416-2
14.06.2022  11:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Manfred Buchacher,
Effective arithmetic for multivariate algebraic series
S2 416-2
14.06.2022  11:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Christoph Koutschan,
Guessing with little data
S2 416-2
14.06.2022  10:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Jiayue Qi,
An identity on multinomial coefficient
S2 416-2
14.06.2022  10:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Peter Mayr,
S2 416-2
10.06.2022  13:30 Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory
Libor Behounek,
Some non-mainstream uses of fuzzy logic
Bildungszentrum St.M
10.06.2022  09:00 Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory
Guillermo Badia,
New foundations of reasoning via real-valued first-order logics
Bildungszentrum St.M
09.06.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Thibaut Verron,
What is the complexity of computing a Gröbner basis?
K 009D
09.06.2022  11:30 Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory
Christian Fermüller,
Fuzzy judgment aggregation – background, observations, ideas
Bildungszentrum St.M
09.06.2022  10:30 PhD defense
Ahcene Ghandriche, RICAM
PhD Defense: Mathematical Analysis of Imaging Modalities Using Bubbles or Nano-particles as Contrast Agents
09.06.2022  09:00 Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory
Gabriella Pigozzi,
Judgment aggregation. An overview on a logical aggregation problem, from impossibility results to feasible rules
Bildungszentrum St.M
08.06.2022  16:00 Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory
Zuzana Hanikova,
A case for constants
Bildungszentrum St.M
08.06.2022  09:30 Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory
Luciano Serafini,
Logic Tensor Networks
Bildungszentrum St.M
02.06.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manfred Buchacher,
x(1-t(x^{-1}+x)) F(x;t) = x - t F(0;t)
K 009D
01.06.2022  12:00 Guest lecture
Carlotta Giannelli,
Path planning and path following for autonomous vehicles with PH quintic splines
31.05.2022  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Clemens Hofreither,
A Newton's method for best uniform rational approximation
S2 054
31.05.2022  10:15 PhD defense
Pascal Weinmüller,
Weak and approximate C1 smoothness over multi-patch domains in isogeometric analysis
MZ 003A
24.05.2022  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Theresa Köfler,
Symbolic Local Fourier Analysis to determine the inf-sup stability of the Stokes equation
S2 054
20.05.2022  13:15 Seminar Analysis
Michal Wojciechowski, IMPAN Warsaw
Microlocal approach to the Hausdorff dimension of measures
S5 101
19.05.2022  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Paul Hofmarcher, Paris-Lodron-University Salzburg
Gaining Insights on US Senate Speeches Using a Time Varying Text Based Ideal Point Model
S2 Z74
19.05.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Bernardo Rossi,
Minimal algebras
K 009D
17.05.2022  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Vesvolod Shahskov, TU Darmstadt
MONA - magnetic oriented modals analysis for electric circuit
S2 054
17.05.2022  10:15 Guest lecture
John R. Schmitt, Middlebury College, Vermont, USA
The polynomial method for combinatorial problems
S3 048
12.05.2022  16:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Werner Brannath, University Bremen
A liberal type I error rate for studies in precision medicine
S3 047
12.05.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Paul Hametner,
Artin's proof of Hilbert's 17th problem
K 009D
12.05.2022  13:45 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Sebastian Moharitsch, Institut für Finanzmathematik
Modelling frameworks for electricity spot prices
10.05.2022  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Michael Winkler,
Introduction to Proximal Gradient Methods
S2 054
06.05.2022  12:25 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Alexander Labovsky, Michigan Technological University
Large Eddy Simulation with Correction (LES-C) – a new class of turbulence models
06.05.2022  12:00 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Douglas R. Q. Pacheco, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Initial higher-order pressure convergence in unbalanced finite element discretizations of incompressible flow problems
06.05.2022  11:35 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Christoph Augustin, Medical University of Graz
An accurate and efficient finite element framework with applications to cardiac electromechanics
06.05.2022  11:10 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Maximilian Brunner, TU Wien
Rate-optimal goal-oriented adaptive FEM for semilinear elliptic PDEs
06.05.2022  10:15 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Raphael Watschinger, TU Graz
A Time-Adaptive Fast Multipole Boundary Element Method for the Heat Equation
06.05.2022  09:50 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Ceyhun Özdemir, TU Graz
A 3D finite element - boundary element coupling method in time domain for the scalar wave equation
06.05.2022  09:25 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Richard Kowar, Universität Innsbruck
Analysis for Full Field Photoacoustic Tomography with Variable Sound Speed
06.05.2022  09:00 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Peter Gangl, RICAM
Application of topological derivative in discrete material optimiazton
05.05.2022  18:10 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Nepomuk Krenn, RICAM
Finite element analysis for topological derivatives of optimization problems subject to a linear PDE constraint
05.05.2022  17:45 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Michael Neunteufel, TU Wien
Analysis of intrinsic curvature approximations with Regge finite elements
05.05.2022  17:20 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Ani Miraçi, TU Wien
A-posteriori-steered and hp-robust multigrid solvers
05.05.2022  16:55 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Othmar Koch, Wolfgang Pauli Institute Vienna
Adaptive Magnus-type integrators for the simulation of solar cells
05.05.2022  16:30 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Martin Halla, Georg-August Universität Göttingen
Finite Element Approximation of Holomorphic Eigenvalue Problems
05.05.2022  15:40 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Richard Löscher, TU Graz
Towards unconditionally stable space-time FEM for the wave equation
05.05.2022  15:15 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Mario Gobrial, TU Graz
Space-Time Finite Element Methods in Moving Domains
05.05.2022  14:50 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Alessio Cesarano, RICAM
Space-time optimization of rotating electric machines
05.05.2022  14:25 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Marco Zank, Universität Wien
Direct Space-Time Solvers for a Conforming FEM for the Wave Equation
05.05.2022  14:00 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Julia I.M. Hauser, TU Dresden
A Space-Time Finite Element Method for the vectorial wave equation under consideration of Ohm’s Law
05.05.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Christine Schoissengaier,
How to express polynomials as a composition of other polynomials
K 009D
05.05.2022  12:00 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Olaf Steinbach, TU Graz
Space-time finite and boundary element methods
05.05.2022  11:30 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Gundolf Haase, University of Graz
CFD Simulations in Cardivascular Systems
05.05.2022  11:00 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Clemens Hofreither,
(Best) Rational Approximation and Fractional Diffusion
05.05.2022  10:00 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Gabriel Wittum, CEMSE, KAUST
Double enriched finite volume spaces for the DNS of fluid-particle interaction
05.05.2022  09:30 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Wolfgang Hackbusch, University Kiel
Computation of Optimal Exponential Sums w.r.t. the Maximum Norm
05.05.2022  09:00 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Wolfgang L. Wendland, Universität Stuttgart
Boundary Integral Equations for Scattering by a Perfect Electric Conducto
04.05.2022  17:00 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Stefan Takacs,
Domain Decomposition Methods for the Stokes and elasticity problems in Isogeometric Analysis
04.05.2022  16:30 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Jarle Sogn, University of Oslo
Operator precondition for multiple saddle point problems
04.05.2022  16:00 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Dirk Pauly, TU Dresden
Hilbert Complexes and PDEs
04.05.2022  15:00 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Joachim Schöberl, TU Vienna
NGSolve – a finite element package for teaching and research
04.05.2022  14:30 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Dietrich Braess, University of Bochum
Approximation of 1/||x||^α by exponential sums and multidimensional integrals: From Heron to multidimensional integrals
04.05.2022  14:00 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
Heinz Engl, University of Vienna
From Hans-Jörg Wacker via Walter Zulehner to Ulrich Langer: personal recollections about a very successful time for applied mathematics in Linz
04.05.2022  13:45 Austrian Numerical Analysis Days
AnaDays & Retirement Colloquium for U. Langer and W. Zulehner (4 - 6 May 2022)
28.04.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Jakob Moosbauer,
Computing normal forms of matrix multiplication algorithms
K 009D
27.04.2022  14:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Armin Straub, University of South Alabama
Sums of powers of binomials, their Apery limits, and Franel’s suspicions
26.04.2022  16:15 NuMa Seminar
Michael Mandlmayr,
Semismooth* Newton Methods for Quasi-Variational inequalities and Contact Problems with friction
S2 054
26.04.2022  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Nora Philippi, TU Darmstadt
Singular perturbation of transport problems on pipe networks
S2 054
25.04.2022  13:30 Guest lecture
Prof. Armin Straub, University of South Alabama
RISC Colloquium Talk: “Lucas congruences and congruence schemes”
07.04.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Simon Grünbacher,
Verification of Quasi-Identities over Finite Algebras
K 009D
05.04.2022  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Nepomuk Krenn,
Finite element analysis for topological derivatives of optimization problems subject to a linear PDE constraint
S2 054
31.03.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Erkko Lehtonen, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
On clonoids of Boolean functions
K 009D
29.03.2022  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Stefan Tyoler,
Adaptivity with isogeometric patches
S2 054
24.03.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Ali Uncu, Ricam / U Bath
Some Recent Progress in Cylindric Partitions
K 009D
23.03.2022  15:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Dr. Ken Ono, University of Virginia, U.S.A.
Sato-Tate type distributions for hypergeometric varieties
22.03.2022  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Bogdan Radu,
Finite element mass lumping in H(curl)
S2 054
18.03.2022  13:45 Seminar Analysis
Michał Wojciechowski, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw Warsaw
S2 219
17.03.2022  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Stefan Rass, JKU
On Privacy in Machine Learning by Plausible Deniability
S2 Z74
17.03.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Oliver Roche-Newton,
Elementary methods for the sum-product problem
K 009D
16.03.2022  15:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Ken Ono, University of Virginia
AGM and Jellyfish Swarms of Elliptic Curves
15.03.2022  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Andreas Schafelner,
Adaptive space-time finite element methods for parabolic optimal control problems
S2 054
10.03.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manuel Kauers,
Guessing with little data
K 009D
02.03.2022  14:00 PhD defense
Andreas Schafelner,
Space-Time Finite Element Methods
25.02.2022  13:45 Seminar Analysis
Aleksander Pawlewicz, University of Warsaw
On the factorisation of Sobolev embedding operator
S3 048 & Zoom
27.01.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Lixin Du,
Shift Equivalence Testing of Multivariate Polynomials
26.01.2022  14:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. George Andrews, PennState University
4-Shadows in q-Series, the Kimberling Index, and Garden of Eden Partitions -- A Tribute to Hansraj Gupta
25.01.2022  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Nora Philippi,
Relative energy estimates, asymptotic stability and structure preserving discretization for isentropic flow in gas networks
20.01.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Bernardo Rossi,
On when the union of two algebraic sets is algebraic
18.01.2022  10:00 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Florian Aichinger,
Utility maximization in multivariate Volterra Models
13.01.2022  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Shaoshi Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Stability Problems in Symbolic Integration and Summation
12.01.2022  13:45 Dissertationskolloquium
Alexander Brunhuemer,
Option Strategies, Stochastic simulation and QMC Portfolio optimization
16.12.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Clemens Raab,
Reduction systems and degree bounds for integration
14.12.2021  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Helmut Gfrerer,
On the SCD semismooth* Newton method
14.12.2021  10:30 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Sarah Wolfsegger,
Development of a Realistic Simulation Environment for S&P 500 Option and Future Trading
09.12.2021  15:00 PhD defense
Rainer Schneckenleitner,
Analysis and Applications of IETI-DP Solvers
09.12.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Klara Bernauer,
Hermite Interpolation with error correction
02.12.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Jakob Moosbauer,
On the Additive Complexity of Matrix Multiplication
01.12.2021  14:00 Guest lecture
Jana Vráblíková,
Envelopes of Quadric Surfaces
01.12.2021  13:45 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Louisa Hofmann,
Panjer recursion versus FFT for compound distributions in collective risk modeling
30.11.2021  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Andreas Schafelner,
Space-time Finite Element Methods
25.11.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
David Stinner,
Polynomial equations and notions of solvability
23.11.2021  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Daniel Jodlbauer,
Matrix-free solvers for nonlinear problems
18.11.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Peter Fuchs,
Kernels of covered groups over completely regular inverse semigroups
T 406
18.11.2021  10:15 Guest lecture
Michal Zdražil,
Photogrammetry: The art of turning photos into cities, houses and wooden eagles
S2 044
16.11.2021  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Stefan Takacs,
Dual-Primal Isogeometric Tearing and Interconnecting (IETI) Methods for the Stokes problem
S3 048
16.11.2021  14:00
Peter Yuditskii, JKU
On Deift Problem
S2 416-2
16.11.2021  13:45 Guest lecture
Ivana Varga, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Košice
Clones of compatible operations on rings Z_n
HS 19
16.11.2021  11:00
Benjamin Eichinger, TU Wien
An approach to universality using Weyl m-functions
S2 416-2
11.11.2021  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Ulrike Schneider, TU Wien
The Geometry of Model Selection and Uniqueness of Lasso-Type Methods
HF 9904
11.11.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Julia Reidinger,
The RSK algorithm
T 406
09.11.2021  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Jarle Sogn,
Robust multigrid methods for biharmonic problem problems with application to PDE-constrained optimization using IGA
S3 048
08.11.2021  13:30 PhD defense
Manfred Buchacher,
Algorithms for the Enumeration of Lattice Walks
04.11.2021  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Florian Meinfelder, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Propensity Score Matching and Statistical Matching
HF 9904
04.11.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Paul Hametner,
The Tarski irredundant basis theorem and the finite soluble groups
T 406
03.11.2021  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Rainer Schneckenleitner,
Analysis and Applications of IETI-DP Solvers
S2 346
28.10.2021  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Erhard Aichinger,
When is the value of a polynomial determined by the value of other polynomials?
T 406
28.10.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Jakob Obrovsky,
An Algorithm to determine the Algebraicity of Gauss Hypergeometric Functions
T 406
21.10.2021  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Petr Mazouch & Tomáš Karel, Prague University of Economics and Business
Data Quality in Economic and Demographic Statistics
MT 128, SP1
21.10.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Thibaut Verron,
Extensions of signature Gröbner bases: rings and the free algebra
T 406
19.10.2021  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Bogdan Radu,
A second order multipoint flux mixed finite element method on hybrid meshes
S3 048
19.10.2021  10:30 PhD defense
Alessandro Giust, DK
Local Projectors for (Truncated) Hierarchical B-splines and their Application to Weighted Isogeometric Collocation
14.10.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Clemens Hofstadler,
Signature Groebner Bases
T 406
13.10.2021  15:45 Guest lecture
Vadim Markel, RICAM
Nonlinearity of Inverse Scattering Problem and the Resolution Limit: Does Multiple Scattering Provide Subwavelength Information?
SP2 416-2
11.10.2021  15:45 Guest lecture
Mikko Salo, RICAM
Instability mechanisms in inverse problems
SP2 416-2
11.10.2021  15:00 Guest lecture
Matti Lassas, RICAM
Geometric inverse problems and non-linear partial differential equations
SP2 416-2
07.10.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manuel Kauers,
Closure Properties for ADE Functions
T 406
06.10.2021  08:30 Guest lecture
Hugo Verhelst, TU Delft
IGA for wrinkling modelling: the past, the present and the future
S2 046
24.09.2021  14:00 Guest lecture
Arkady Tsurkov, Federal U of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil
IBN-varieties of algebras
S3 057
02.08.2021  09:00 Guest lecture
Clemens Hofstadler,
Solving QBFs with Monte Carlo Tree Search
01.07.2021  16:30 Workshop ADES -- retirement Franz Winkler
Franz Winkler, JKU, Linz, Austria
My Life in Computer Algebra
01.07.2021  16:00 Workshop ADES -- retirement Franz Winkler
Ioannis Emiris, Athens, Greece
Bounding the number of roots of algebraic systems: A combinatorial bound on the m-Bezout number
01.07.2021  15:30 Workshop ADES -- retirement Franz Winkler
Deepak Kapur, Albuquerque, USA
Weird Gröbner Bases: An Application of AC Congruence Closure
01.07.2021  15:00 Workshop ADES -- retirement Franz Winkler
Dongming Wang, Beijing, China and Paris, France
Characteristic Decomposition = Gröbner Bases + Triangular Sets
01.07.2021  14:30 Workshop ADES -- retirement Franz Winkler
Sonia Perez-Diaz, Madrid/Alcalá, Spain
Base Points and Polynomial Surface Reparametrizations
01.07.2021  14:00 Workshop ADES -- retirement Franz Winkler
Fritz Schwarz, St. Augustin/Bonn, Germany
Solving Second-Order Differential Equations by Decomposition
01.07.2021  11:30 Workshop ADES -- retirement Franz Winkler
J. Rafael Sendra, Madrid/Alcalá, Spain
My differential equation has nested radicals of polynomials as coefficients
01.07.2021  11:00 Workshop ADES -- retirement Franz Winkler
Martin Kreuzer, Passau, Germany
Differential Methods For 0-Dimensional Schemes
01.07.2021  10:30 Workshop ADES -- retirement Franz Winkler
James H. Davenport, Bath, UK
Structure in Polynomial Systems
01.07.2021  10:00 Workshop ADES -- retirement Franz Winkler
Scoot McCallum, Sydney, Australia
Differential Resultants
01.07.2021  09:30 Workshop ADES -- retirement Franz Winkler
Ziming Li, Beijing, China
Determining Constant Residues by Evaluation
01.07.2021  09:15 Workshop ADES -- retirement Franz Winkler
Peter Paule, JKU, Linz, Austria
Welcome - ADES workshop
29.06.2021  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Maria Heigl,
Bernstein-Kollokation für ein Problem der nichtlinearen Elastizität
28.06.2021  13:45 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Madita Raab-Obermayr,
Analysis of a Class of Derivative Trading Strageties
24.06.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Georg Regensburger,
Positive solutions of generalized polynomial systems with real exponents and chemical reaction networks
24.06.2021  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Prof. Franz Winkler, RISC, Johannes Kepler University
My Life in Computer Algebra
22.06.2021  15:30 Dissertationskolloquium
Michael Mandlmayr,
Semismooth* Newton Methods
21.06.2021  14:30 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Lena Hager,
Relation and Correlation between VIX and SPX
21.06.2021  13:45 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Franziska Füßlberger,
Applications of quadratic residues
17.06.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Elaine Wong, RICAM
Binomial Determinants for Tiling Problems Yield to the Holonomic Ansatz
15.06.2021  15:30 Dissertationskolloquium
Ludwig Mitter,
Dissertation colloquium: efficient local multigrid solvers for adaptive isogeometric analysis in hierarchical spline spaces
15.06.2021  11:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Thibaut Verron,
Combining polynomials for Gröbner bases over Z
15.06.2021  11:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Bernardo Rossi,
Solution sets of universal algebraic equations
15.06.2021  11:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Oliver Roche-Newton,
Additive and Multiplicative Sidon Sets
15.06.2021  10:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Guenter Pilz,
How to check associativity
15.06.2021  10:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Peter Mayr,
The Fraisse limit of direct powers of a finite simple algebra
15.06.2021  10:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Clemens Hofstadler,
Finding monomials in polynomial ideals
15.06.2021  09:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Peter Fuchs,
Generalized translation structures over completely regular semigroups
15.06.2021  09:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Sebastian Falkensteiner,
Tropical Differential Algebra
15.06.2021  09:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Tim Boykett,
Recurrence relations on groups
14.06.2021  14:30 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Thomas Pilgerstorfer,
Applications of Monte-Carlo Methods in finance
14.06.2021  13:45 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Björn Krämer,
Rating of Options in a trinomic model
10.06.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Clemens Hofstadler,
Solving QBFs with AlphaZero
10.06.2021  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Prof. Katsusuke Nabeshima, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Computing Noetherian differential operators of zero-dimensional primary ideals and their applications
08.06.2021  16:15 NuMa Seminar
Rainer Schneckenleitner,
An inexact Dual-Primal Isogeometric Tearing and Interconnecting Method for continuous Galerkin discretizations
08.06.2021  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Andreas Schafelner,
Adaptive space-time finite element methods for parabolic optimal control problems
07.06.2021  14:30 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Nico Stimmeder,
Various methods for simulating a Brownian motion
07.06.2021  13:45 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Louisa Hofmann,
The Panjer-Recursion in collective risk modeling
07.06.2021  08:00 Habilitation Colloquium
Thomas Takacs,
Smooth Geometries for Isogeometric Analysis from tensor-product patches to spline manifolds
01.06.2021  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Stefan Tyoler,
Solving the p-Laplace problem using Isogeometric Analysis
27.05.2021  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Sara Moosbauer,
How to Solve Monthly Problems with the Computer
27.05.2021  14:00 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Quoc-Nam Tran, Southeastern LA University, USA
Formal Validation of Automation Systems using Model Checkers
27.05.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manuel Kauers,
Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition
20.05.2021  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Evans Doe Ocansey,
Difference ring algorithm for nested products
20.05.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
David Stinner,
Algebraic Geometry over algebraic structures and Unification theorems
20.05.2021  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Kreuzer, Le, Falkensteiner, Mitteramskogler,
Joint Seminar RISC -- Universität Passau
18.05.2021  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Jarle Sogn,
Robust multigrid methods for biharmonic problems discretized with IGA
17.05.2021  13:45 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Patrick Riegler,
A Deep Learning Approach to the Star Discrepancy Subset Selection Problem
11.05.2021  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Maria Heigl,
Bernstein-Kollokation für ein Problem der nichtlinearen Elastizität
06.05.2021  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Phillip Nuspl,
Generalizing C-finite sequences
06.05.2021  14:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Prof. Ekaterina Shemyakova, University of Toledo, USA
On super Plücker embedding and cluster algebras
06.05.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Shaoshi Chen,
Separability Problems in Creative Telescoping
29.04.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Bernardo Rossi,
Solution sets of universal algebraic equations
29.04.2021  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Yanli Huang, Tiangong University, Tianjin, China
Robust passivity of coupled reaction-diffusion Cohen-Grossberg neural networks
27.04.2021  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Clemens Hofreither,
On Rational Krylov and Reduced Basis Methods for Fractional Diffusion
26.04.2021  13:45 Seminare_I. Finanzmathematik
Alexander Brunhuemer,
A General Approach to Simulation of 1D Itō Diffusions based on their Scale Function and Speed Measure
22.04.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Jakob Moosbauer,
Patching together matrix multiplication schemes
22.04.2021  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Francois Boulier, Universite de Lille
Differential algebra and tropical differential algebraic geometry
20.04.2021  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Andreas Schafelner,
Adaptive space-time finite element methods for parabolic optimal control problems
15.04.2021  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Thibaut Verron,
FGLM algorithm for Tate ideals
15.04.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Hao Du,
Two Complete Reduction Systems for Integration
15.04.2021  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Dr. Vo Ngoc Thieu, Ton Duc Thang University, HCM City, Vietnam
Rational solutions of first-order algebraic difference equations
13.04.2021  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Peter Gangl,
Space-time simulation and shape optimizationfor moving domains
25.03.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Joël Ouaknine, Max Planck Institute Saarbruecken
Holonomic Techniques, Periods, and Decision Problems
23.03.2021  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Ioannis Toulopoulos,
Numerical Solutions of quasilinear-parabolic problems based on a space-time finite element scheme
18.03.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Bastian Preindl, U Graz
Regular Expressions in Action
18.03.2021  11:00 PhD defense
Somayeh Kargaran,
Overlapping Multi-Patch Structures in Isogeometric Analysis
16.03.2021  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Clemens Pechstein,
A unified convergence theory for Robin-Schwarz methods - continuous and discrete, including crosspoints
11.03.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manuel Kauers,
Lazy Hermite Reduction
09.03.2021  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Huidong Yang,
Space-time finite element methods for inverse problems
02.03.2021  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Daniel Jodlbauer,
Parallel Multigrid Solvers for Nonlinear Coupled Field Problems
03.02.2021  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Thomas Takacs,
Smooth Geometries for Isogeometric Analysis
28.01.2021  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Philipp Langgruber,
Simplification of Hypergeometric Terms
28.01.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Gargi Mukherjee,
Generalized Series Solutions of q-Linear Difference Equations
28.01.2021  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Johann Mitteramskogler, RISC
"On transformations of algebraic ODEs and an answer to an open question of my last seminar talk"
27.01.2021  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Oliver Roche-Newton,
Sums, products and growth of sets
27.01.2021  15:30 Master's Thesis Seminar_Inst. Finanzmath.
Patrick Riegler,
Low Discrepancy Sequences and Empirical Risk Minimization
26.01.2021  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Stefan Tyoler,
Solving the p-Laplace problem using Isogeometric Analysis
21.01.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manfred Buchacher,
Factorization of Differential Operators
21.01.2021  10:15 Seminar Analysis
Simon Hackl, JKU
Die beste Konstante in der Young-Ungleichung
21.01.2021  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Dr. Sebastian Falkensteiner, RISC
Tropical Differential Algebra: https://jku.zoom.us/j/94442802092?pwd=ejV1TEFjU0FVWFVYVXpGMithQVQxUT09
19.01.2021  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Rainer Schneckenleitner,
hp-explicit convergence analysis for IETI-DP solvers for non-conforming multipatch decompositions
14.01.2021  14:00 PhD defense
Bernhard Endtmayer,
Multi-goal oriented a posteriori error estimates for nonlinear partial differential equations
14.01.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Bernardo Rossi,
Polynomial equations in non-solvable finite algebras
14.01.2021  10:15 Seminar Analysis
Julian Hofstadler, JKU
Discrepancy of subsets of random point sets
13.01.2021  15:30 Master's Thesis Seminar_Inst. Finanzmath.
Alexander Brunhuemer,
A General Approach to Simulation of 1D Itō Diffusions based on their Scale Function and Speed Measure
12.01.2021  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Walter Zulehner,
The divDiv complex: A construction based on the Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand resolution
07.01.2021  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Dominik Baumann,
A Faster Randomised Algorithm for the Characteristic Polynomial
17.12.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Tamás Waldhauser,
Solution sets of universal algebraic equations
15.12.2020  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Ludwig Mitter,
Algorithmic aspects of local multigrid solvers for adaptive IgA in hierarchical spline spaces
10.12.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Laurenz Auer,
Fast In-place Algorithms for Polynomial Operations: Division, Evaluation, Interpolation
10.12.2020  10:15 Seminar Analysis
Benjamin Eichinger, JKU
Why are $L^infty$ extremal functions always regular? A theory of Stahl--Totik regularity for rational functions (II)
03.12.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Felix Engertsberger,
Computing the N-th Term of a q-Holonomic Sequence
03.12.2020  10:15 Seminar Analysis
Benjamin Eichinger, JKU
Why are $L^infty$ extremal functions always regular? A theory of Stahl--Totik regularity for rational functions.
02.12.2020  15:30 Master's Thesis Seminar_Inst. Finanzmath.
Onyekachi Osisiogu,
On the component-wise digit-by-digit construction of good polynomial lattice rules
02.12.2020  10:15 Dissertationskolloquium
Andrea Farahat,
Isogeometric Analysis with C1-smooth functions over multipatch surfaces
K 012D
01.12.2020  16:15 NuMa Seminar
Huidong Yang,
Space-time finite element solvers for parabolic optimal control problems
01.12.2020  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Ulrich Langer,
Adaptive Space-Time Finite Element and Isogeometric Analysis
26.11.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Clemens Hofstadler,
Exploring noncommutative ideals
26.11.2020  10:15 Seminar Analysis
Alexander Lindenberger, JKU
Sharp Convexity Estimates in R^n
24.11.2020  16:15 NuMa Seminar
Jarle Sogn,
Robust Preconditioning: Optimal control of the convection-diffusion equation with limited observation
24.11.2020  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Andreas Schafelner,
Locally stabilized space-time finite element methods on anisotropic hexahedral decompositions
19.11.2020  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Zsolt Lavicza and Martin Andre, JKU and Universität Innsbruck
Technology changing statistics education: Defining possibilities, opportunities and obligations
zoom room
19.11.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Lixin Du,
Symbolic Summation of Multivariate Rational Functions
19.11.2020  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Dr. Amélie Trotignon,
Walks in the three-quarter plane
19.11.2020  10:15 Seminar Analysis
Mathias Sonnleitner, JKU
Order-optimal point configurations for function approximation II
18.11.2020  10:15 Dissertationskolloquium
Teymur Heydarov,
Multilevel representation of geometric features for ASGM
17.11.2020  16:15 NuMa Seminar
Rainer Schneckenleitner,
Convergence theory for IETI-DP solvers for dis- continuous Galerkin Isogeometric Analysis that is explicit in h and p
17.11.2020  16:00 Guest lecture
Milivoje Lukic,
Stahl-Totik regularity for continuum Schrödinger operators
17.11.2020  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Stefan Takacs,
Condition number bounds for IETI-DP methods that are explicit inh and p
12.11.2020  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Irene Tubikanec,
Approximate Bayesian computation for stochastic differential equations with an invariant distribution
zoom room
12.11.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Jakob Moosbauer,
Upper bounds for the exponent of matrix multiplication
11.11.2020  12:00 Seminar Analysis
David Krieg, JKU
Order-optimal point configurations for function approximation I
10.11.2020  16:00 Guest lecture
David Damanik,
Proving positive Lyapunov exponents: II. Beyond independence
09.11.2020  16:00 Guest lecture
David Damanik,
Proving positive Lyapunov exponents: I. Using independence
05.11.2020  16:00 Guest lecture
David Damanik,
Multidimensional continued fraction algorithms, Rauzy fractals, and zero measure spectrum for multi-frequency Schrödinger operators
05.11.2020  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Alex Kowarik, Statistics Austria
COVID-19 Prävalenzstudie - War die Stichprobe groß genug? 3.000 Marsmännchen, Ergebnisse und mehr
S2 Z74, SP2
05.11.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Erhard Aichinger,
A combinatorial consequence of the Baker-Pixley Theorem on subalgebras of direct products
05.11.2020  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Dr. Cyrille Chenavier, Institut für Algebra, JKU
Topological rewriting systems applied to standard bases and syntactic algebras
04.11.2020  16:00 Guest lecture
David Damanik,
OPUC: Simon's Hausdorff dimension conjecture
04.11.2020  15:30 Master's Thesis Seminar_Inst. Finanzmath.
Christian Laudagé,
Good-Deal Bounds and Optimal Expected Utility Risk Measures
03.11.2020  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Huidong Yang,
Algebraic preconditioners, initial condition reconstruction, stochastic Galerkin finite element method
29.10.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Cyrille Chenavier,
Presenting isomorphic finitely presented modules by equivalent matrices: a constructive approach
22.10.2020  17:30 Guest lecture
Alex Kontorovich,
Sources of Arithmetic Sphere Packings
22.10.2020  16:00 Guest lecture
Alex Kontorovich,
The “Beyond Expansion” program
22.10.2020  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Thibaut Verron,
Parametrizing rational algebraic curves using integral bases
22.10.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Doron Zeilberger, Rutgers University
How the Beautiful Duckling of Enumerative Combinatorics Turned into the Ugly Swan of Algebraic Combinatorics
22.10.2020  09:00 Projektwoche Angewandte Mathematik
Wanted !, Projektleiter/Innen
Projektwoche Angewandte Mathematik für Schüler/Innen, 7.-11.Februar 2021
21.10.2020  17:30 Guest lecture
Alex Kontorovich,
The Orbital Circle Method
21.10.2020  16:00 Guest lecture
Alex Kontorovich,
Introduction to Zaremba’s Conjecture
20.10.2020  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Michael Mandlmayr,
A semismooth* Newton Method for Coulomb Friction Problems
S2 054
15.10.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Shaoshi Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Nicole's Theorem and Vanishing Sums via Residues
14.10.2020  12:00 Seminar Analysis
Simon Breneis, Johannes Kepler Universität
Empty axis-parallel boxes
HS 13
13.10.2020  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Clemens Hofreither,
A novel algorithm for best rational approximation with applications to fractional diffusion
S2 054
08.10.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manuel Kauers,
Manim tutorial
06.10.2020  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Jarle Sogn,
Robust Preconditioning: Optimal control of the convection-diffusion equation with limited observation
S2 054
21.09.2020  10:00 PhD defense
Kemal Raik, Industrial Mathematics
Linear and Nonlinear Heuristic Regularisation for Ill-Posed Problems
SP2 416-2
16.09.2020  17:30 Guest lecture
James Maynard,
Finishing up and overview
16.09.2020  16:00 Guest lecture
James Maynard,
Properties of GCD graphs
15.09.2020  17:30 Guest lecture
James Maynard,
Introduction to GCD graphs
15.09.2020  16:00 Guest lecture
James Maynard,
Introduction to the Duffin-Schaeffer problem
10.09.2020  13:00 Seminar Analysis
Philipp Gohlke, Universität Bielefeld
Schrödinger operators with Zero measure Cantor spectrum
05.08.2020  14:00 Seminar Analysis
Alexander Lindenberger, JKU
Reproducing Kernel Banach Spaces
Zoom Event
04.08.2020  12:00 Seminar Analysis
Marcin Wnuk, Universität Osnabrück
Reproducing Kernel Banach Spaces
Zoom Event
15.07.2020  11:00 Berufungsvortrag
register at ag@jku.at,
Numerical analysis as a driving force towards future science
15.07.2020  09:45 Berufungsvortrag
register at ag@jku.at,
Multiscale, Multiphysics, and Multiresolution Computing in Science & Engineering
15.07.2020  08:30 Berufungsvortrag
register at ag@jku.at, ag@jku.at
On the structure-preserving discretization of linear and nonlinear evolution problems
14.07.2020  11:00 Berufungsvortrag
register at ag@jku.at,
Randomized local model order reduction
14.07.2020  09:45 Berufungsvortrag
register at ag@jku.at,
Magnetism, machine learning & mesh refinement
14.07.2020  08:30 Berufungsvortrag
register at ag@jku.at,
Numerical analysis of the fractional Laplacian and its applications
13.07.2020  11:00 Berufungsvortrag
register at ag@jku.at,
Numerical Modelling of a stochastic Gray-Scott system
13.07.2020  09:45 Berufungsvortrag
register at ag@jku.at,
Modeling and Simulation of Temporal Multiscale Problems
13.07.2020  08:30 Berufungsvortrag
register at ag@jku.at,
Numerical modeling, adaptive concepts, and scientific computing of multiphysics problems
09.07.2020  13:00 Habilitation Colloquium
Markus Passenbrunner, Institut für Analysis
Martingale properties of spline sequences
Zoom Event
07.07.2020  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Huidong Yang,
Space-Time Finite Element Methods for Parabolic Optimal Control Problems
07.07.2020  14:00 Habilitation Colloquium
Richard Lechner, Institut für Analysis
Factorization of the identity operator
Zoom Event
07.07.2020  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Bernhard Endtmayer,
Multi-goal oriented a posteriori error estimates for nonlinear partial differential equations
07.07.2020  09:00 PhD defense
Sebastian Falkensteiner, RISC
Power Series Solutions of AODEs - Existence, Uniqueness, Convergence and Computation [jku.zoom.us/j/95675829475?pwd=bUt4TTJWS2xOR255dWk5dFJzV0dVUT09]
30.06.2020  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Mario Gobrial,
Variational Inequalities and Their Finite Element Discretization
30.06.2020  13:45 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Sascha Desmettre,
Severity Modeling of Extreme Insurance Claims for Tariffication
30.06.2020  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Gabriele Dürnberger,
The Timoshenko beam
29.06.2020  16:00 Habilitation Colloquium
Mario Kapl,
Smooth isogeometric spline spaces for multi-patch geometries
26.06.2020  13:00 Habilitation Colloquium
Clemens Hofreither,
Fast algorithms for tensor product discretizations in Isogeometric Analysis and beyond
25.06.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manfred Buchacher,
The Shape Lemma and the Primitive Element Theorem
24.06.2020  14:00 PhD defense
Stefano Fioravanti,
Clonoids, clones, and Mal'cev conditions
23.06.2020  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Andreas Schafelner,
Numerical Studies Of Space-time Multilevel Methods
23.06.2020  13:45 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Alexander Brunhuemer,
Computer-Supported Testing of Option Strategies
23.06.2020  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Rainer Schneckenleitner,
Convergence theory for IETI-DP solvers for discontinuous Galerkin Isogeometric Analysis that is explicit in h and p
22.06.2020  11:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
22.06.2020  09:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
19.06.2020  13:00 Habilitation Colloquium
Stefan Takacs,
Robust multigrid solvers and related topics
18.06.2020  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Torsten Hothorn,
Understanding and applying transformation models
18.06.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Klara Bernauer,
Algebraic and automated proofs for Moore-Penrose inverses
16.06.2020  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Ludwig Mitter,
Local multigrid solvers for adaptive isogeometric analysis in hierarchical spline spaces
09.06.2020  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Daniel Jodlbauer,
Solvers for High-Order Phase-Field Fracture Simulations
09.06.2020  13:45 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Onyekachi Osisiogu,
Good polynomial lattice rules in weighted Walsh spaces with construction algorithms
04.06.2020  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manuel Schlenkrich,
Essentially Optimal Interactive Certificates in Linear Algebra
04.06.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Sebastian Moharitsch,
The Todd-Coxeter algorithm: An Introduction
28.05.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Thierry Combot,
Symbolic integration of hyperexponential one forms
27.05.2020  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series D
Wilfried Herget, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenb. (Germany)
Mathematik hat viele Gesichter ... angewandt, abgewandt und zugewandt
HS 12
26.05.2020  13:45 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Judith Barth,
(Reduced fast) successive coordinate search construction for rank-1 lattice rules in weighted Korobov spaces
14.05.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Alexandre Sedoglavic,
On fast multiplication of a matrix by its transpose
12.05.2020  13:45 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Lisa Kaltenböck,
On distribution properties of sequences in the unit cube
07.05.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Gargi Murkherjee,
An introduction to q-series
30.04.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Erhard Aichinger,
Solving equations in finite algebraic structures
23.04.2020  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Sophie Hofmanninger,
4-dimensional lattice walks restricted to the positive orthant
23.04.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Jakob Moosbauer,
Optimal Pivots in Symbolic Elimination
02.04.2020  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Cyrille Chenavier,
Topological rewriting systems applied to standard bases and syntactic algebras
02.04.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Amelie Trotignon,
Discrete harmonic functions in the three-quarter plane
30.03.2020  13:30 CANCELED
Prof. Dr. Georg Kaser, University of Innsbruck
+1.5°C – Policy change: Global Climate and Climate Politics
RISC, Hagenberg
26.03.2020  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Lixin Du,
Integral D-finite Sequences
26.03.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Thibaut Verron,
Signature-based Gröbner basis algorithms for Tate algebras
26.03.2020  10:15 CANCELED
Clemens Hofstadler, Institut für Algebra
Certifying operator identities via noncommutative Gröbner bases
RISC, Hagenberg
12.03.2020  11:00 CANCELED
Peter Zinterhof, Universität Salzburg
CANCELLED: Über Hilberträume von Funktionen mit Reproduzierendem Kern und die Totalität von Stützstellenfolgen
S2 416-2
12.03.2020  10:15
Ali Uncu, RICAM
A partial q-difference equation approach to Kanade-Russell conjectures
SP2 416-1
10.03.2020  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Rainer Schneckenleitner,
A Discontinuous Galerkin Dual-Primal Isogeometric Tearing and Interconnecting Method with Inexact Local Solvers
S2 416-1
10.03.2020  12:00 Dissertationskolloquium
Dany Esteban Rios Rodas,
Towards implicitization with Neural Networks
S2 046
05.03.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manuel Kauers,
Nijenhuis' solution of Frobenius' problem
S3 057
03.03.2020  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Fredi Tröltzsch,
Optimization of time delays in semilinear parabolicequations
S2 416-1
20.02.2020  10:00 Guest lecture
Prof. David Jeffrey, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Some families of completely monotonic functions.
RISC, Hagenberg
11.02.2020  13:00 Guest lecture
Jörg Wenzel,
Asset price processes when volatility is high, with an application to Monte-Carlo simulation
S2 046
04.02.2020  11:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Wadim Zudilin, Radboud Universiteit, The Netherlands
I Prefer PI
RISC, Hagenberg
04.02.2020  10:15 Guest lecture
Hoang Phuong Thai, MT-Cachan
Constitutive Relation Error Method (CRE) for linear problems using Isogeometric Analysis
SP2 416-1
29.01.2020  13:45 Guest lecture
Christian Vergara, Laboratory of Biological Structure Mechanics (LaBS
Modeling blood flow and cardiac electrophysiology: numerical methods and applications
SP2 046
29.01.2020  10:00
Elaine Wong, RICAM
Computation of exact lower bounds for generalized monochromatic Schur triples
SP2 416-1
28.01.2020  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Jarle Sogn,
Towards spline degree independed inf-sup constants for the Stokes problem with applications to multigrid methods
S2 054
28.01.2020  14:00 Lecture Series Artificial Inteligence
Hendrik Strobelt, IBM Research, Cambridge, USA
HS 1
23.01.2020  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Peter Filzmoser, TU Wien
Robust and sparse k-means clustering in high dimension
S2 Z74
23.01.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Stefano Fioravanti,
Clones of expanded groups of squarefree order
S2 219
22.01.2020  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Mario Kapl,
Smooth isogeometric spline spaces for multi-patch geometries
HS 12
22.01.2020  10:00
Vishnupriya Anupindi, RICAM
Additive energy and character sums estimates
SP2 416-1
21.01.2020  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Daniel Jodlbauer,
Matrix-Free Solvers for Nonlinear Problems - Performance Optimizations and Implementational Details
S2 054
21.01.2020  14:00 Lecture Series Artificial Inteligence
Holger Hoos, University of Leiden & CLAIRE, Netherlands
Addressing the AI Talent Bottleneck by Automating Artificial Intelligence
HS 1
20.01.2020  15:00 Guest lecture
Nurdagül Anbar, Sabanci University
Why many quadratic APN functions have "classical spectrum"?
SP2 416-1
20.01.2020  13:45 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Sumaia Saad Eddin,
Prime Number Theorem: 100 years of history, and RSA-integers
S2 046
16.01.2020  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Maximilian Jaroschek,
First order differential and difference systems in Sage
S2 219
16.01.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Marcus Aichmayr,
Computing Elementary Vectors of a linear subspace
S2 219
16.01.2020  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Prof. Kazuhiro Yokoyama, Rikkyo University, Japan
Modular Techniques for Efficient Computation of Ideal Operations
RISC, Hagenberg
15.01.2020  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Thomas Schlumprecht, Texas A&M University, Technical University Prague
On the metric geometry of the Lamplighter graph on Z^2
S2 219
15.01.2020  13:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Marko Petkovsek, Ljubljana University, Slovenia
Explicit solutions of linear recurrence equations with polynomial coefficients
RISC, Hagenberg
15.01.2020  12:00 Seminar Analysis
Thomas Lachmann,
On the VC-Dimension of Axis-Parallel Boxes on the Torus
S3 048
14.01.2020  15:30 Guest lecture
M. P. Bruchhäuser and U. Köcher, University of Hamburg, Germany
Goal-oriented space-time adaptivity and Efficient Data Structures for convection-dominated problems
S2 054
14.01.2020  14:00 Lecture Series Artificial Inteligence
Alexios Balatsoukas, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands
Machine Learning for Signal Processing in Communications
HS 1
13.01.2020  13:45 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Judith Barth,
Fast Component-by-Component Construction for rank-1 lattice rules in weighted Korobov spaces
S2 044
13.01.2020  10:15 Dissertationskolloquium
Pascal Weinmüller,
Convergence studies for IGA using approximate C1 bases
S2 0346
09.01.2020  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manfred Buchacher,
Finding Variable Separated Polynomials in Ideals
S2 219
09.01.2020  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Dr. Georg Regensburger, Institut für Algebra
Symbolic computation for linear operators with matrix coefficients
RISC, Hagenberg
07.01.2020  14:00 Lecture Series Artificial Inteligence
Martha Larson, Radboud University & TU Delft, Netherlands
HS 1
19.12.2019  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Guenter Pilz,
On the number of terms of polynomials in principal ideals
S2 219
19.12.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Clemens Hofstadler,
(Non-)commutative F4
S2 219
17.12.2019  14:00 Lecture Series Artificial Inteligence
Marcin Skowron, Friedrich Neubarth, OFAI, Vienna
HS 1
16.12.2019  16:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Georg Regensburger,
Generalized polynomial equations with a unique positive solution
S3 048
16.12.2019  16:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Erhard Aichinger,
Chevalley Warning on Groups
S3 048
16.12.2019  15:45 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Thibaut Verron,
Mora's reduction algorithm for local monomial orders
S3 048
16.12.2019  15:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Elaine Wong,
Merry Matryoshka
S3 048
16.12.2019  14:45 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Mehdi Makhul,
On the number of perfect triangles with a fixed angle
S3 048
16.12.2019  14:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Peter Mayr,
What's a nilpotent semigroup supposed to be?
S3 048
16.12.2019  14:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Alexander Bors,
Finite groups with an automorphism that is a complete mapping
S3 048
16.12.2019  14:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Manfred Buchacher,
Variable Separated Polynomials in Ideals
S3 048
12.12.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Philipp Nuspl,
The complexity of solving equations over groups
S2 219
12.12.2019  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Georg Grasegger,
Counting (realizations of) minimally rigid graphs
RISC, Hagenberg
10.12.2019  15:30 Guest lecture
Jeremi Mizerski, TU Graz
Modelling of the aortic dissection: The deterioration of the mechanical properties of the vessel wall in aortic diseases
S2 054
10.12.2019  14:00 Lecture Series Artificial Inteligence
Gerfried Stocker, Ars Electronica, Linz
Artistic Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence
HS 1
09.12.2019  14:00 Guest lecture
Tram Thi Ngoc Nguyen, University of Klagenfurt
Parameter identification for the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation in Magnetic Particle Imaging
SP2 044
09.12.2019  13:45 Dissertationskolloquium
Osisiogu Onyekachi Oluseyi,
Component-by-component construction of rank-1 lattice rules with smoothness-independence
S3 048
06.12.2019  09:00
Österreichische Studienstiftung,
SP2 416-1+2
05.12.2019  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Hao Wang, Jilin University
Dependence structure between Chinese Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market based on copulas and cluster analysis
S2 Z74
05.12.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Gargi Mukherjee,
Euler-MacLaurin Summation Formula and its Applications
S2 219
04.12.2019  09:30 Guest lecture
Marjeta Knez,
Splines on triangulations with a 10-split
S3 048
04.12.2019  09:00 Guest lecture
Jan Grošelj,
Argyris type quasi-interpolation of optimal approximation order
S3 048
03.12.2019  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Bernhard Endtmayer,
Efficiency and reliability for the DWR method
S2 054
03.12.2019  14:00 Lecture Series Artificial Inteligence
Matthias Spielkamp, Algorithm Watch, Berlin, Germany
How to make your AI ethics-proof? A primer.
HS 1
03.12.2019  13:45 Guest lecture
Ali Kemal Uncu,
The Mathematica package qFunctions for q-series and partition theory applications
SP2 416-1
28.11.2019  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Haipeng Li, CAS-MPG
Supervised learning for analyzing large-scale genome-wide DNA polymorphism data
S2 Z74
28.11.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Jakob Moosbauer,
Chevalley-Warning type results on abelian groups
S2 219
26.11.2019  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Stefan Takacs,
Towards a p-robust convergence analysis for Isogeometric Tearing and Interconnecting (IETI) methods
S2 054
26.11.2019  14:00 Lecture Series Artificial Inteligence
Sepp Hochreiter, JKU Linz
Deep Learning: The Key Technology Of Artificial Intelligence
26.11.2019  13:45 Guest lecture
Anna-Laura Sattelberger, MPI Leipzig
Computational Algebraic Analysis
SP3 047
21.11.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Sebastian Kreinecker,
Monomial Clones
S2 219
21.11.2019  13:45 Guest lecture
Marco Zank, University of Vienna, Austria
Parabolic and Hyperbolic PDEs: Space-Time Variational Formulations and Their Discretisations
S2 416-1
20.11.2019  16:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Massimiliano Tamborrino,
Stochastic modelling and statistical inference for stochastic and point processes
S3 047
20.11.2019  15:30 Seminar Analysis
David Damanik, Rice University
The topological structure of the spectrum of almost periodic Schrödinger operators
S2 219
19.11.2019  13:45 Guest lecture
Zijia Li, JKU
Factorization of special motion polynomials & Flexible polyhedra
SP2 416-1
19.11.2019  12:45 Seminar Geometrie
Josua Sassen, Universität Bonn
Constructing Low-Dimensional Submanifolds in Nonlinear Rotation-Invariant Coordinates
S2 046
19.11.2019  10:30 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
R. Vidunas, Univ. Vilnius
Differential equations and Belyi maps
RISC, Schloss Hagenb
18.11.2019  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Clemens Hofreither,
Fast algorithms for tensor product discretizations in Isogeometric Analysis and beyond
S2 416-2
18.11.2019  13:30 Guest lecture
Prof. Raimundas Vidunas, University of Vilnius, Lithuania
Deformations of Belyi maps and dessins d'enfant
RISC, Hagenberg
14.11.2019  14:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Andrew Moorhead, Charles U Prague
What is the 'right' definition of supernilpotence?
S2 0219
14.11.2019  14:15 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Attila J. Földvári, Charles U Prague
The subpower membership problem
S2 0219
14.11.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Michael Kompatscher, Charles U Prague
Computational problems over nilpotent algebras (from modular varieties)
S2 0219
13.11.2019  12:00 Guest lecture
Domingo Gomez-Perez, University of Cantabria
Measures of randomness
S2 054
12.11.2019  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Huidong Yang,
Space-time finite element methods for parabolic optimal control problems
S2 054
12.11.2019  14:00 Lecture Series Artificial Inteligence
Hrvoje Bogunovic, Medical University ViennaAustria
HS 1
07.11.2019  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Günter Pilz, JKU
Statistik ist ein Segen für die Menschheit
S2 Z74
07.11.2019  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Georg Regensburger,
Positive solutions of binomial equations
S2 219
07.11.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Clemens Raab,
On rational solutions of linear systems of Mahler equations
S2 219
07.11.2019  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Sebastian Falkensteiner, RISC
How to use regular chains for solving systems of AODEs
RISC, Schloss Hagenb
06.11.2019  10:00
Oliver Roche-Newton, RICAM
Growth, Incidence Bounds and Affine Group Energy
SP2 451
06.11.2019  09:00 Seminar Geometrie
Andrea Farahat,
Multipatch NURBS-based Isogeometric Analysis
S3 047
05.11.2019  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Michael Mandlmayr,
Semismooth* Newton Methods
S2 054
05.11.2019  14:00 Lecture Series Artificial Inteligence
Elmar Rückert, University of Lübeck, Germany
Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Robots
HS 1
31.10.2019  16:15 IFAS Research Seminar
Alexander Bauer, Takeda Pharmaceutical
Evaluation of drug combinations
S2 Z74
31.10.2019  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Martin Wolfsegger, Takeda Pharmaceutical
Some likely useful thoughts on prescription drug-use-related software supporting personalized dosing regimen
S2 Z74
31.10.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Gerhard Wendt,
Primeness and Primitivity in Near-rings
S2 219
31.10.2019  09:00 Lecture Series Artificial Inteligence
Jürgen Schmidhuber, IDSIA, LuganoSwitzerland
Unsupervised Learning: Passiv and Active
HS 7
30.10.2019  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Markus Passenbrunner,
Martingale Properties of Spline Sequences
HS 12
28.10.2019  13:45 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Lisa Kaltenböck,
On Poissonian Pair Correlations in Higher Dimensions
S3 057
24.10.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Amelie Trotignon,
Walks in the three-quarter plane
S2 219
24.10.2019  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
M. Safey El Din, Univ. Paris 6
How to compute volumes of semi-algebraic sets
RISC, Schloss Hagenb
23.10.2019  15:15 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Takayuki Hibi, Osaka University, Japan
Reflexive Polytopes and Gröbner bases
RISC, Hagenberg
23.10.2019  14:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Dr. Vesselin Drensky, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Graded Algebras, Algebraic Functions, Planar Trees, and Elliptic Integrals
RISC, Hagenberg
22.10.2019  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Andreas Schafelner,
Adaptive Space-Time CFOSLS for Evolution Equations
S2 054
17.10.2019  14:40 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Erhard Aichinger,
S2 219
17.10.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Johanna Gottwald,
Sylow and Hall Theorems
S2 219
17.10.2019  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Winkler, RISC
The algebro-geometric method for solving algebraic differential equations
RISC, Hagenberg
16.10.2019  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Renate Tobies, Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena (Germany)
Felix Kleins Internationalität: Basis für sein "allseitiges" Programm für Mathematik, Anwendungen und Unterricht
HS 12
10.10.2019  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Leonardo Grilli, University of Florence
Multiple imputation and selection of predictors in multilevel models
S2 Z74
10.10.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manuel Kauers,
S2 219
09.10.2019  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Stefan Takacs,
Robust multigrid solvers and related topics
HS 12
09.10.2019  12:00 Seminar Analysis
Erich Novak, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Algorithms and Complexity for Functions on General Domains
SP2 416-1
08.10.2019  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Svetoslav Nakov,
FEM discretization and a-priori error estimates for power-law diffusion problems
S2 054
23.09.2019  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Richard Lechner,
Factorization of the identity operator
S2 053
17.09.2019  10:15 PhD defense
Bastian Weiß,
Mitered Offsets, Skeletons and Arc Fibrations of planar free-forn shapes
S2 046
17.09.2019  09:00 Guest lecture
Espen Sande, University of Roma Tor Vergata
Best approximation spaces of a given dimension
S3 057
05.08.2019  10:00 Guest lecture
Wayne Lawton, Siberian Federal University, Kransnoyarsk, Russia
Beyond generating functions
SP2 416-1
30.07.2019  10:00 Guest lecture
Alina Ostafe, UNSW
On the GCD of shifted polynomial powers, iterations and their relatives
SP2 416-2
25.07.2019  09:00 Guest lecture
Dr. John A. Evans, University of Colorado Boulder
Level set topology optimization using hierarchical B-splines
S2 053
24.07.2019  09:00 Guest lecture
Dr. John A. Evans, University of Colorado Boulder
Isogeometric structure-preserving discretizations using hierarchical B-splines
S2 053
23.07.2019  13:00 PhD defense
Felix Scholz,
Efficient Matrix Assembly for Isogeometric Analysis
S3 057
23.07.2019  09:00 PhD defense
Katharina Birner,
Dimensions and bases of C^1-smooth isogeometric functions on three-dimensional two-patch domains
S3 057
16.07.2019  10:00 PhD defense
Mario Neumüller,
Two Contemporary Issues in Number Theory: Sequences with Low Star Discrepancy and the Asymptotic Behaviour of the Sudler Product
S3 057
11.07.2019  13:45 PhD defense
Svetoslav Nakov,
The Poisson-Boltzmann Equation: Analysis, A Posteriori Error Estimates and Applications
S2 059
11.07.2019  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
J. Cano Torres, Univ. Valladolid
Applications of the Newton polygon method for differential, difference and q-difference equations
RISC, Hagenberg, 105
10.07.2019  10:15 Guest lecture
Roland Maier,
A multiscale method for linear heterogeneous poroelasticity
S2 059
08.07.2019  15:15 DK Seminar
Martin Schwalsberger, DK
Tutorial: Inverse Problems
S2 416-2
08.07.2019  14:15 DK Seminar
Nicolas Smoot, DK
A Connection Between Arithmetic, Analysis, and Topology
S2 416-2
08.07.2019  13:00 DK Seminar
Sebastian Falkensteiner, RISC
Tutorial: A short introduction to Algebraic Geometry
S2 416-2
08.07.2019  11:15 DK Seminar
Jiayue Qi, DK
Moduli space for (P^1)^n
S2 416-2
08.07.2019  10:00 DK Seminar
Bernhard Endtmayer, DK
Tutorial: Finite Element Methods
S2 416-2
02.07.2019  13:00 PhD defense
Jan Legersky, RISC
Flexible and Rigid Labelings of Graphs
SP3 047
27.06.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manfred Buchacher,
Fiber Polytopes and Fractional Power Series
S2 219
26.06.2019  15:30 Seminar Analysis
David Müller,
Yang-Mills theory, lattice gauge theory and simulations
MT 327
25.06.2019  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Ludwig Mitter,
Optimal subspace correction methods for THB-splines
S2 416-1
24.06.2019  08:30 Habilitation Colloquium
Georg Regensburger,
Algebraic and algorithmic approaches to analysis: Integro-differential equations, positive steady states, and wavelets
S2 054
19.06.2019  15:30 Seminar Analysis
David Müller,
Yang-Mills theory, lattice gauge theory and simulations
MT 327
19.06.2019  13:45 Guest lecture
Prudence Djagba,
On EGE algorithm and the generalized distributive set
S3 057
18.06.2019  14:00 Guest lecture
Dr. Róbert Vajda, University of Szeged, Hungary
Symbolic Description of the Boundary Curves of the 2D Projections of the Unit Ball B_n
SP II, Lecture room
18.06.2019  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Rainer Schneckenleitner,
IETI-DP Solvers in Simulation and Optimization of Electrical Machines
S2 416-1
18.06.2019  10:15 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Alexander Brunhuemer,
Analysis and Backtesting of Trading Strategies
K 012D
17.06.2019  13:45 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Onyekachi Osisiogu,
On the component-wise digit-by-digit construction
S3 047
14.06.2019  10:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Organisation: Prof. Franz Winkler,
Linz Algebra Research Day
RISC, Hagenberg
13.06.2019  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Simon Breneis,
Lower Bound of the Linear Complexity of the Fast Fourier Transform
S2 219
13.06.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Sebastian Kreinecker,
Coordinatization of solvable algebras
S2 219
12.06.2019  15:30 Seminar Analysis
David Müller,
Yang-Mills theory, lattice gauge theory and simulations
MT 327
06.06.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Florian Aichinger,
About probability in universal algebra
S2 219
06.06.2019  10:15 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Mario Neumüller,
Two Contemporary Topics in Number Theory
05.06.2019  15:30 Seminar Analysis
David Müller,
Yang-Mills theory, lattice gauge theory and simulations
S2 044
04.06.2019  16:30 NuMa Seminar
Andreas Schafelner,
Space-Time Finite Element Methods for Parabolic Initial-Boundary Value Problems with Non-smooth Solutions
S2 416-1
04.06.2019  16:00 NuMa Seminar
Daniel Jodlbauer,
Matrix-Free Multigrid for Phase-Field Fracture Problems
S2 416-1
04.06.2019  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Bernhard Endtmayer,
Multigoal-oriened error control for optimal control problems
S2 416-1
29.05.2019  15:30 Seminar Analysis
David Müller,
Yang-Mills theory, lattice gauge theory and simulations
MT 327
28.05.2019  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Clemens Hofreither,
A Unified View of Some Numerical Methods for Fractional Diffusion
S2 416-1
28.05.2019  14:00 Guest lecture
Jasbir Chahal, Bringham Young University, Provo, USA
Some applications of algebraic geometry
K 009D
28.05.2019  09:00 Guest lecture
Thierry Combot, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon
Symbolic integration on D-finite foliations
SP2 416-1
23.05.2019  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Siegfried Hörmann, TU Graz
ANOVA for functional time series data: when there is dependence between groups
S2 Z74
23.05.2019  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Jakob Moosbauer,
Automated Proofs of Congruence Theorems
S2 219
23.05.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Stefano Fioravanti,
Mal'cev conditions on the reflexive subalgebras lattice
S2 219
23.05.2019  10:15 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Lisa Kaltenböck,
On Poissonian Pair Correlations and Faure Sequences
22.05.2019  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Manfred Borovcnik, Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt
Risikokompetenz in Gesundheitsfragen - Medizin und Statistik - Beispiele aus der Praxis
HS 12
22.05.2019  15:30 Seminar Analysis
David Müller,
Yang-Mills theory, lattice gauge theory and simulations
MT 327
22.05.2019  10:15 Guest lecture
Prof. Kai Hormann, Università della Svizzera Italiana
A Brief History of Subdivision Methods and an Outlook to Future Challenges
S2 044
22.05.2019  08:30 PhD defense
Nora Engleitner,
Patchwork B-splines: A hierarchical approach to anisotropic refinement
S2 046
21.05.2019  10:15 Dissertationskolloquium
Lisa Groiss,
Approximate G1-continuity on multi-patch geometries
K 112A
21.05.2019  10:00 Guest lecture
Yi Zhang, University of Texas at Dallas
Computations of the Expected Euler Characteristic for the Largest Eigenvalue of a Real Wishart Matrix
SP2 416-1
16.05.2019  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Stefan Immler,
Reverse order law for outer inverses of matrices
S2 219
16.05.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Lydia Lichtenberger,
Encoding clones
S2 219
14.05.2019  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Walter Zulehner,
On the construction of mixed formulations of elliptic problems
S2 416-1
09.05.2019  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Markus Hainy, JKU Linz
Optimal Bayesian design for models with intractable likelihoods via supervised learning methods
S2 Z74
09.05.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Benjamin Hackl, Universitaet Klagenfurt
Cutting Down and Growing Trees
S2 219
07.05.2019  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Svetoslav Nakov,
The Poisson-Boltzmann Equation: Analysis, A Posteriori Error Estimates and Applications
S2 416-1
02.05.2019  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Clemens Raab,
Interpretation of algebraic computations with operators
S2 219
02.05.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Sebastian Moharitsch,
Cell enumeration in hyperplane arrangements
S2 219
30.04.2019  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Stefan Takacs,
Robust multigrid methods based on non-standard approximation error estimates in Isogeometric Analysis
S2 416-1
25.04.2019  11:00 Guest lecture
Yi-Hsuan Lin, University of Jyväskylä
Inverse problems for elliptic equations with power type nonlinearities
SP2 416-1
11.04.2019  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Dominik Schrempf, Eötvös Loránd University Budapest
Empirical distribution mixture models - or how to separate long branches
S2 Z74
11.04.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Lixin Du, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Existence Problem of Telescopers for Rational Functions in Three Variables: the Mixed Cases
S2 219
09.04.2019  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Martin Schwalsberger,
Practical implementation of a nodal auxiliary space correction for a spacetime-parallel method
S2 416-1
09.04.2019  09:00
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Prediger, Universität Dortmund
Sprache zählt! Sprachsensibilität im mathematischen Kontext
Uni-Center, Loft C
08.04.2019  13:45 Guest lecture
Josef Dick, UNSW
Higher order Quasi-Monte Carlo rules
SP2 416-1
08.04.2019  13:30 Guest lecture
Prof. Daniel Robertz, Univ. Plymouth
Differential Thomas Decomposition
RISC, Hagenberg
05.04.2019  10:15 PhD defense
Michael Haberleitner,
The Extended Isogeometric Segmentation Pipeline
S2 416/2
05.04.2019  09:00 Guest lecture
Prof. Bernd Simeon, TU Kaiserslautern
A Contact Algorithm for Voxel-based Meshes using Implicit Boundary Representations
S3 047
04.04.2019  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Antony Overstall, University of Southampton
Bayesian design for physical models using computer experiments
S2 Z74
04.04.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Jan Legersky,
Rigid Graphs that are Movable
S2 219
04.04.2019  10:15 Guest lecture
Dragan Mašulović, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Ramsey Theory on well-ordered chains
S2 044
03.04.2019  14:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Hannah Burson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
$q$-series related to weighted odd Ferrers diagrams.
RISC, Hagenberg
02.04.2019  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Jarle Sogn,
Initial source recovery of the wave equation given internal boundary measurements
S2 416-1
29.03.2019  10:15 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Paolo Aglianò, University of Siena
Mal'cev classes and Mal'cev conditions: selected topics
S2 054
28.03.2019  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Georg Regensburger,
Computer algebra in the cloud with CoCalc
S2 219
28.03.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Peter Fuchs,
Infinite Frobenius Groups
S2 219
28.03.2019  10:15 Guest lecture
Paolo Aglianò, University of Siena, Italy
An introduction to Mal'cev conditions and Mal'cev classes
S2 044
26.03.2019  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Clemens Hofreither,
Fast Solvers for Isogeometric Analysis based on Alternating Linear Schemes for Tucker Tensors
S2 416-1
25.03.2019  13:45 Guest lecture
Josef Dick, UNSW
Numerical integration of Holder continuous, absolutely convergent Fourier series
SP2 416-1
21.03.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Thibaut Verron,
Signature-based algorithms for computing Gröbner bases over Principal Ideal Domains
S2 219
20.03.2019  10:00 Guest lecture
Dr. Daniel Gerth, TU Chemnitz
Using Landwebers method to quantify source conditions - a numerical study
18.03.2019  13:45 Guest lecture
Josef Dick, UNSW
Numerical methods for partial differential equations with random coefficients
SP2 416-1
15.03.2019  13:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Dr. Chris Jennings-Shaffer, University of Cologne
On some conjectured partition identities of Kanade and Russell
RISC, Seminarraum Sc
14.03.2019  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Florian Frommlet, MedUni Wien
Deep Bayesian Regression
S2 Z74
14.03.2019  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Dirk Pauly,
The Elasticity Complex
S2 416-1
14.03.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Carl Maxson, Texas A&M
Congruence preserving functions on finite groups
S2 219
14.03.2019  13:45 IFAS Research Seminar
Thomas Petzoldt, TU Dresden
Identification of distribution components from antibiotic resistance data - Opportunities and challenges
S2 Z74
14.03.2019  12:00 PhD defense
Agnes Seiler, Doctoral Program
Approximate Geometric Continuity for Numerical Simulation and Surface Reconstruction on Multi-patch Domains
HF 9904
08.03.2019  11:00 Guest lecture
Luca Rondi, University of Milan
Multiscale decompositions in imaging and inverse problems
SP2 416-1
07.03.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manuel Kauers,
13009 new ways to multiply 3x3 matrices
S2 219
05.03.2019  15:30 Guest lecture
Prof. Alexandra Rodkina, The University of the West Indies AT Mona, JAMAICA
Stability shaped by noise in difference equations
HF 9904
05.03.2019  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Johannes Kraus,
Parameter-Robust Convergence Analysis of Fixed-Stress Split Iterative Method for Multiple-Permeability Poroelasticity System
S2 416-1
05.03.2019  13:45 Guest lecture
Johannes Kraus, University of Duisburg-Essen
Numerical Solution of Coupled Problems in Linear Poroelasticity - part 3
S2 416-1
05.03.2019  13:30
Kemal Raik, Industrial Mathematics
A case for heuristic parameter choice rules!
28.02.2019  13:00 Seminar Analysis
Thomas Schlumprecht, Texas A&M Univ., Czech Technical Univ. Prague
The metric Geometry ofLamplighter Graphs over Trees
S3 057
26.02.2019  13:45 Guest lecture
Johannes Kraus, University of Duisburg-Essen
Numerical Solution of Coupled Problems in Linear Poroelasticity - part 2
S2 416-1
25.02.2019  13:30 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
David Jeffrey, University of Western Ontario
The Gamma function and its functional inverse
RISC Hagenberg, Sem
20.02.2019  10:00 Guest lecture
Sergii Siryk, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Regularized reconstruction of the order in semilinear subdiffusion with memory
SP2 416-1
12.02.2019  13:45 Guest lecture
Johannes Kraus, University of Duisburg-Essen
Numerical Solution of Coupled Problems in Linear Poroelasticity - part 1
S2 416-2
12.02.2019  13:30 Guest lecture
Jaspar Wiart,
On the negative dependence of scrambled (t,m,s)-nets
S2 054
07.02.2019  11:00 Seminar Analysis
Krystian Kazaniecki, University of Warsaw
Peetre's theorem and the trace operator on von Koch's snowflake
S3 048
07.02.2019  10:00 Guest lecture
Iva Kodrnja, University of Zagreb
Modular curves and their projective models
S3 048
05.02.2019  15:45 Guest lecture
Anargyros Papageorgiou,
EC-(s,t)-weak tractability of multivariate linear problems in the average case setting
SP2 416-1
05.02.2019  13:45 Guest lecture
Sergey Repin, Academy of Sciences, Russia
Guaranteed error estimates for variational problems with free boundaries
S2 416-2
31.01.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Thomas Cluzeau, University of Limoges
Equivalence of linear systems and applications to stability issues for multidimensional systems
S2 044
30.01.2019  15:30 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
M. Kumar, SCCH
Fuzzy Theoretic Nonparametric Deep Learning
Hagenberg, SCCH, 0/2
30.01.2019  15:00 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
G. Raju, SCCH
What's Wrong with Convolution Neural Networks
Hagenberg, SCCH, 0/2
30.01.2019  14:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Karl Mahlburg, Louisiana State University, USA
Sum-Product Identities, Partitions, and Affine Lie Algebras
RISC, Hagenberg
30.01.2019  13:15 PhD defense
Jamal Hossein Poor, RICAM
Tensor reduction systems for rings of linear operators
SP2 053
29.01.2019  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Andreas Schafelner,
Space-Time Finite Element Solvers of Parabolic Evolution Problems with Non-smooth Solutions
S2 054
29.01.2019  14:00 Guest lecture
Marni Mishna, Simon Fraser University, Canada
On the complexity of the cogrowth sequence
RISC, Hagenberg
24.01.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manfred Buchacher,
Inhomogeneous restricted lattice walks
S2 044
23.01.2019  10:00 Guest lecture
Michel Lavrauw, Sabanci University Istanbul
Arcs and MDS codes
SP2 416-2
22.01.2019  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Bernhard Endtmayer,
Multigoal-oriented error control for optimal control problems
S2 054
22.01.2019  14:00
Daniel Walter, RICAM
On sparse minimization and optimal sensor placement
SP2 416-1
18.01.2019  09:00
Marta Barbarics,
Possible Uses of Gamification in Education
17.01.2019  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Harry Haupt, Universität Passau
Modeling spatial components for complexly associated urban data
S2 Z74
17.01.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Maximilian Jaroschek,
Counting Lonely Lattice Points
S2 044
17.01.2019  13:00
Hans-Georg Weigand,
STEAM in a Mathematics Laboratory – Experiments, Animations and Simulations in the real and virtual World
17.01.2019  09:00
Selay Arkün Kocadere,
Gamification: An old friend in a new frame
16.01.2019  11:00 Guest lecture
Nurdagül Anbar Meidl, Sabanci University
Permutations of the Form $x^k-gamma Tr(x)$ and Curves over Finite Fields
SP2 416-2
16.01.2019  10:00 Guest lecture
Alina Ostafe, UNSW
Multiplicative dependence among values of rational functions and their iterates
SP2 416-2
15.01.2019  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Ludwig Mitter,
Local THB-Multigrid
S2 054
15.01.2019  12:00 Guest lecture
Daniel Rudolf, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Solvable integration problems and optimal sample size selection
MT 226/1
10.01.2019  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Sebastian Kreinecker,
Essential arities of finitary operations
S2 044
10.01.2019  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Stefano Fioravanti,
Solving equations and checking identities in finite groups
S2 044
09.01.2019  13:45 Guest lecture
Ulrich Schwanecke, Hochschule RheinMain
Craniofacial Reconstruction
HS 12
09.01.2019  13:00 Guest lecture
Philipp Grohs, University of Vienna
Approximation theory, Numerical Analysis and Deep Learning
SP2 416-2
08.01.2019  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Daniel Jodlbauer,
Matrix-Free Multigrid for Phase-Field Fracture Problems
S2 054
08.01.2019  10:15 Guest lecture
Michael Gfrerer, TU Kaiserslautern
Trimming in Isogeometric Analysis
S2 120
07.01.2019  13:45 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Lisa Kaltenböck,
Randomized Quasi-Monte Carlo Simulation in Credit Risk Management
S2 219
20.12.2018  13:45 Guest lecture
Benjamin Eichinger, Lund University, Sweden
Periodic coordinates and a Magic Formula for Finite-gap CMV matrices
S3 048
18.12.2018  11:15 Guest lecture
Elfriede Friedmann,
Coupled PDE systems for the description of (patho)physiological processes and in silico therapies
SP3 048
14.12.2018  10:00 Habilitation Colloquium
Veronika Pillwein,
Computational Mathematics: Symbolic Computation and Numerical Analysis
S2 120
13.12.2018  13:45 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Gernot Hauzenberger,
Das arbitragefreie Nelson Siegel Modell zur Bewertung von Zinsspread-Optionen
K 112A
13.12.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Michela Ceria, University of Milan
DIY for Groebner bases: multivariate Ore extensions and effective rings
S2 044
13.12.2018  13:00 PhD defense
Mehdi Makhul, DK
Algebraic geometry techniques in incidence geometry
MT 226
13.12.2018  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Prof. T.L.Hoa, Hanoi, Institute of Mathematics
Asymptotic behavior of Linear and Integer Programming and the stability of the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity
RISC, Seminarroom
07.12.2018  15:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Linz Algebra Research Day, Part II
S2 416
07.12.2018  10:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Linz Algebra Research Day, Part I
S2 416
06.12.2018  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Guenter Pilz,
Block designs and their use in statistics and medicine
S2 044
06.12.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Lukas Weigert,
Maximum Clique Problem
S2 044
06.12.2018  10:15 Guest lecture
Yuya Suzuki, KU Leuven
Lattice point sets and exponential operator splitting for time-dependent Schrödinger equations
S2 048
04.12.2018  14:30 Guest lecture
Stefan Thonhauser, Tu Graz
Controlled risk models and an application of the QMC-method
S2 120
29.11.2018  14:00 PhD defense
Jarle Sogn,
Schur complement preconditioners for multiple saddle point problems and applications
MT 132
29.11.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Jiayue (Barbara) Qi,
Group-theoretical method for matrix multiplication
S2 044
29.11.2018  12:30 NuMa Seminar
Bjorn Fredrik Nielsen,
Laplacian preconditioning of elliptic PDEs: A priori estimates of all the eigenvalues
HF 9904
29.11.2018  10:15 Guest lecture
Jan Groselj, University of Ljubljana
A B-spline basis for reduced Argyris element.
S3 057
29.11.2018  09:15 Guest lecture
Marjeta Knez, University of Ljubljana
On constructions of splines over triangulations
S3 055
28.11.2018  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Angelos Mantzaflaris,
Isogeometric techniques for efficient numerical simulation
HS 12
28.11.2018  10:30 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
P. Traxler, SCCH
Event Prediction using Perceptron Like Algorithms: First Insights/Results
Hagenberg, SCCH, 0/2
28.11.2018  10:00 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
W. Zellinger, FLLL
The Moment Adaptation Problem
Hagenberg, SCCH, 0/2
23.11.2018  13:45 Guest lecture
Eleni Theodosiou,
A Numerical Solution of the Heat Transfer Problem
S2 416-1
23.11.2018  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Eleni Theodosiou,
A Numerical Solution of the Heat Transfer Problem
S2 416-1
23.11.2018  13:00
Dmitriy Bilyk,
Uniform Distribution and Discrepancy Theory: At the crossroads of analysis, approximation, discrete geometry, number theory, probability, and more...
SP2 416-2
22.11.2018  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Daniela Kaufmann,
Gate-level Arithmetic Circuit Verification using Gröbner Bases
S2 044
22.11.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Martina Seidl,
Proof Systems for Quantified Boolean Formulas
S2 044
21.11.2018  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Hirohisa Kishino, University of Tokio
Bridging molecular evolution and phenotypic evolution
S3 048
20.11.2018  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Tim Haubold,
Symbolic evaluation of hp-FEM element matrices on simplices
S2 054
15.11.2018  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Helmut Küchenhoff, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
The analysis of voter transitions in the Bavarian state election 2018 using data from different sources
S2 Z74
15.11.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Jakob Moosbauer,
Solving Equations over nilpotent rings
S2 044
14.11.2018  16:15 Seminar Analysis
Aleksey Kostenko, Universität Wien
Jacobi polynomials and the discrete Laguerre operator
S2 219
13.11.2018  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Jarle Sogn,
Schur complement preconditioners for multiple saddle point problems and applications
S2 054
12.11.2018  16:00 Guest lecture
Morley Davidson, Kent State University
Construction of a 'human friendly' Rubik's Cube solution with sub-40 average move-count
S2 416-2
12.11.2018  13:45 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Mario Neumüller,
On the asymptotic behaviour of the Sudler product of sines
S2 219
09.11.2018  10:15 Guest lecture
Jörn Steuding,
On Euler's hypermagic squares
S2 120
08.11.2018  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Efstathia Bura, Technische Universität Wien
Least Squares and ML Estimation Approaches of the Sufficient Reduction for Matrix Valued Predictors
S2 Z74
08.11.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Georg Regensburger,
Elementary and sign vectors of a real subspace and applications to metabolic networks
S2 044
08.11.2018  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Astrid Pechstein,
Mixed Finite Elements for large-strain electro-mechanics suitable for high aspect ratios
S2 346
08.11.2018  10:15 PhD defense
Victoria Hutterer, Industrial Mathematics
Model-based wavefront reconstruction approaches for pyramid wavefront sensors in Adaptive Optics
HS 6
30.10.2018  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Martin Schwalsberger,
A Space-Time Parallel Multigrid Method for the Transient Eddy Current Equation
S2 054
25.10.2018  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Erindi Allaj, University of Florence
Volatility measurement in presence of high-frequency data
S2 Z74
25.10.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Thibaut Verron,
Tate algebras and Gröbner bases
S2 044
25.10.2018  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Johann Mitteramskogler, RISC
The Algebro-Geometric Solution Method for Algebraic Differential Equations -- Theory and Software
RISC, Hagenberg, Sem
18.10.2018  14:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Erhard Aichinger,
A note on a theorem of Chevalley and Warning
S2 044
18.10.2018  14:15 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Paul Kainberger,
Using Group Theory for solving Rubik's Cube
S2 044
18.10.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Stephanie Schwaiger,
Using "Larch" and "Waldmeister"
S2 044
16.10.2018  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Tomas Luber,
Algebraic approach to preconditioning in poroelasticity revisited
S2 054
15.10.2018  09:00
Invited speakers,
RICAM Special Semester: Workshop 1 - Pseudo-Randomness and Finite Fields
SP2 416-1
11.10.2018  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
David Gabauer, JKU Linz
’To Be or Not to Be’ a Member of an Optimum Currency Area?
S2 Z74
11.10.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Matteo Gallet,
The number of realizations of a rigid graph on a sphere
S2 044
09.10.2018  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Monica Montardini,
Efficient preconditioning strategies in Isogeometric analysis
S2 054
04.10.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manuel Kauers,
Onsager's solution of the Ising model could have been guessed
S2 044
04.10.2018  13:45 Guest lecture
Yuta Suzuki,
On binary additive problems with prime variables in short intervals
SP2 416-1
02.10.2018  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Svetlana Matculevich,
Guaranteed and computable bounds of approximation errors for the semi-discrete Biot problem
S2 054
24.09.2018  13:30 Guest lecture
Yuki Ishihara, Rikkyo Univ., Japan
Effective Localization
14.09.2018  11:00 Guest lecture
Sebastian Schmutzhard, Univ. f. Musik und Darstellende Kunst Wien
Mathematical modeling of woodwind instruments
SP2 416-2
28.08.2018  09:00
Julia Neuwirth,
Adaptive Optics in Two-Photon Microscopy and Two-Photon Lithography
21.08.2018  14:00 Guest lecture
Kirk Soodhalter, Industrial Mathematics
Augmented Krylov subspace methods for ill-posed problems
09.08.2018  14:00 Guest lecture
Howard Cohl, NIST
Generalizations of linearization formulae for continuous hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials
SP2 416-1
03.08.2018  11:30 AEC Seminar
Steve Melczer,
An Invitation to Analytic Combinatorics in Several Variables, part 5
03.08.2018  10:30 AEC Seminar
Eric Fusy,
Planar maps: bijections and applications, part 5
03.08.2018  10:00 AEC Seminar
Eric Fusy,
Planar maps: bijections and applications, part 5
03.08.2018  09:00 AEC Seminar
Francois Bergeron,
Combinatorial enumeration using symmetric functions, with computer algebra exploration, part 5
02.08.2018  16:00 AEC Seminar
Eric Fusy,
02.08.2018  15:30 AEC Seminar
Francois Bergeron,
02.08.2018  14:00 AEC Seminar
Francois Bergeron,
Combinatorial enumeration using symmetric functions, with computer algebra exploration, part 4
02.08.2018  11:30 AEC Seminar
Steve Melczer,
02.08.2018  10:30 AEC Seminar
Steve Melczer,
An Invitation to Analytic Combinatorics in Several Variables, part 4
02.08.2018  09:00 AEC Seminar
Eric Fusy,
Planar maps: bijections and applications, part 4
01.08.2018  11:30 AEC Seminar
Steve Melczer,
An Invitation to Analytic Combinatorics in Several Variables, part 3
01.08.2018  10:30 AEC Seminar
Eric Fusy,
Planar maps: bijections and applications, part 3
01.08.2018  09:00 AEC Seminar
Francois Bergeron,
Combinatorial enumeration using symmetric functions, with computer algebra exploration, part 3
31.07.2018  16:00 AEC Seminar
Steve Melczer,
31.07.2018  15:30 AEC Seminar
Eric Fusy,
31.07.2018  14:00 AEC Seminar
Eric Fusy,
Planar maps: bijections and applications, part 2
31.07.2018  11:30 AEC Seminar
Francois Bergeron,
31.07.2018  10:00 AEC Seminar
Francois Bergeron,
Combinatorial enumeration using symmetric functions, with computer algebra exploration, part 2
31.07.2018  09:00 AEC Seminar
Steve Melczer,
An Invitation to Analytic Combinatorics in Several Variables, part 2
30.07.2018  17:00 AEC Seminar
Isaac Konan,
A bijective proof and generalization of Siladic's Theorem
30.07.2018  16:30 AEC Seminar
Daniel Krenn,
MacMahon's Omega Calculus for the Analysis of Optimal Multi-Pivot Quicksort
30.07.2018  15:30 AEC Seminar
Florian Aigner,
A determinantal expression for the Q-enumeration of alternating sign matrices leading to a variation of a proof of the ASM theorem
30.07.2018  15:00 AEC Seminar
Christian Bean,
Combinatorial Exploration
30.07.2018  14:00 AEC Seminar
Francois Bergeron,
Combinatorial enumeration using symmetric functions, with computer algebra exploration, part 1
30.07.2018  11:00 AEC Seminar
Steve Melczer,
An Invitation to Analytic Combinatorics in Several Variables, part 1
30.07.2018  09:30 AEC Seminar
Eric Fusy,
Planar maps: bijections and applications, part 1
25.07.2018  10:00 Guest lecture
Sarah Leweke, University of Siegen
The Inverse Magneto-electroencephalography Problem for the Spherical Multiple-shell Model: Theoretical Investigations and Numerical Aspects
SP2 416-2
19.07.2018  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Prof. J.R.Sendra, Univ. Alcala, Madrid
Radical Varieties
RISC, HA 105, Schlos
13.07.2018  13:45 Guest lecture
Giancarlo Sangalli, Pavia University
Computationally efficient Isogeometric Analysis
S2 416-2
13.07.2018  10:30 PhD defense
Katharina Rafetseder,
A New Approach to Mixed Methods for Kirchhoff-Love Plates and Shells
S2 416-1
13.07.2018  08:30 PhD defense
Christoph Hofer, DK
Fast Multipatch Isogeometric Analysis Solvers
S2 416-1
09.07.2018  15:00 DK Seminar
Andras Schafelner, DK
Space-time Finite Element Methods for Parabolic Evolution Equations with Variable Coefficients
S 416
09.07.2018  14:00 DK Seminar
Nicolas Smoot, DK
A New Family of Congruences for Rogers-Ramanujan Subpartitions
S2 416
09.07.2018  13:00 DK Seminar
Daniel Jodlbauer, DK
Solving Nonexistent Equations - Matrix Free Methods
S2 416
09.07.2018  11:00 DK Seminar
Markus Pöttinger, DK
How to counteract temporal delays in an Adaptive Optics system for astronomical observations
S2 416
09.07.2018  10:00 DK Seminar
Mehdi Makhul, DK
Probabilities of incidence between lines and a plane curve over finite fields
S2 416
09.07.2018  09:00 DK Seminar
Bernhard Endtmayer, DK
Introduction to Optimal Control and its Relation to the Dual Weighted Residual Method
S2 416
04.07.2018  10:45 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
L. Zhao,
Deep Learning Based Trajectory Prediction and Anomaly Detection in Crowd
MT226, Science Park
04.07.2018  10:15 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
A-M. Meder,
Optimization of Electrical Drives Using Deep Learning Techniques
MT226, Science Park
04.07.2018  09:30 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
M. Zwick,
Transfer Learning with Scenario-Invariant Time Series Analysis (ScITSA) for Cyclical Processes in Manufacturing
MT226, Science Park
04.07.2018  09:00 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
W. Zellinger,
Moment Distances for Comparing High-Entropy Distributions with Application in Domain Adaptation
MT226, Science Park
03.07.2018  13:30 Guest lecture
Tomer Libal,
Functions-as-constructors Higher-order Unification
HA 105, RISC Hagenbe
28.06.2018  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Sebastian Kreinecker,
Closed function sets on groups of prime order
S2 219
28.06.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Stefano Fioravanti,
Clones on Z_p x Z_q
S2 219
28.06.2018  08:30 IFAS Research Seminar
G. S. Ladde, University of South Florida
Energy/Lyapunov Function Method and Stochastic Mathematical Finance
S2 Z74
27.06.2018  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series D
Pradeep Kumar Misra, CCS University, Meerut (India)
Indian Education System: An Intriguing Story
HS 12
26.06.2018  16:15 NuMa Seminar
Katharina Rafetseder,
A New Approach to Mixed Methods for Kirchhoff-Love Plates and Shells
S2 416-1
26.06.2018  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Christoph Hofer,
Fast Multipatch Isogeometric Analysis Solvers
S2 416-1
26.06.2018  14:30 Seminar Analysis
Michal Wojciechowski, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
On the Auerbach-Mazur-Ulam problem
K 012D
21.06.2018  16:00
ÖH Mathematik,
Informationsabend zum neuen Bachelorstudienplan
21.06.2018  15:30 Seminar Geometrie
Pascal Weinmüller,
Modeling and Simulating the Cooling of Batteries.
HT 177F
21.06.2018  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Tim Boykett,
Notes on the 'physics' of computation
S2 219
21.06.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manfred Buchacher,
going together. lattice walks and the kernel method.
S2 219
21.06.2018  13:45 Seminar Analysis
Joscha Prochno, University of Hull
Intersection of unit balls in classical matrix ensembles
S2 053
21.06.2018  12:00 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Mario Neumüller,
The Sudler Product of Sines
S3 047
21.06.2018  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Winkler, RISC
Differential resultants
Hagenberg, RISC, Sem
19.06.2018  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Lukas Burgholzer,
Predictive Control for Trucks
S2 416-1
19.06.2018  10:15 Seminar Geometrie
Pascal de Koster,
B-spline MPM in 2D, Simulating soil deformations with higher order smooth basis functions
P 215
15.06.2018  16:00 AEC Seminar
Roger Behrend,
Kuperberg's proof of the AMS-conjecture
S2 048
15.06.2018  15:05 AEC Seminar
Chen Wang,
A proof of the Borwein conjecture
S2 048
15.06.2018  14:45 AEC Seminar
Nicolas Smoot,
A Proof of a New Family of Partition Congruences
S2 048
15.06.2018  14:00 AEC Seminar
Isabella Larcher,
On the number of variables in random lambda-terms with bounds on De Bruijn indices or De Bruijn level
S2 048
14.06.2018  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Maximilian Jaroschek,
Low Order Recombinations of C-Finite Sequences
S2 219
14.06.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Elisabeth Landl,
The Fuchs Relation
S2 219
13.06.2018  17:00
OeH Mathematik, Physik, Lehramt,
13.06.2018  16:45 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Manfred Buchacher,
A hundred prisoners
S2 219
13.06.2018  16:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Thibaut Verron,
Tropical algebra and Gröbner bases
S2 219
13.06.2018  16:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Erhard Aichinger,
Complexity of term representations of finitary functions
S2 219
13.06.2018  16:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Martina Seidl,
The Symmetry Rule for Quantified Boolean Formulas
S2 219
13.06.2018  15:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Stevano Fioravanti,
Group expansions of Z_p x Z_q
S2 219
13.06.2018  15:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Sebastian Falkensteiner,
Formal Power Series Solutions of Autonomous First Order AODEs
S2 219
13.06.2018  15:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Tim Boykett,
Radicals in Cellular Automata
S2 219
13.06.2018  14:45 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Peter Mayr,
Subdirect products of perfect groups
S2 219
13.06.2018  14:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Arne Winterhof,
Difference sets and unpredictable sequences
S2 219
13.06.2018  14:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Mehdi Makhul,
A family of four-variable expanders with quadratic growth
S2 219
13.06.2018  13:45 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Peter Fuchs,
On Anshel-Clay near-rings
S2 219
13.06.2018  13:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Sebastian Kreinecker,
Expansions of additive groups of finite fields
S2 219
13.06.2018  13:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Daniela Ritirc,
Polynomial calculus vs. Nullstellensatz proof system
S2 219
13.06.2018  13:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Christoph Koutschan,
On a determinant related to the singular value decomposition of n-fold integration operators
S2 219
12.06.2018  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Alessandro Giust,
The Harmonic Balance method and its application in circuit and electromagnetic problems
S2 416-1
08.06.2018  11:00 Seminar Analysis
Maciej Rzeszut, Kent State University
A generalized Johnson Schechtman inequality: Higher order independent sums in product $L^1$ spaces
S2 044
07.06.2018  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Thomas Schlumprecht,
On the coarse embeddability of Hilbert space and the metric characterization of asymptotic properties
S2 219
07.06.2018  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Sophie Hofmanninger,
Plane Partitions
S2 219
07.06.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Clemens Hofstadler,
Implementation of D-finite sequences/functions in Sage
S2 219
07.06.2018  12:00 Master- & Dissertantenseminar_I. Finanzmath.
Lisa Kaltenböck,
On Bounded Remainder Sets and Strongly Non-Bounded Remainder Sets for Sequences ({a_n alpha})_n geq1
S3 047
07.06.2018  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Christoph Fürst, RISC
The structure of rings
Hagenberg, RISC, Sem
05.06.2018  16:00
13. ÖH TNF Sommergrillerei
05.06.2018  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Huidong Yang,
A Newton--Krylov--AMG Method For An Adaptive Space--Time Finite Element Discretization Of The Allen--Cahn Equation In 3D And 4D
S2 416-1
01.06.2018  10:00 Guest lecture
Yurii Kolomoitsev, Universität zu Lübeck
On approximation by multivariate Kantorovich-Kotelnikov sampling operators
SP2 416-1
30.05.2018  14:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Ae Ja Yee, Pennsylvania State Universtiy
Truncated Hecke-Rogers type series
HA 105, RISC, Hagenb
29.05.2018  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Rainer Schneckenleitner,
Isogeometric Analysis based Simulation and Optimization - Applications to Electrical machines
S2 416-1
29.05.2018  14:00 Guest lecture
Róbert Vajda,
Markov Functions, Projections, Zolotarev Polynomials and Quantifier Elimination
HS 4
24.05.2018  16:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Pavlina Jordanova, University of Shumen, Bulgaria
On “multivariate” modifications of Cramer Lundberg risk model
S2 Z74
24.05.2018  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Carsten Wiuf, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
A simple method to aggregate p-values without a priori grouping
S2 Z74
24.05.2018  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Nikolaus Felbermair,
(1 + i)-ary GCD Computation in Z[i] as an Analogue to the Binary GCD Algorithm
S2 219
24.05.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Philipp Nuspl,
Solving Linear Recurrence Equations with Polynomial Coefficients
S2 219
23.05.2018  15:30 Guest lecture
Peterson Gary,
Projectivity and linkage for completely join irreducible ideals of an expanded group
K 224B
18.05.2018  16:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Volker Strehl, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Solving a linear system symbolically - how and why
RISC, HA105, Hagenbe
18.05.2018  15:10 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Mourad Ismail, University of Central Florida
A Polynomial Version of the Rogers-Ramanujan Identities and Ramanujan Type Functions.
RISC, HA105, Hagenbe
18.05.2018  14:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Adalbert Kerber, Universität Bayreuth, Germany
RISC, HA105, Hagenbe
18.05.2018  11:30 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Sergei Abramov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Reduction of matrices of difference operators and inverse matrix computation
RISC, HA105, Hagenbe
18.05.2018  10:40 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Joachim von zur Gathen, Universität Bonn
Combinatorics on polynomial equations: do they describe nice varieties?
RISC, HA105, Hagenbe
18.05.2018  09:30 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Matthias Beck, San Francisco State University, U.S.A.
Chain Partition Analysis
RISC, HA105, Hagenbe
17.05.2018  16:25 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Johannes Blümlein, DESY Zeuthen
Quantum Field Theory and a Hierarchy of Special Function Spaces
RISC, HA105, Hagenbe
17.05.2018  16:00
Prof. Zsolt Lavicza & Prof. Barbara Sabitzer,
Festsaal, Uni Center
17.05.2018  15:20 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Mark Giesbrecht, University of Waterloo
Eigenvalues, invariant factors and random integer matrices
RISC, HA105, Hagenbe
17.05.2018  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Jamal Hossein Poor,
Symbolic computation for integro-differential-time-delay operators with matrix coefficients
S2 219
17.05.2018  14:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. George E. Andrews, Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A.
Ramanujan's Lost Notebook in Five Volumes__Reflections
RISC, HA105, Hagenbe
17.05.2018  12:00
Wolfgang Stockinger,
Some negative results related to Poissonian pair correlation problems
S2 044
17.05.2018  11:10 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Marko Petkovsek, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Definite sums as solutions of linear recurrence equations
RISC, HA105, Hagenbe
17.05.2018  10:20 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Johann Cigler, Universität Wien, Austria
Some Hankel determinants with nice evaluations
RISC, HA105, Hagenbe
17.05.2018  09:30 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Bruno Buchberger, RISC
Mathematics: Natural Intelligence
RISC, HA 105, Hagenb
16.05.2018  10:00 Guest lecture
Igor Nesteruk, NTUU “Igor Sykorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Automatic segmentation and blood flow characteristics in the heart and large vessels: calculations based on 4D MRI data and user-friendly software
SP2 416-1
15.05.2018  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Tomas Luber,
Algebraic preconditioning for poroelasticity
S2 416-1
15.05.2018  13:45 Guest lecture
Hajime Machida, Tokyo
A survey on minimal clones
MT 128
03.05.2018  15:30 Guest lecture
Ioannis Emiris, NKU Athens
Volume computation of convex regions
S2 416-1
03.05.2018  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Ingolf Neumüller,
A new explanation of Strassen's algorithm
S2 219
03.05.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Sebastian Moharitsch,
Best known Strassen applications for 3x3 and 5x5 matrix multiplication with a construction by tensors isotropies
S2 219
26.04.2018  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Juan Rodríguez-Díaz, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
Design optimality in multiresponse models with double covariance structure
S2 Z74
26.04.2018  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Yi Zhang,
Desingularization in the q-Weyl algebra
S2 219
26.04.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Fritz Kliemann,
Deciding Presburger arithmetic using finite automatons
S2 219
26.04.2018  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Dr. Georg Grasegger, RICAM
Realizations of minimally rigid graphs
Hagenberg, RISC, Sem
25.04.2018  10:30 Guest lecture
Prof. Laura Sacerdote, University of Torino, Italy
Relationship between Barabasi-Albert and Yule models. Applications to the study of the growth of networks
S2 219
24.04.2018  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Armin Fohler,
Shape Calculus for Multi-Domain Formulation of Elliptic Problems and its Application to Electrical Machines
S2 416-1
24.04.2018  13:00 PhD defense
Simon Hubmer, Doctoral Program
Fast Gradient-Based Iterative Regularization Methods for Nonlinear Ill-Posed Problems – Theory and Applications
S2 416-1
20.04.2018  10:35 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
A-M. Meder, FLLL
Optimization of Electrical Drives Using Deep Learning Techniques
Hagenberg, SCCH, Roo
20.04.2018  10:15 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
U. Anlauf, FLLL
The Steiner Tree Problem Considering Obstacles
Hagenberg, SCCH, Roo
20.04.2018  09:30 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
G. Badia, FLLL
Maximality of First-order Logics Based on Finite MTL-chain
Hagenberg, SCCH, Roo
20.04.2018  09:00 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
F. Sobieczky, SCCH
Unimodularity of graphs for unbiased parameter estimation
Hagenberg, SCCH, Roo
19.04.2018  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Robert Breitenecker, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Spatial Heterogeneity in Entrepreneurship Research: An Application of Geographically Weighted Regression
S2 Z74
19.04.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Maria Francis,
Signature-based Gröbner basis algorithms for polynomial rings over rings
S2 219
18.04.2018  15:30 Guest lecture
Frank de Zeeuw,
Collinear triples on algebraic curves
SP2 416-1
18.04.2018  14:00
Sandrine van Frank,
Terahertz Computer Tomography for cross-section measurements in extrusion profiles
S2 416-1
18.04.2018  09:00
Univ.-Prof. Volker Ulm,
Tag des Mathematikunterrichts
Halle C
12.04.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Temur Kutsia,
Generalization algorithms and applications
S2 219
12.04.2018  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Dr. Günter Landsmann, RISC
Symbolic treatment of boundary value problems
Hagenberg, RISC Semi
10.04.2018  16:15 NuMa Seminar
Svetlana Matculevich,
Space-Time Adaptive Isogeometric Analysis of Parabolic Initial-Boundary Value Problem
S2 416-1
10.04.2018  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Jarle Sogn,
Multigrid solvers for the biharmonic problem in IgA
S2 416-1
22.03.2018  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Christoph Koutschan, RICAM
Search for Wolstenholme Primes
S2 219
22.03.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Erhard Aichinger,
Various meanings of "nilpotency": From groups to universal algebras
S2 219
21.03.2018  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Veronika Pillwein,
Computational Mathematics: Symbolic Computation and Numerical Mathematics
HS 13
21.03.2018  13:45
Oliver Roche-Newton, RICAM
An introduction to the sum-product problem and the size of the set AA+A
SP2 416-1
20.03.2018  16:15 NuMa Seminar
Christoph Hofer,
Robust Parallel Solvers for discontinuous Galerkin Space-Time Isogeometric Analysis of Parabolic Evolution Problems
S2 416-1
20.03.2018  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Stefan Takacs,
Robust solvers for Isogeometric Analysis
S2 416-1
20.03.2018  13:30 Guest lecture
Christina Karolus, University of Salzburg
Composite polynomials in second order linear recurrence sequences
SP2 416-1
15.03.2018  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Andreas Mayr, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg
An introduction to boosting distributional regression
S2 Z74
15.03.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Thomas Sturm, CNRS, Inria, and the University of Lorraine, Nancy
Real Problems over the Reals From Complete Elimination Procedures to Subtropical Decisions
S2 219
15.03.2018  13:45 Seminar Analysis
Pavlos Motakis, Texas A&M University
Joint spreading models and uniform approximation of bounded operators
K 224B
15.03.2018  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Sebastian Falkensteiner, RISC
Two different approaches for finding formal power series solutions of AODEs
Hagenberg, RISC, Sem
13.03.2018  08:45 Guest lecture
Liangjie Ye,
A bite of symbolic computation - proving and producing Jacobi theta function identities automatically
S2 219
08.03.2018  15:30 Seminar Geometrie
Laureano Gonzalez-Vega,
Closed formulae for the conics and quadrics separation problem
S2 053
08.03.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manuel Kauers,
Symmetry breaking in SAT and QBF
S2 219
07.03.2018  08:30 PhD defense
Michael Hauer,
Equivalence detection of rational curves and surfaces
S2 059
06.03.2018  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Johannes Kraus,
Conservative stable discretizations and parameter-robust preconditioners for three-field formulation of Biot's consolidation model
S2 416-1
27.02.2018  14:30 Guest lecture
Adrian Ebert, KU Leuven
Quasi-Monte Carlo methods and applications
SP2 416-1
27.02.2018  10:15 Guest lecture
Cyrille Chenavier, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée
Reduction operators and completion of linear rewriting systems
S2 416-1
23.02.2018  11:00 NuMa Seminar
Oleg Iliev,
Toward Exascale Computation of Uncertainty Quantification for Porous Media Flow Using Multilevel Monte Carlo
S2 416-2
23.02.2018  11:00 Guest lecture
Oleg Iliev, ITWM Fraunhofer Kaiserslautern
Toward Exascale Computation of Uncertainty Quanti cation for Porous Media Flow Using Multilevel Monte Carlo
SP2 416-2
16.02.2018  13:45 Guest lecture
Sergey Repin,
Estimates of the distance to the set of divergence free fields and applications to analysis of incompressible viscous flow problems
SP2 416-1
16.02.2018  10:00 Seminar Geometrie
Alessandro Giust,
The Harmonic Balance method and its application in circuit theory and computational electromagnetics
S3 048
09.02.2018  10:45 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
A-M. Meder, FLLL
Optimization of Electrical Drives Using Deep Learning Techniques
S2 054
09.02.2018  10:15 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
U. Anlauf, FLLL
The Steiner Tree Problem Considering Obstacles
S2 054
09.02.2018  09:30 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
N. Shepeleva, SCCH
Removing Nuisance in Tracklet Data
S2 054
09.02.2018  09:00 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
B. Moser, SCCH
On a Heisenberg-Type inequality relating Discrepancy Norm and Total Variation
S2 054
06.02.2018  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Felix Scholz,
Low-rank space-time decoupled isogeometric analysis for parabolic problems with varying coefficients
S2 416-1
06.02.2018  15:00 DK Seminar
Mehdi Makhul, DK
On the size of rational functions of four variables and Cartesian product
BA 9910
06.02.2018  14:00 DK Seminar
Daniel Jodlbauer, RICAM
Nonstandard Methods for Fluid Simulations
BA 9910
06.02.2018  13:00 DK Seminar
Markus Pöttinger, RICAM
Extrapolation in variable reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces
BA 9910
06.02.2018  11:00 DK Seminar
Simon Hubmer, DK
Various ways of Learning and More
BA 9910
06.02.2018  10:00 DK Seminar
Antonio Jiménez-Pastor, DK
Computing with DD-finite functions
BA 9910
05.02.2018  15:00 DK Seminar
Matteo Gallet, RICAM
Reconstruction of algebraic surfaces from their apparent contour
BA 9910
05.02.2018  14:00 DK Seminar
Agnes Seiler, DK
How to construct a spline basis on multi patch domains
BA 9910
05.02.2018  13:00 DK Seminar
Andreas Schafelner, DK
Introduction to Space-Time Methods for Parabolic Problems
BA 9910
05.02.2018  11:00 DK Seminar
Nicolas Smoot, DK
The Ramanujan-Kolberg Algorithm and Some New Partition Identities
BA 9910
05.02.2018  10:00 DK Seminar
Bernhard Endtmayer, RICAM
Adaptive Newton Methods and Goal-Oriented Error Estimation for Nonlinear Problems
BA 9910
01.02.2018  10:30 Guest lecture
Francisco José Romero Hinrichsen, ETH Zurich
Dynamical super-resolution with applications to ultrafast ultrasound
SP2 416-1
30.01.2018  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Rainer Schneckenleitner,
Space-time DPG methods
S2 416-1
25.01.2018  15:30 IFAS Research Seminar
Thomas Kneib,
Modular Regression - A Lego System for Building Structured Additive Distributional Regression Models with Tensor Product Interactions
S2 Z74
25.01.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Clemens Raab,
Algebraic proofs of operator identities
S3 048
24.01.2018  14:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Dr. Zafeirakis Zafeirakopoulos,
Some simple observations on Ehrhart Polynomials, Vector Partition Function and Minkowski Decomposition
RISC, Hagenberg
23.01.2018  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Jarle Sogn,
IGA: Multigrid method for the biharmonic problem
S2 416-1
18.01.2018  13:45
Andrea Rob,
Modeling and performance of certain Put-write strategies with varying entry-dates
HF 9905
18.01.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Peter Fuchs,
Forcing linearity numbers for coatomic modules
S3 048
17.01.2018  12:00 Guest lecture
David Krieg, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Randomized algorithms for L2-approximation
SP2 416-1
16.01.2018  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Huidong Yang,
Algebraic multigrid methods for an adaptive space-time finite element discretization of parabolic and coupled problems
S2 416-1
16.01.2018  12:00 Dissertationskolloquium
Kargaran Somayeh,
Overlapping Multi-Patch Structures
S2 046
11.01.2018  13:45
Lisa Kaltenböck,
Bounded Remainder Sets of Kronecker Sequences and Lacunary Subsequences
HF 9905
11.01.2018  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Yi Zhang, RICAM
Laurent Series Solutions of Algebraic Ordinary Differential Equations
S3 048
10.01.2018  12:00 Seminar Analysis
Joscha Prochno, University of Hull
Operator norms of structured Gaussian random matrices
MT 327
09.01.2018  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Martin Schwalsberger,
An investigation of challenges for a time-parallel method
S2 416-1
29.12.2017  13:30 Seminar Analysis
Stefan Steinerberger, Yale University
Parabolic Equations, Expanders, t-SNE and Data Analysis
S3 058
29.12.2017  11:00 Seminar Analysis
Stefan Steinerberger, Yale University
Universal Limitations of Quadrature Rules and Generalized Spherical Designs
S3 058
14.12.2017  13:45
Mario Neumüller,
Subsequences of Sine Products for Quadratic Irrationalities
HF 9905
14.12.2017  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Sebastian Kreinecker,
Undecidability Of Diophantine Equations
S3 048
13.12.2017  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series D
Manfred Borovcnik, Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt
Kinder kommen von Störchen: Statistik richtig verstehen
HS 13
12.12.2017  15:30 NuMa Seminar
J. Gopalakrishnan,
An overview of DPG methods
S2 416-1
12.12.2017  15:30 Guest lecture
Dr. Inga Zutautaité, Vytautas Magnus University
Research Activities in Lithuanian Energy Institute in the Field of Risk & Reliability Assessment
MT 130
07.12.2017  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Thibaut Verron,
Algebraic classification methods for an optimal control problem in medical imagery
S3 048
05.12.2017  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Bernhard Endtmayer,
Goal-oriented error estimation and iteration errors estimates for p-Laplace problems
S2 416-1
30.11.2017  13:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
various, RISC Hagenberg
LARD - Linz Algebra Research Day 2017
RISC, HA105, Hagenbe
28.11.2017  16:15 NuMa Seminar
Rainer Schneckenleitner,
Isogeometrical Analysis based Shape Optimization
S2 416-1
28.11.2017  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Andreas Schafelner,
Space-Time Finite Element Methods for Parabolic Initial-Boundary Problems
S2 416-1
27.11.2017  14:20 Guest lecture
Prof. Dr. Mama Foupouagnigni, AIMS
Contribution of the African Institute for mathematical Sciences towards capacity building and promotion of Mathematical Sciences in Africa
RISC Hagenberg, Semi
27.11.2017  13:30 Guest lecture
Mama Foupouagnigni, African Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Approximation by Interpolation: The Chebyshev Nodes
RISC Hagenberg, semi
23.11.2017  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Clement Requile,
Enumeration of regular planar graphs
S3 048
23.11.2017  13:45
Wolfgang Stockinger,
Poissonian pair correlations and the Champernwone constant
HF 9905
22.11.2017  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Georg Regensburger,
Positive steady states and solutions of polynomial systems with real exponents
HS 13
22.11.2017  11:15 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
T. Natschläger, SCCH
Workflow for Criticality Assessment Applied in Biopharmaceutical Process Validation Stage 1
Hagenberg, SCCH, 0/2
22.11.2017  11:00 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
A-M. Meder, KBMS / FLLL
Optimization of Electrical Drives Using Deep Learning Techniques
Hagenberg, SCCH, 0/2
22.11.2017  10:45 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
U. Anlauf, KBMS / FLLL
The Steiner Tree Problem Considering Obstacles
Hagenberg, SCCH, 0/2
22.11.2017  10:00 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
W. Zellinger, KBMS / FLLL
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Neural Networks via Moment Alignment
Hagenberg, SCCH, 0/2
22.11.2017  09:30 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
R. Nikzad-Langerodi, KBMS / FLLL
Domain – Invariant Partial Least Squares Regression: A Novel Calibration Transfer Paradigm
Hagenberg, SCCH, 0/2
22.11.2017  09:00 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
F. Sobieczky, SCCH
Statistical Depth
Hagenberg, SCCH, 0/2
21.11.2017  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Svetoslav Nakov,
Functional a Posteriori Error Estimates for the Nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann Equation
S2 416-1
21.11.2017  14:00 PhD defense
Ida Aichinger,
Vacuum Simulations in High Energy Accelerators and Distribution Properties of Continuous and Discrete Particle Motions
S3 058
20.11.2017  16:00 Habilitation Colloquium
Roswitha Hofer,
Construction of Low-Discrepancy Point Sets and Sequences, and the Distribution of Subsequences
S2 219
20.11.2017  13:30 Guest lecture
Prof. Alexander Levin, The Catholic University of America
Chain conditions and Hilbert-type functions for difference polynomial ideals
HA 105 (Hagenberg, R
16.11.2017  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manuel Kauers,
Fast evaluation and interpolation
S3 048
16.11.2017  13:30
Prof. Dr. Barry Quinn, Macquarie University Sidney, Australia
Novel frequency estimation techniques
MZ 412A
14.11.2017  14:00 Guest lecture
Denis Parganlija,
A new physics-based approach to studies of financial markets: the Linear Sigma Model
K 009D
14.11.2017  10:30 Guest lecture
Eric Todd Quinto, Tufts University
Artifacts in Arbitrary Limited Data Tomography Problems
SP2 416-2
10.11.2017  10:00 PhD defense
Günter Auzinger, Industrial Mathematics
New Reconstruction Approaches in Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes
SP2 416-2
09.11.2017  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Marc Mezzarobba,
Numerical evaluation of D-finite functions in ore_algebra: A progress report
S3 048
09.11.2017  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Dr. Yi Zhang,
Laurent Series Solutions of Algebraic Ordinary Differential Equations
HA 105 RISC Hagenber
08.11.2017  14:00 Guest lecture
Prof. Bruce Berndt, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ramanujan's Lost Notebook: History and Content
HA 105, RISC Hagenbe
08.11.2017  14:00
Romain Hug, RICAM
Mathematical analysis and convergence of an algorithm (Benamou-Brenier) for dynamic optimal transport problem. Case of non regular transportation maps
SP2 416-1
08.11.2017  10:15 Guest lecture
Bill Jackson, Queen Mary University of London
Unique low rank completability of partially filled matrices
S2 416-1
07.11.2017  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Martin Neumüller,
A Time-parallel Algorithm for Parabolic Evolution Equations
S2 416-1
06.11.2017  13:30 Guest lecture
Prof. Bruce Berndt, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ramanujan's Life and Earlier Notebooks
HA 105, Hagenberg, R
03.11.2017  15:30 Guest lecture
Wolfgang Hackbusch,
Numerical Tensor Calculus
S2 416-1
03.11.2017  13:45 Guest lecture
Wolfgang Hackbusch,
Numerical Tensor Calculus
S2 416-1
31.10.2017  15:30 Guest lecture
Wolfgang Hackbusch,
Numerical Tensor Calculus
S2 416-1
31.10.2017  14:00 Guest lecture
Prof. Michael F. Singer, North Carolina State University
Walks, Difference Equations and Elliptic Curves
HA 105, RISC Hagenbe
31.10.2017  13:45 Guest lecture
Wolfgang Hackbusch,
Numerical Tensor Calculus
S2 416-1
30.10.2017  15:30 Guest lecture
Wolfgang Hackbusch,
Numerical Tensor Calculus
S2 416-1
30.10.2017  13:45 Guest lecture
Wolfgang Hackbusch,
Numerical Tensor Calculus
S2 416-1
30.10.2017  13:30 Guest lecture
Prof. Michael Singer, North Carolina State University, USA
Groups and the Gamma Function
HA 105, Hagenberg, R
27.10.2017  13:45 Guest lecture
Wolfgang Hackbusch,
Numerical Tensor Calculus
S2 416-1
25.10.2017  13:45 Guest lecture
Wolfgang Hackbusch,
Numerical Tensor Calculus
S2 416-1
25.10.2017  10:15 Guest lecture
Wolfgang Hackbusch,
Numerical Tensor Calculus
S2 416-1
24.10.2017  15:30 Guest lecture
Wolfgang Hackbusch,
Numerical Tensor Calculus
S2 416-1
24.10.2017  13:45 Guest lecture
Wolfgang Hackbusch,
Numerical Tensor Calculus
S2 416-1
23.10.2017  12:45 Guest lecture
Wolfgang Hackbusch,
Numerical Tensor Calculus
S2 416-1
19.10.2017  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Tim Boykett,
Composition rings to approach functional equations
S3 048
19.10.2017  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Stefano Fioravanti, University of Siena
Some very weak Mal’cev conditions
S3 048
19.10.2017  10:15 PhD defense
Rika Yatchak,
Restricted Lattice Paths and Their Generating Functions
S2 416
19.10.2017  10:15
DI Sebastian Falkensteiner, RISC
A contribution to the algebro-geometric approach for finding exact solutions of ADES's
HA 105 (Hagenberg, R
17.10.2017  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Stefan Takacs,
Robust approximation error estimates and multigrid solvers for isogeometric multi-patch discretizations
S2 416-1
17.10.2017  12:00 Dissertationskolloquium
Felix Scholz, Angewandte Geometrie
Matrix assembly in isogeometric analysis using partial tensor decomposition
S2 046
12.10.2017  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Maximilian Jaroschek, TU Wien
WHILE (looking for invariants) DO algebra;
S3 048
10.10.2017  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Thomas Wick,
Newton methods for solving fully monolithic phase-field quasi-static brittle fracture propagation
S2 416-1
05.10.2017  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manuel Kauers,
Hermite Pade Approximation
S3 048
20.09.2017  13:00 PhD defense
Roland Wagner, RICAM
From Adaptive Optics systems to Point Spread Function Reconstruction and Deconvolution for Extremely Large Telescopes
SP2 416-2
19.09.2017  10:15 Guest lecture
Jan Vrsek, University of West Bohemia
Reconstruction of surfaces from given contours and silhouettes
S2 416-1
14.09.2017  11:15 DART VIII
Martin Scheicher,
Groebner Bases over Finitely Generated Affine Monoids and Applications to Systems of Difference Equations
14.09.2017  10:40 DART VIII
James Freitag,
The algebraic relations between solutions of Painleve equations
14.09.2017  09:35 DART VIII
Annette Bachmayr,
Differential Galois theory over large fields of constants
14.09.2017  09:00 DART VIII
Xing Gao,
On integro-differential algebras
13.09.2017  16:15 DART VIII
Viktor Levandovskyy,
Factorization of Noncommutative Polynomials
13.09.2017  15:40 DART VIII
Zoe Chatzidakis,
Notions of difference closures of difference fields
13.09.2017  14:35 DART VIII
Jacques-Arthur Weil,
Reduction and Differential Galois Group of Reducible Linear Differential Systems
13.09.2017  14:00 DART VIII
Shaoshi Chen,
Some open problems related to creative telescoping
13.09.2017  11:50 DART VIII
Mohamed Barakat,
Programming categories
13.09.2017  11:15 DART VIII
Irena Kogan,
Generalization of an integrability theorem of Darboux
13.09.2017  10:40 DART VIII
David Blasquez Sanz,
Parallelisms, Lie connections, and transitive Lie algebra actions
13.09.2017  09:35 DART VIII
Silvain Rideau,
13.09.2017  09:00 DART VIII
Alberto De Sole,
Quantum finite and classical affine W-algebras for classical Lie algebras
12.09.2017  11:15 DART VIII
Michael Wibmer,
Triviality of Torsors for Difference Algebraic Groups
12.09.2017  10:40 DART VIII
Matthias Seiss,
On the generic Inverse Problem for the Classical Groups
12.09.2017  09:35 DART VIII
Sonja Rueda,
One-parameter form factorizations of KdV stationary Schroedinger operators
12.09.2017  09:00 DART VIII
Jonathan Kirby,
Interdefinability of analytic functions using Ax-Schanuel
11.09.2017  16:15 DART VIII
Jacques Sauloy,
Local analytic theory of $q$-difference equations
11.09.2017  15:40 DART VIII
Johannes Middeke,
A Direct Method for Denominator Bounds of Linear Recurrence Systems
11.09.2017  14:35 DART VIII
Lou van den Dries,
Differential henselianity
11.09.2017  14:00 DART VIII
Matthias Aschenbrenner,
Valued differential fields
11.09.2017  11:50 DART VIII
Ruyong Feng,
Difference Galois groups under specialization
11.09.2017  11:15 DART VIII
Mark van Hoeij,
Algorithms for Solving Linear Differential Equations with Rational Function Coefficients
11.09.2017  10:40 DART VIII
Wei Li,
Differential Chow forms and differential Chow varieties: an overview
11.09.2017  09:35 DART VIII
Alexander V. Mikhailov,
The space of symmetric squares of hyperelliptic curves: infinite-dimensional Lie algebras and polynomial integrable dynamical systems on C^4
11.09.2017  09:00 DART VIII
Victor Buchstaber,
Infinite-dimensional Lie algebras with the structures of finite generated modules
08.09.2017  11:00 RICAM Workshop
Veselina Vucheva,
Energy preserving finite difference schemes for sixth order Boussinesq equation
S2 416
08.09.2017  09:45 RICAM Workshop
Clemens Hofreither,
On best uniform approximation with low-rank matrices
S2 416
08.09.2017  09:00 RICAM Workshop
Christoph Koutschan,
Computing the number of realizations of Laman graphs
S2 416
07.09.2017  11:45 RICAM Workshop
Jarle Sogn,
Robust preconditioners for multiple saddle point problems - an infinite-dimensional perspective
S2 416
07.09.2017  11:00 RICAM Workshop
Krassimira Vlachkova,
How to compare Bezier curves and surfaces for coincidence?
S2 416
07.09.2017  09:45 RICAM Workshop
Rumen Uluchev,
Estimates for the best constant in a Markov $L_2$-inequality with the assistance of computer algebra
S2 416
07.09.2017  09:00 RICAM Workshop
Georg Grasegger,
Symbolic computation of Zolotarev polynomials
S2 416
07.09.2017  08:45 RICAM Workshop
S2 416
06.09.2017  11:45
Georgi Georgiev,
Non-integrability of the Hamiltonian system with a Dyson potential
S2 416
06.09.2017  11:00
Diego Dominici,
Orthogonality of the Dickson polynomials of the $(k+1)$-th kind
S2 416
06.09.2017  09:45
Jakob Ablinger,
Differential and difference equations for iterated integrals and nested sums
S2 416
06.09.2017  09:00
Stefan Takacs,
Multigrid methods for multipatch Isogeometric Analysis
S2 416
05.09.2017  11:15
Veronika Pillwein,
Positivity of rational function
S2 416
05.09.2017  10:00
Stanislav Harizanov,
Estimating the joint spectral radius of an infinite family of operators
S2 416
05.09.2017  09:15
Geno Nikolov,
Markov $L_2$ inequality with the Gegenbauer weight
S2 416
24.08.2017  13:00 Guest lecture
Stefan Meingast, University of Vienna
Group Seminar
SP2 416-1
24.08.2017  10:00 PhD defense
Helene Laimer, RICAM
High-dimensional algorithms - Tractability and componentwise constructions
SP2 416-2
09.08.2017  10:00 PhD defense
Benjamin Eichinger, Institute of Analysis
Periodic GMP matrices and asymptotics of extremal polynomials for Chebyshev and Ahlfors problems in the complex plane
S3 057
02.08.2017  13:00 PhD defense
DI Andreas Thalhammer, DK
Numerical methods for stochastic partial differential equations. Analysis of stability and efficiency
S2 054
20.07.2017  10:30 Guest lecture
Andrea Aspri,
On the direct and inverse problem of a linear elastic model coming from volcanology
SP2 416-2
14.07.2017  09:00
Quantitative Tomographic Imaging – Radon meets Bell and Maxwell
SP2 416-2
13.07.2017  10:00 Seminar Geometrie
Prof. Rumpf, University of Bonn
Variational time discretization of Riemannian splines
HS 18 (S3 Z17)
13.07.2017  09:00
Quantitative Tomographic Imaging – Radon meets Bell and Maxwell
SP2 416-2
12.07.2017  16:30 Guest lecture
Florian Faucher,
Stability and convergence for seismic reconstruction using full waveform inversion
SP2 416-2
12.07.2017  15:30 Guest lecture
Ville Rimpilainen,
Bayesian uncertainty modelling in electroencephalography (EEG) source imaging
SP2 416-2
12.07.2017  10:05 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Florian Aichinger,
Dickson & Beyond (Presentation of the Bachelor's Thesis)
K 223 B
12.07.2017  09:00
Quantitative Tomographic Imaging – Radon meets Bell and Maxwell
SP2 416-2
11.07.2017  15:00 DK Seminar
Matteo Gallet, DK
Planar linkages following a prescribed motion
BA 9910
11.07.2017  14:00 DK Seminar
Daniel Jodlbauer, DK
Introduction to Fluid-Structure Interaction
BA 9910
11.07.2017  13:00 DK Seminar
Hui Huang, DK
Rational creative telescoping via reduction
BA 9910
11.07.2017  11:00 DK Seminar
Nicolas Smoot, DK
Partitions and Divisibility
BA 9910
11.07.2017  10:00 DK Seminar
Victoria Hutterer, DK
New ideas of wavefront reconstruction in AO based on the inversion of the finite Hilbert transform
BA 9910
11.07.2017  09:00
Quantitative Tomographic Imaging – Radon meets Bell and Maxwell
SP2 416-2
11.07.2017  09:00 DK Seminar
Bernhard Endtmayer, DK
Introduction to Phase Field Fracture
BA 9910
10.07.2017  15:00 DK Seminar
Andreas Thalhammer, DK
Stochastic numerics or numerical stochastics: How to handle randomness in simulations
BA 9910
10.07.2017  14:00 DK Seminar
Simon Hubmer, DK
A Royal Road to Lost Causes or How to Solve Inverse Problems
BA 9910
10.07.2017  13:00 DK Seminar
Antonio Jimenez Pastor, DK
To Holonomic and Beyond -- $D^k$-Finite Functions
BA 9910
10.07.2017  11:00 DK Seminar
Mehdi Makhul, DK
BA 9910
10.07.2017  10:00 DK Seminar
Christoph Hofer,
IETI - Isogeometric Tearing and Interconnecting methods
BA 9910
10.07.2017  09:00
Quantitative Tomographic Imaging – Radon meets Bell and Maxwell
SP2 416-2
10.07.2017  09:00 DK Seminar
Agnes Seiler, DK
Spline Fitting with Additional Normal Data
BA 9910
07.07.2017  09:00
Workshop Isogeometric Analysis
S2 0346
06.07.2017  14:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Jakub Bulin,
Relaxing constraint problems
S2 054
06.07.2017  14:15 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Andrew Moorhead, University of Colorado
Abelianness in Universal Algebra
S2 054
06.07.2017  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Peter Mayr, University of Colorado
Generators for subdirect products of loops
S2 054
06.07.2017  09:00
Workshop Isogeometric Analysis
S2 0346
05.07.2017  10:00 Seminar Geometrie
Marina Brovka,
Some advances in Isogeometric Analysis: parameterization method and local refinement strategy for spline spaces
S2 0354
29.06.2017  13:45 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Arne Winterhof,
Linear complexity, maximum order complexity, and expansion complexity
S2 416
29.06.2017  13:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Wilfried Meidl,
Bent and generalized bent functions
S2 416
29.06.2017  13:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Richard Hofer,
A bound on the arithmetic autocorrelation of the Legendre sequence
S2 416
29.06.2017  13:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Milan Stehlik,
Applications of Lattice-valued bornological via aggregations
S2 416
29.06.2017  12:45 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Erhard Aichinger,
Basics of the algebraic approach to constraint satisfaction problems
S2 416
29.06.2017  12:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Manuel Kauers,
Generalized series solutions of linear recurrence equations
S2 416
29.06.2017  12:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Tim Boykett,
Distributivity in planar nearrings
S2 416
29.06.2017  12:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Guenter Pilz,
A combinatorial inequality
S2 416
28.06.2017  13:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Christoph Koutschan,
Echelons of power series
S2 416
28.06.2017  13:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Michael (Xinxin) Zhong,
Decompositions of longest permutations
S2 416
28.06.2017  13:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Clemens Raab,
Operators with matrix coefficients and tensor rings
S2 416
28.06.2017  12:45 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Laszlo Merai,
On dynamically-irreducible polynomials
S2 416
28.06.2017  12:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Hui Huang,
Rational functions with positive coefficients
S2 416
28.06.2017  12:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Maria Francis,
Multivariate ideal lattices in cryptography
S2 416
28.06.2017  12:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Peter Mayr,
Reidemeister-Schreier for Rings
S2 416
28.06.2017  11:15 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
R. Yakobenchuk, SCCH
Image analysis of cytoskeletal network dynamics
S3 048
28.06.2017  10:45 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
M. Rossbory, SCCH
Efficient Dynamic Pinning of Parallelized Applications by Distributed Reinforcement Learning
S3 048
28.06.2017  10:00 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
B. Moser, SCCH
Quasi-Isometry Theory for Threshold-Based Sampling
S3 048
28.06.2017  09:30 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
E. Lughofer, KBMS/FLLL
Incremental Rule Splitting in Generalized Evolving Fuzzy Regression Models
S3 048
22.06.2017  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Gleb Pogudin,
Existence of Solutions for Systems of Nonlinear Difference Equations
S2 054
22.06.2017  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Stephan Dempe,
Bilevel Optimization: Applications, Properties and Algorithms
BA 9907
22.06.2017  13:45 Seminar Analysis
Michal Wojciechowski, IMPAN, Warsaw
On the number of Auerbach base
S2 046
22.06.2017  12:00 NASPDE 2017
David Siska, University of Edinburgh
L^p-estimates and regularity for SPDEs with monotone semilinearity
Festsaal B
22.06.2017  11:10 NASPDE 2017
Andrea Barth, University of Stuttgart
Simulation of infinite-dimensional Levy processes
Festsaal B
22.06.2017  10:15
Andreas Thoma,
Tractability of High-Dimensional Integrals
MT 327
22.06.2017  09:50 NASPDE 2017
Ludovic Goudenege, CNRS
Numerical computation about metastable states of phase separation models
Festsaal B
22.06.2017  09:00 NASPDE 2017
David Silvester, University of Manchester
An adaptive algorithm for PDE problems with random data
Festsaal B
21.06.2017  14:20 NASPDE 2017
Aretha Teckentrup, University of Edinburgh
Quasi- and Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods for Computing Posterior Expectations
Festsaal B
21.06.2017  13:30 NASPDE 2017
Michael Tretyakov, University of Nottingham
Uncertainty Quantification for moving boundary problems
Festsaal B
21.06.2017  12:00 Guest lecture
Giancarlo Travaglini,
Integer points in large convex bodies
SP2 416-2
21.06.2017  11:00 Guest lecture
Dmitriy Bilyk,
Uniform distribution problems on the sphere
SP2 416-2
21.06.2017  10:35 NASPDE 2017
Gabriel Lord, Heriott Watt University
Efficient time discretisation of parabolic SPDEs
Festsaal B
21.06.2017  09:45 NASPDE 2017
David Cohen, University of Umea
A fully discrete approximation of the one-dimensional stochastic heat equation
Festsaal B
20.06.2017  14:55 Seminar Analysis
Maciej Rzeszut, IMPAN, Warsaw
Borgain-Kwapien projection: old and new results
S3 058
20.06.2017  13:45 Seminar Analysis
Rami Ayoush, IMPAN Warsaw
On the Hausdorff dimension of vector valued measures on groups
S3 058
20.06.2017  12:00 Guest lecture
Giancarlo Travaglini,
An introduction to the study of College Math
S2 046
19.06.2017  15:30 Guest lecture
Martin Vohralik, INRIA Paris
Polynomial-degree-robust a posteriori error estimates in a unified setting and applications
SP2 416-2
14.06.2017  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series D
Bernd Thaller, Universität Graz
Was kann man in Mathematik zu Beginn des Studiums?
HS 13
14.06.2017  14:55 Seminar Analysis
Krystian Kazaniecki, IMPAN, Warsaw
On the equivalence between spaces of the trigonometric polynomials in one and several variables
MT 226
14.06.2017  13:45 Seminar Analysis
Przemyslaw Ohrysko, IMPAN, Warsaw
Non-separability of the Gelfand space of measure algebras
MT 226
13.06.2017  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Ludwig Mitter,
On Linearized Plate Theory and the Derivation and Justification of the Kirchhoff-Love and the Mindlin-Reissner Plate Bending Models
S2 059
13.06.2017  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Olaf Steinbach,
A coercive space time finite element method for parabolic problems
S2 059
13.06.2017  11:00 Guest lecture
Mattia Bongini, Barcelona Graduate School of Economics
Optimal Control Problems in Transport Dynamics
SP2 416-1
09.06.2017  10:15
Niels Lubbes, RICAM
Surfaces containing two circles through a general point in higher dimensions
SP2 416-1
08.06.2017  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Ronghua Wang,
Lattice Walks in the Octant with Infinite Groups
S2 054
08.06.2017  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Michael (Xinxin) Zhong,
Determinant and Involution
S2 054
07.06.2017  12:15 Guest lecture
Jens Oettershagen, University Bonn
On the construction of optimal cubature formulas with application to uncertainty quantification
S2 054
06.06.2017  14:00 Guest lecture
Prof. Mohab Safey El Din, Sorbonne Universités
Roadmap algorithms in real algebraic geometry for deciding connectivity queries
SP2 416-2
01.06.2017  15:30 Seminar of Stochastic
Jozef Kiseľák, LIT&IFAS
On developments in 2nd order stochastic differential equations
S2 Z74
01.06.2017  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Erhard Aichinger,
Dickson's Lemma and beyond: a survey of basic results in order theory
S2 054
01.06.2017  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Kalle Kaarli, University of Tartu
Representation of integral quantales by tolerances
S2 054
31.05.2017  13:45 MathemaTech
A. Hofstätter,
REP G (Unicenter)
30.05.2017  16:15 NuMa Seminar
Stefan Takacs,
Recent progress in Multigrid Methods for multi-patch IgA discretizations
S2 059
30.05.2017  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Clemens Hofreither,
A Black-Box Algorithm for Fast Matrix Assembly in Isogeometric Analysis
S2 059
26.05.2017  10:15 Guest lecture
Alden Pixley, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA, USA
Extending Boolean algebras: arithmetical algebras and their congruence relations
HS 19
24.05.2017  10:15 Seminar Geometrie
Guest: Yannick Masson,
Existence and construction of Chebyshev nets with singularities and application to gridshells
23.05.2017  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Craig C. Douglas,
On Solving Large, Ill Conditioned Linear Systems
S2 059
19.05.2017  10:15 PhD defense
Dominik Mokriš,
Completeness of Hierarchical Spline Spaces and Low Rank Interpolation
S2 046
19.05.2017  09:00
Linz STEM Education Conference
SP2 416
18.05.2017  15:30 Seminar of Stochastic
Thomas Augustin, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Imprecise Probabilities – A New Paradigm for Statistical Modelling
S2 Z74
18.05.2017  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Jamal Hossein Poor,
Computing with additive operators having matrix coefficients
S2 054
18.05.2017  13:00
Linz STEM Education Conference
SP2 416
18.05.2017  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Dr. Gleb Pogudin, Institut f. Algebra, JKU
Some effective bounds for algebraic differential and difference equations
Seminar room Schloss
18.05.2017  10:15
Helene Laimer,
Component-by-component constructions of (polynomial) lattice point sets
MT 327
12.05.2017  15:15 AEC Seminar
Christian Krattenthaler,
Smith normal forms of combinatorial matrices
S2 046
12.05.2017  14:00 AEC Seminar
Florian Aigner,
Polynomiality phenomena for FPLs and AS-Trapezoids
S2 046
12.05.2017  11:00 Habilitation Colloquium
Christoph Koutschan,
Quod Erat Demonstrandum -- Proofs by Computer
S3 048
11.05.2017  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Stuart D. Scott, Auckland, NZ
Generating all functions on a group by bijections of order n
S2 054
11.05.2017  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Gary Peterson, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, USA
Tame extensions of nearrings
S2 054
11.05.2017  10:15
Mario Neumüller,
Sudler's sine product for irrational alpha
MT 327
04.05.2017  11:00 Guest lecture
Alberto Paganini, University of Oxford
Higher-order mesh-moving methods for PDE-constrained shape optimization
SP2 416-2
03.05.2017  12:45 JKU Linz School of Education Kolloquium
S. Reichenberger und L. Del Chicca,
Erfahrungen mit der neuen Studieneingangsphase Mathematik Lehramt
K 239C
03.05.2017  12:00 JKU Linz School of Education Kolloquium
B. Hauer und J. Reitinger,
Theorie, Praxis und Evaluierung forschender Lehrarrangements
K 239C
03.05.2017  10:30 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
A.-C. Zavoianu,
Multi-Objective Topology Optimization of Electrical Machine Designs using Evolutionary Algorithms with Discrete and Real Encodings
Hagenberg, SCCH, 0/2
03.05.2017  10:00 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
W. Zellinger,
Deep Learning Trends and ICLR2017 - With a Bias Towards Transfer Learning
Hagenberg, SCCH, 0/2
03.05.2017  09:30 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
F. Sobieczky,
Adaptive Model Predictive Control for the Domestic Energy Management Problem
Hagenberg, SCCH, 0/2
02.05.2017  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Ioannis Toulopoulos,
Stabilized finite element method for parabolic problems
S2 059
29.04.2017  09:30
SP2 416-2 (4th floor
28.04.2017  14:00 PhD defense
Stephen E. Moore,
Nonstandard Discretization Strategies In Isogeometric Analysis for Partial Differential Equations
S3 057
28.04.2017  13:30
SP2 416-2 (4th floor
28.04.2017  12:45 Guest lecture
Bernd Simeon, TU Kaiserslautern
Nonsmooth Contact Dynamics for the Large-Scale Simulation of Granular Material
S2 046
27.04.2017  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Hui Huang,
D-finite Numbers
S2 054
27.04.2017  10:15 Guest lecture
Dr. Roswitha Rissner, Institut für Analysis und Zahlentheorie TU Graz
Computing the J-ideals of a square matrix over a PID
HA 105
27.04.2017  10:15
Lisa Kaltenböck,
On the lower bound of the discrepancy of (t,m,s)-nets
MT 327
26.04.2017  09:00
T. Leuders, H. Pöchtrager, G. Grasegger,
Tag des Mathematikunterrichts
Unicenter; 2. Stock
25.04.2017  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Armin Fohler,
A posteriori Error Estimation for Adaptive Meshrefinement on Non-polygonal Domains
S2 059
25.04.2017  11:30 PhD defense
Ralph Kritzinger,
Point sets and sequences with the optimal order of Lp discrepancy
S3 048
07.04.2017  10:30 Guest lecture
Ian Frigaard, University of British Columbia
Flow of yield stress fluids: stopping, starting and practical applications
SP2 416-1
06.04.2017  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Maria Francis,
Groebner Bases theory over commutative rings -- some recent developments
S2 054
04.04.2017  12:45 PhD defense
DI Harald Hinterleitner, Stochastik
A stochastic version of the Jansen and Rit neural mass model - Analysis, numerics and filtering
S3 118
31.03.2017  15:30 Guest lecture
Renate Tobies,
Albert Einstein und die mathematische Community
S2 053
30.03.2017  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Gleb Pogudin,
Counting domino tilings with fixed density
S2 054
30.03.2017  10:15
Dominik Kloimstein,
Sterndiskrepanz in der Ebene
MT 327
29.03.2017  13:45 MathemaTech
M. Hohenwarter, H. Pöchtrager, S. Reichenberger,
Wettbewerbe & GeoGebra Exam
Festsaal B
28.03.2017  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Svetlana Matculevich,
Functional a posteriori error estimates and adaptivity for IgA schemes
S2 059
28.03.2017  14:00 PhD defense
Helene Ranetbauer, RICAM
On nonlinear PDE models for crowded transport in the life and social sciences
SP2 416-2
23.03.2017  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Sebastian Kreinecker,
Generating integer polynomials using function composition
S2 054
23.03.2017  10:15
Wolfgang Stockinger,
On the lower bound of the discrepancy of Halton's sequence
MT 327
21.03.2017  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Bernhard Endtmayer,
Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Multiple Goal Functionals
S2 059
16.03.2017  17:15 Guest lecture
Renate Tobies,
Deutsch-Französische Beziehungen in der Mathematik. Charles Hermite: Felix Klein – un nouveau Josué dans la terre promise
S2 053
16.03.2017  15:30 Guest lecture
Benedikt Pötscher, Department of Applied Statistics
Controlling the Size of Autocorrelation Robust Tests
S2 Z74
16.03.2017  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manuel Kauers,
No News on Matrix Multiplication
S2 054
16.03.2017  11:00 Guest lecture
Bence Borda,
The L2 discrepancy of the irrational rotation
MT 226/1
16.03.2017  10:30 Guest lecture
Sanghyeon Yu, ETH Zurich
Plasmonic interaction between nanospheres
SP2 416-1
10.03.2017  15:30 Guest lecture
Renate Tobies,
Die Anfänge: Erste Zahlzeichen, Zahlwörter, Zahlsysteme und Zahlbegriff
S2 053
09.03.2017  17:30 Guest lecture
Renate Tobies,
Carl Friedrich Gauß: Mathematik und Anwendungen - eine singuläre Erscheinung in der Mathematikgeschichte -
S2 053
09.03.2017  14:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Wen-Fong Ke, National Cheng Kung University
Polynomial Rings Over Nil Rings in Several Variables
S2 054
09.03.2017  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Hubert Kiechle, Uni Hamburg
Number of solutions of the equation ax^m + by^m - cz^m = 1
S2 054
02.03.2017  15:00 Seminar Analysis
Thomas Schlumprecht, Texas A&M University
A classical algebra of bounded linear operators with infinitely many closed subideals
S2 219
15.02.2017  14:30
Testen der Beispiele für den internationelen Mathematikwettbewerb Náboj
S3 055
15.02.2017  13:45 PhD defense
Yi Zhang,
Univariate Contraction and Multivariate Desingularization of Ore Ideals
S3 047
15.02.2017  10:15 PhD defense
Hui Huang,
Definite Sums of Hypergeometric Terms and Limits of P-Recursive Sequences
S3 047
14.02.2017  13:45 PhD defense
Peter Gangl, Doctoral Program
Sensitivity-Based Topology and Shape Optimization with Application to Electrical Machines
S2 048
09.02.2017  13:00 PhD defense
Matus Benko,
Numerical Methods for Mathematical Programs with Disjunctive Constraints
S3 048
09.02.2017  10:15 NuMa Seminar
Jiri V. Outrata,
On Cournot-Nash-Walras Equilibria and Their Computation
S3 057
08.02.2017  14:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. George E. Andrews, Pennsylvania State University
4-Shadows in q-Series: Gupta, Kimberling, the Garden of Eden and the OEIS.
Seminarroom Hagenber
07.02.2017  11:00 Guest lecture
Prof. George E. Andrews, Pennsylvania State University
The Man Who Knew Infinity: the Movie, the Man, and the Mathematics
RISC Seminarroom (Ha
07.02.2017  09:00 Guest lecture
various, details see below, RISC, Hagenberg
*Workshop* Computer Algebra and Elementary Particle Theory at the Large Scale: 10 Years of JKU-DESY Collaboration
Seminarrooms, castle
07.02.2017  09:00 Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory
37th Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory, JKU - FLLL
Enriched Category Theory and Related Topics
BZ St.Magdalena
02.02.2017  14:00 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Giovanni Soldá,
Reverse Mathematics and Weihrauch Reducibility for Partial and Linear Orders
S3 048
02.02.2017  10:15 Guest lecture
Mikhail Skopenkow, NRU Moscow
Surfaces containing two circles through each point
S2 059
02.02.2017  10:15 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Carl Maxson,
Forcing linearity
S3 048
01.02.2017  13:00 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
G. Badia,
An Algebraic Characterization of the Variable Sharing Property
Hagenberg, SCCH, 0/2
01.02.2017  12:30 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
J. Martinez-Gil,
Accurate Semantic Similarity Measurement of Biomedical Nomenclature by means of Fuzzy Logic'
Hagenberg, SCCH, 0/2
31.01.2017  16:15 NuMa Seminar
Jarle Sogn,
Robust preconditioners for optimality systems - an infinite-dimensional perspective
S2 059
31.01.2017  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Christoph Hofer,
Exact and Inexact IETI-DP Solvers for Continuous and Discontinuous Galerkin IgA Equations
S2 059
31.01.2017  13:45 Guest lecture
Ida Aichinger,
Simulation of Residual Gas Particles in an Ultrahigh Vacuum System
S3 047
26.01.2017  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Guenter Pilz,
Semi-homogeneous maps, with applications
MT 226
25.01.2017  13:45 MathemaTech
J. Hohenwarter, B. Bencze and A. Lindner,
GeoGebra Phone Apps & Groups
MZ 003A
25.01.2017  10:15 Guest lecture
Balázs Boros, RICAM
Dynamics of the Lotka reactions with generalized mass-action kinetics
SP2 416-1
20.01.2017  15:15 AEC Seminar
Cristian-Silviu Radu,
Eta Quotients and Groebner Bases
S2 059
20.01.2017  14:00 AEC Seminar
Florian Aigner,
Polynomiality phenomenon for FPLs and AST-Trapezoids
S2 059
19.01.2017  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Yi Zhang,
Removing Apparent Singularities of D-finite Ideals
MT 226
19.01.2017  10:15 Computer Algebra Seminar - RISC
Dr. TRAN Khanh Linh, RISC,
Kaehler differential algebras for 0-dimensional scheme
Schloss Hagenberg
17.01.2017  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Ioannis Toulopoulos,
Multipatch space and space time IgA
S2 059
17.01.2017  13:45 Seminar Analysis
Karen Keryan, Yerevan State University
Orthonormal spline systems on $mathbb{R}$ with zero means as basis in the Hardy space on the real line
S2 219
13.01.2017  09:00 STEM Education Seminars
M. Hohenwarter, Z. Lavicza,
STEM Education Conference
HT 177F
12.01.2017  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Matteo Gallet,
Ulrich modules and Chow forms, and how to encode a variety
MT 226
12.01.2017  12:30 Guest lecture
Michel Lavrauw,
Classification of orbits in $mathbb{F}^{2} otimes mathbb{F}^{3} otimes mathbb{r}, r ge 1$
RICAM Seminar-Raum
12.01.2017  12:30 STEM Education Seminars
M. Hohenwarter, Z. Lavicza,
STEM Education Conference
S2 054
10.01.2017  15:30 Guest lecture
Bruce C. Berndt, University of Illinois
CANCELLED - Ramanujan and his notebooks
HS 18
10.01.2017  12:30 PhD defense
Liangjie Ye, Doctoral Program, JKU
Complex Analysis Based Computer Algebra Algorithms for Proving Jacobi Theta Function Identities
S2 416-2
10.01.2017  10:15 Guest lecture
Dr.Eng. Konstantinos V. Kostas, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan
Construction of Smooth Branching Surfaces using T-splines
SP2 416-1
29.12.2016  14:15 Seminar Analysis
Stefan Steinerberger, Yale University
Parabolizing elliptic PDEs: short proofs by counting Brownian motion
S3 048
29.12.2016  11:00 Seminar Analysis
Stefan Steinerberger, Yale University
Hilbert/Laplace/Fourier -- inverse bounds for classical integral operators
S3 048
22.12.2016  14:00 Guest lecture
Michael Feischl,
PDEs with random coefficients: FEM, QMC, and other things (Part 2)
SP2 416-2
22.12.2016  13:00 Guest lecture
Michael Feischl,
PDEs with random coefficients: FEM, QMC, and other things (Part 1)
SP2 416-2
16.12.2016  15:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Manuel Kauers,
D-Finite Numbers
S3 057
16.12.2016  15:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Laszlo Merai,
Pseudorandomness of automatic sequences
S3 057
16.12.2016  15:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Thomas Vetterlein,
The tensor product of modules over lattice-ordered monoids
S3 057
16.12.2016  14:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Alexander Bors,
Finite group automorphisms of large order
S3 057
16.12.2016  14:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Ronghua Wang,
Summability of multivariate rational functions
S3 057
16.12.2016  14:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Christoph Fuerst,
Reduction Concepts in Free Modules
S3 057
16.12.2016  13:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Armin Biere,
Algebraic Equivalence Checking of Multipliers
S3 057
16.12.2016  13:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Georg Regensburger,
Algebraic consequences of the Leibniz rule and the fundamental theorem of calculus
S3 057
16.12.2016  13:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Gleb Pogudin,
Computation of the differential Galois group of a LDE
S3 057
16.12.2016  10:15 Guest lecture
Thomas Wick, Université Paris-Saclay, France
Modeling and simulation of phase-field fracture
MT 327
15.12.2016  15:00 Guest lecture
Markus Hittmeir, University of Salzburg
A babystep-giantstep method for faster deterministic integer factorization
MT 130
15.12.2016  13:45 Guest lecture
Michael Preischl,
Bounds on multivariate integrals with respect to copulas
MT 130
15.12.2016  13:35 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Jamal Hossein Poor,
Confluent tensor reduction systems
MT 226
14.12.2016  17:30 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Rainer Picard, TU Dresden
On the Structure of Evolutionary Problems
HS 13
09.12.2016  15:30 Guest lecture
Andrew Hone,
Curious continued fractions
SP2 416
07.12.2016  10:15 Guest lecture
Elias Tsigaridas, Doctoral Program
Symmetric Tensor Decomposition
S3 058
02.12.2016  14:00 Guest lecture
Hiromichi Itou, Tokyo University of Science
On reconstruction of a welding area and the enclosure method
SP2 416-2
02.12.2016  10:30 PhD defense
Thieu Vo Ngoc,
Rational and Algebraic Solutions of First-Order Algebraic ODEs
MT 226/1
01.12.2016  15:30 Guest lecture
Fritz Schwarz, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Institut SCAI
Decomposition of Quasilinear Second-Order Differential Equations
RISC Hagenberg, HA 1
01.12.2016  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Clemens Raab,
Integral representations for binomial sums
MT 226
30.11.2016  14:00 Guest lecture
Dr. Giuseppe D´Onofrio, Institut für Stochastik
Two-boundary first exit time of Gauss-Markov processes: theory and applications
S3 048
29.11.2016  16:15 NuMa Seminar
Katharina Rafetseder, Institute of Computational Mathematics
A decomposition result for Kirchhoff plate bending problems and associated discretization approaches
S2 059
29.11.2016  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Daniel Jodlbauer,
Robust preconditioners for fluid-structure interaction problems
S2 059
24.11.2016  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Georg Regensburger,
The fundamental theorem of calculus in differential rings
MT 226
23.11.2016  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series D
Günter Maresch, Universität Salzburg
Wie kann das Raumvorstellungsvermögen gefördert werden?
HS 13
23.11.2016  13:30 PhD defense
Duy Phan-Duc, RICAM
Stabilization to trajectories and approximate controllability for the equations of fluid mechanics
SP2 416-2
22.11.2016  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Jacob Stordal Christiansen, Lund University,
Chebyshev polynomials for subsets of $mathbb R$
S3 058
18.11.2016  10:45 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
L. Paoletti,
Top-k Matching Queries for Filter-Based Profile Matching in Knowledge Bases
Hagenberg, SCCH, 0/2
18.11.2016  10:15 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
W. Zellinger,
Central Moment Discrepancy for Domain-Invariant Representation Learning
Hagenberg, SCCH, 0/2
18.11.2016  09:30 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
J. De Jesus Arias-Garcia,
Supermodular quasi-copulas
Hagenberg, SCCH, 0/2
18.11.2016  09:00 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
B. Moser,
Similarity Recovery from Threshold-Based Sampling beyond Bandlimitedness
Hagenberg, SCCH, 0/2
17.11.2016  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Maria Francis, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Groebner basis algorithms for polynomial rings over Noetherian, commutative rings
MT 226
16.11.2016  14:00 Guest lecture
Dr. Lubomir Kostal, Institut für Stochastik
Efficient information transmission and joint source-channel coding in neurons
S3 048
16.11.2016  13:45 MathemaTech
Bjarnheiður Kristinsdóttir und Diego Lieban,
Videos und Screenrecordings im MU
K 012D
16.11.2016  08:30 Seminar Geometrie
Tesco Schneider, Guest,
Bijective maps, or the art of taking small steps
MT 327
10.11.2016  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Rika Yatchak,
The Orbit Sum method for lattice walks
MT 226
09.11.2016  14:00 Guest lecture
Susanne Ditlevsen, Doctoral Program
Statistical model selection for neuronal responses to stimulus pairs in visual cortex
S3 048
04.11.2016  11:00 NuMa Seminar
Immanuel Anjam, Essen (Germany)
A Posteriori Error Equalities for Very Regular Approximations of the Diffusion Equation and the Heat Equation
S2 054
04.11.2016  10:15 NuMa Seminar
Svetlana Matculevich, RICAM
A posteriori error estimates space-time in Isogeometric Analysis of parabolic problems
S2 054
03.11.2016  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Ronghua Wang,
Infinite orders of 3-dimensional lattice walks
MT 226
27.10.2016  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Gleb Pogudin,
Jet ideals of reducible varieties and differential algebra
MT 226
20.10.2016  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Erhard Aichinger,
Congruence lattices forcing nilpotency
MT 226
19.10.2016  13:30 OCG Herbsttagung
Selay Arkün Kocadere,
Gamification in Education
HS 18
19.10.2016  13:00 OCG Herbsttagung
Impulsvorträge + Workshops,
IT LEARN PLAY REPEAT - Gamification and Education in IT
HS 18
17.10.2016  15:30 Guest lecture
Ivan Chajda,
Single identities forcing lattices to be Boolean
S2 044
17.10.2016  15:00 Guest lecture
Dr. William Steingartner, Technical University of Košice, Slovak Republic
A new approach to categorical semantics for procedural language
HA 105, RISC, Hagenb
17.10.2016  13:30 Guest lecture
Prof. Masahiko Sato, Kyoto University
Proof theory of the lambda calculus
14.10.2016  10:15 Guest lecture
Matthias Hammerl, University of Greifswald
Geometric overdetermined differential equations and holonomy
SP2 451
13.10.2016  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Dragana Cvetkovic,
Generalized Inverses
MT 226
12.10.2016  10:15 Guest lecture
Dr. David Cohen, Institut für Stochastik
Numerical discretisation of one-dimensional stochastic wave equations
11.10.2016  11:00 Guest lecture
Andrés Peters, AC3E Valparaiso
Quasi optimal throughput under nominal operation of vehicle platoons
SP2 451
10.10.2016  14:30 Guest lecture
Eugénio Rocha, University of Aveiro
Multiplicity results for two classes of elliptic systems
SP2 451
10.10.2016  08:45
Oct 10-15: RICAM Special Semester School 1,
Analysis and Numerics of Acoustic and Electromagnetic Problems
SP2 416-2
06.10.2016  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manuel Kauers,
Baby Step Giant Step Algorithms
MT 226
06.10.2016  10:15 MathemaTech
Markus Ableidinger, Institut für Stochastik
Kommissionelles Rigorosum: Structure preserving long-time simulation of stochastic differential equations
S3 058
22.09.2016  14:30 Guest lecture
Dr. Daniel Lichtblau, Wolfram
Approximate polynomial GCD by approximate syzygies, redux
RISC, Hagenberg, Sem
14.09.2016  13:00 PhD defense
DI Alexander Maletzky, Doctoral Program, JKU
Computer-Assisted Exploration of Gröbner Bases Theory in Theorema
S3 058
14.09.2016  10:00 Seminar Geometrie
Somayeh Kargaran Mobarake,
Dynamic of vortex filaments
S3 048
09.09.2016  10:00 Guest lecture
Soichi Okada, Nagoya University
Pieri rules and oscillating tableaux
SP2 416-1
22.08.2016  13:30 Guest lecture
Alexander Gilbert,
Applying the Multivariate Decomposition Method to an elliptic eigenproblem with a random coefficient
SP2 416-1
11.08.2016  10:00 Guest lecture
Evgeniya Semenova, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences
Quadrature methods for solving ill-posed integral equations
SP2 416-1
10.08.2016  10:00 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Sergei Paramonov, Moscow State University
Undecidable problems about rational solutions connected with partial differential and difference equations
S3 048
05.08.2016  11:30 AEC Seminar
Dan Romik, UC Davis
Combinatorics at the interface of probability, analysis and experimental mathematics, part 5
05.08.2016  10:30 AEC Seminar
Alin Bostan, INRIA
Algebraicity and transcendence of power series: combinatorial and computational aspects, part 5
05.08.2016  09:00 AEC Seminar
Jeffrey Shallit, Waterloo
The logical approach to automatic sequences, part 5
04.08.2016  16:00 AEC Seminar
Alin Bostan, INRIA
04.08.2016  14:00 AEC Seminar
Jeffrey Shallit, UC Davis
04.08.2016  11:30 AEC Seminar
Dan Romik, UC Davis
04.08.2016  10:30 AEC Seminar
Dan Romik, UC Davis
Combinatorics at the interface of probability, analysis and experimental mathematics, part 4
04.08.2016  09:00 AEC Seminar
Alin Bostan, INRIA
Algebraicity and transcendence of power series: combinatorial and computational aspects, part 4
03.08.2016  11:30 AEC Seminar
Dan Romik, UC Davis
Combinatorics at the interface of probability, analysis and experimental mathematics, part 3
03.08.2016  10:30 AEC Seminar
Alin Bostan, INRIA
Algebraicity and transcendence of power series: combinatorial and computational aspects, part 3
03.08.2016  09:00 AEC Seminar
Jeffrey Shallit, Waterloo
The logical approach to automatic sequences, part 3
02.08.2016  16:00 AEC Seminar
Dan Romik, UC Davis
02.08.2016  15:30 AEC Seminar
Alin Bostan, INRIA
02.08.2016  14:00 AEC Seminar
Alin Bostan, INRIA
Algebraicity and transcendence of power series: combinatorial and computational aspects, part 2
02.08.2016  11:30 AEC Seminar
Jeffrey Shallit, Waterloo
02.08.2016  10:30 AEC Seminar
Jeffrey Shallit, Waterloo
The logical approach to automatic sequences, part 2
02.08.2016  10:00 Seminar Geometrie
Francesco Patrizi,
A modified multigrid method for linear systems arising from isogeometric analysis
S3 057
02.08.2016  09:00 AEC Seminar
Dan Romik, UC Davis
Combinatorics at the interface of probability, analysis and experimental mathematics, part 2
01.08.2016  17:30 AEC Seminar
Marko Petkovsek,
Liouvillian sequences and convolution
01.08.2016  17:00 AEC Seminar
Manjil Saikia,
Enumeration of domino tilings of an Aztec rectangle with boundary defects
01.08.2016  16:30 AEC Seminar
Daniel Krenn,
Where are the odd entries in Pascal’s rhombus?
01.08.2016  15:30 AEC Seminar
Anum Khalid,
Enumerating height-restricted weighted Dyck paths arising in connection with q-tangent and q-secant numbers
01.08.2016  15:00 AEC Seminar
Benjamin Hackl,
On reductions of rooted plane trees
01.08.2016  14:00 AEC Seminar
Jeffrey Shallit, Waterloo
The logical approach to automatic sequences, part 1
01.08.2016  11:00 AEC Seminar
Dan Romik, UC Davis
Combinatorics at the interface of probability, analysis and experimental mathematics, part 1
01.08.2016  09:30 AEC Seminar
Alin Bostan, INRIA
Algebraicity and transcendence of power series: combinatorial and computational aspects, part 1
14.07.2016  14:00 PhD defense
Jaka Speh, JKU
Domain parameterization with THB-splines
SP2 416-2
13.07.2016  16:00
Glenn Govertsen,
Mr. G Science Show
07.07.2016  15:00 PhD defense
Florian Buchegger, MTU Aero Engines AG
Multi-Patch B-Splines: Parameterization and Isogeometric Analysis
S3 057
07.07.2016  10:00 PhD defense
Daniela Saxenhuber, Industrial Mathematics Institute
Gradient-based Reconstruction Algorithms for Atmospheric Tomography in Adaptive Optics Systems for Extremely Large Telescopes
SP2 416-2
29.06.2016  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Christoph Koutschan, RICAM
Quod Erat Demonstrandum - Proofs by Computer
HS 13
29.06.2016  10:45 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
Bernhard Moser, SCCH
On Preserving Metric Properties of Integrate-and-Fire Sampling
Hagenberg, SCCH, 0/2
29.06.2016  10:15 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
Werner Zellinger, FLLL
Transfer Learning with Deep Neural Networks for Regression Problems
Hagenberg, SCCH, 0/2
29.06.2016  09:30 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
Jenny Hernández,
Nature Inspired Optimization Algorithms
Hagenberg, SCCH, 0/2
29.06.2016  09:00 Advances in Knowledge-Based Technologies
Alexander Kogler, SCCH
Efficient and Robust Median-of-Means Algorithms for Location and Regression
Hagenberg, SCCH, 0/2
28.06.2016  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Kundan Kumar, University of Bergen
Iterative techniques for coupled flow and mechanics problems in porous media
S2 416
28.06.2016  12:00 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Sofia Maroschek,
The Schreier-Sims Algorithm
23.06.2016  13:45 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Joseph Kung, University of North Texas
Differential Symmetric Functions
S2 048
22.06.2016  17:15 Informatik Kolloquium
Marijn Heule, University of Texas, Austin
Everything’s Bigger in Texas: The Largest Math Proof Ever
HS 18
22.06.2016  12:15 Seminar Analysis
David Krieg, Jena
A Universal Algorithm for Multivariate Integration
MT 327
21.06.2016  14:30 Guest lecture
Birgit Rudloff,
Measures of Systemic Risk
S3 048
21.06.2016  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Stephen E. Moore, RICAM
Nonstandard Discretization Strategies In Isogeometric Analysis of Partial Differential Equations
S2 059
21.06.2016  12:00 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Georg Regensburger,
Integro-differential operators with polynomial coefficients
21.06.2016  11:00 FMV Seminar
Benjamin Kiesl, TU Wien
Super Blocked Clauses
SP3 247
14.06.2016  15:30 Seminar Geometrie
Felix Scholz,
Convexity estimates for Mean Curvature Flow
MT 226/1
14.06.2016  14:15 Seminar Geometrie
Kinga Kruppa,
KSpheres - An Efficient Tool for Connecting Skinning Surfaces
MT 226/1
14.06.2016  13:45 Seminar Geometrie
Roland Kunkli,
Some Improved Methods for Computer Aided Design and Visualization
MT 226/1
14.06.2016  12:00 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Rika Yatchak,
Asymptotic guesses for 3D lattice walks in the positive octant
13.06.2016  15:30 Guest lecture
Dr. Ioannis Stamatiou, Institut für Stochastik
A qualitative approach to the numerical approximation of non-linear stochastic differential equation
S2 053
09.06.2016  17:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Xinhua Xiong,
Small values of a Lerch sum
Hagenberg, RISC pond
09.06.2016  17:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Martina Seidl,
Quantified Boolean Formulas
Hagenberg, RISC pond
09.06.2016  16:45 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Armin Biere,
Algebraic propositional reasoning
Hagenberg, RISC pond
09.06.2016  16:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Manuel Kauers,
Integration of algebraic functions
Hagenberg, RISC pond
09.06.2016  16:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Jose Capco,
Sufficiency sets for the Collatz conjecture
Hagenberg, RISC pond
09.06.2016  15:45 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Georg Grasegger,
Explicit computation of Zolotarev polynomials
Hagenberg, RISC pond
09.06.2016  15:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Erhard Aichinger,
Multiplications on lattices
Hagenberg, RISC pond
09.06.2016  15:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Tim Boykett,
Ring-ness in nearrings: distributivity in planar nearrings
Hagenberg, RISC pond
09.06.2016  14:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Peter Fuchs,
Homogeneous maps over perfect rings
Hagenberg, RISC pond
09.06.2016  14:15 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Günter Pilz,
Parallel Computing in Algebra
Hagenberg, RISC pond
09.06.2016  14:00 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Laszlo Merai,
Linear complexity of automatic sequences over finite fields
Hagenberg, RISC pond
09.06.2016  14:00 Seminar Analysis
Dimitriy Stolyarov, Steklov Inst. St. Petersburg
Bellman function in Harmonic analysis
BA 9909
09.06.2016  13:45 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Richard Hofer,
Linear complexity and expansion complexity of periodic sequences over finite fields
Hagenberg, RISC pond
09.06.2016  13:30 Linz Algebra Research Day (LARD)
Milan Stehlik,
Ramanujan-Hardy partitioning, statistical invariants and groups
Hagenberg, RISC pond
09.06.2016  10:15
Mario Neumüller,
On Point Sets with Star Discrepancy of Order $mathcal{O}( sqrt{ frac{ d log d }{ N } })$
SP2 416-1
09.06.2016  10:00 Guest lecture
Daria Ghilli, KFU Graz
On nonlocal Hamilton-Jacobi equations related to jump processes, some recent results
SP2 451
08.06.2016  15:30 Seminar Analysis
Dimitriy Stolyarov, Steklov Inst. St. Petersburg,
Isomorphic type of Banach spaces and Sobolev-type embedding theorems
S2 059
08.06.2016  13:45
Ina Eibelhuber,
Korrelationsmodellierung mittels GARCH
S2 054
07.06.2016  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Clemens Hofreither, Institute of Computational Mathematics
Robust Multigrid for Isogeometric Analysis based on Subspace Correction
S2 059
07.06.2016  12:00 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Peter Fuchs,
Homogeneous maps over perfect rings
S2 044
03.06.2016  10:00 STEM Education Seminars
M. Hohenwarter - Z. Lavicza,
STEM Education Research Day
S3 057
02.06.2016  10:15
Ralph Kritzinger,
Folgen mit kleiner L_2-Diskrepanz
S2 219
01.06.2016  15:10 MathemaTech
Hubert Pöchtrager,
Entdeckendes Lernen
K 153C
01.06.2016  14:00 MathemaTech
Ann-Christin Holzinger,
Flipped Classroom
K 153C
01.06.2016  13:45
Richard Hofer,
Linear Complexity and Expansion Complexity of some Number Theoretic Sequences
K112 A
31.05.2016  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Peter Gangl, NuMa, JKU
Sensitivity-Based Topology and Shape Optimization for Electrical Machines subject to Nonlinear Magne
S2 059
31.05.2016  12:00 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Matteo Gallet,
Projections of Rational Curves
S2 044
24.05.2016  13:45
Lukas Failer, TU München
Optimal Control of an unsteady Fluid-Structure Interaction Problem
S2 059
24.05.2016  12:00 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Gary Peterson, James Madison University
Problems in the Theory of Compatible Extensions of Nearrings
S2 044
12.05.2016  15:00 Seminar Analysis
Krystian Kazaniecki, IMPAN,
Fourier multipliers on the homogeneous Sobolev spaces $dot{W}^{1,1}(mathbb{R}^d)$:
S3 047
12.05.2016  14:30 Guest lecture
Michaela Szölgyenyi, Vienna University of Economics
The 1st numerical method for multidimensional SDEs with discontinuous drift and degenerate diffusion
SP2 416-1
12.05.2016  13:15 Seminar Analysis
Przemyslav Ohrysko, IMPAN,
On the decomposition of measures on the circle group
S3 047
11.05.2016  13:45 Guest lecture
Alexander Steinicke,
Backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs)
S2 054
10.05.2016  12:00 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Georg Grasegger,
Solving First-Order Algebraic ODEs using Parametrizations of Curves
S2 044
09.05.2016  13:30
Martin Kreuzer, Univ. Passau
Linear Algebra 1.6
Hagenberg, RISC Semi
06.05.2016  11:00 Seminar Analysis
Maciej Rzeszut, Warsaw,
Isomorphisms between independent sums of Hardy spaces
S3 058
03.05.2016  15:00 AEC Seminar
Xinhua Xiong,
Two questions from partitions
RISC castle
03.05.2016  14:00 AEC Seminar
Krishnaswami Alladi,
A new companion to Göllnitz' (Big) partition theorem
RISC castle
03.05.2016  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Walter Zulehner, NuMa, JKU
A new approach to mixed methods for biharmonic problems in 2D and 3D and efficient solvers for the d
S2 059
03.05.2016  12:00 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Ulrike Anlauf,
Rational Reconstruction
S2 044
02.05.2016  13:30 Guest lecture
Prof. Alladi Krischnaswami, University of Florida, USA
The number of prime factors of integers - a selection of charming results both old and new
RISC, Hagenberg, Sem
02.05.2016  12:00 Seminar Geometrie
Gunther Leobacher,
Stochastic differential equations with discontinuous drift and differential geometry
S2 054
28.04.2016  17:00 PhD defense
Andreas Froehlich, JKU
Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Bit-Vector Reasoning
S3 047
27.04.2016  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Roswitha Hofer,
Construction of Low-Discrepancy Point Sets and Sequences, and the Distribution of Subsequences
HS 13
27.04.2016  15:15 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Professor Krishnaswami Alladi, University of Florida
Partitions with non-repeating odd parts - q-hypergeometric and combinatorial identities
Hagenberg, RISC Semi
27.04.2016  14:30 Seminar Geometrie
Andrea Bressan,
Implementing adaptive splines
S3 057
27.04.2016  14:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Professor William Y.C. Chen, Nankai and Tianjin University
Inequalities on Ranks and Cranks of Partitions
Hagenberg, RISC Semi
26.04.2016  12:00 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Bernhard Kepplinger,
Invariant Theory for Finite Matrix Groups
S2 044
26.04.2016  09:30 Guest lecture
Frederik Graw, University of Heidelberg
Mathematical Immunology: Analyzing within-host infection and immune dynamics
S2 416
25.04.2016  15:00 Guest lecture
Benjamin Friedrich, Max Planck Institute, Dresden
Computation and self-organization in cells and tissues
S2 416
25.04.2016  13:30 Guest lecture
Prof. Alladi Krischnaswami, University of Florida, USA
Paul Erdoes - one of the most influential mathematicians of our times
RISC, Hagenberg, Sem
25.04.2016  13:00 Guest lecture
Gernot Plank, Medical University of Graz
Computational Modeling of Cardiac Electro-mechano-fluidic Function
S2 416
25.04.2016  12:00 Seminar Geometrie
Niels Lubbes,
Translations of circles along circles
S2 054
25.04.2016  09:30 Guest lecture
Philipp Kügler, University of Hohenheim
Bifurcation Analysis of Early Afterdepolarizations in Cardiac Action Potentials for Drug Safety Tes
S2 416
22.04.2016  10:30
Duy Phan-Duc, RICAM
Riccati based feedback stabilization to trajectories for parabolic equations
SP2 451
21.04.2016  15:20
Prof. Ian Sloan,
High-dimensional integration of kinks and jumps -smoothing by preintegration
SP2 416-2
21.04.2016  14:30 Guest lecture
Kevin Sturm, University of Duisburg-Essen
PDE constrained shape optimization and reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces
SP2 219
20.04.2016  15:30
Przemyslaw Gospodarczyk, University of Wrocław
Efficient merging of multiple segments of Bézier curves
S2 054
19.04.2016  15:00 Guest lecture
Ian H. Sloan, University of New South Wales
Needlet approximation on the sphere - a fully discrete version
S2 416-2
19.04.2016  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Ioannis Toulopoulos, RICAM
Numerical methods for power-law diffusion problems
S2 059
19.04.2016  12:00 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Sofia Maroschek,
The Schreier-Sims Algorithm
S2 044
18.04.2016  13:00 Guest lecture
Alexander Jesacher, Innsbruck Medical University
Adaptive Optics in Light microscopy
SP2 416-1
18.04.2016  11:00 PhD defense
Pavlo Tkachenko, RICAM
Regularization in RKHS with applications in geoscience and learning theory
SP2 416-2
14.04.2016  10:15
Florian Puchhammer,
Eine explizite untere Schranke für die Sterndiskrepanz in Dimension 3
S2 046
13.04.2016  13:45
Helene Laimer,
Combined component-by-component constructions of lattice point sets
MT 128
12.04.2016  13:45 NuMa Seminar
Helmut Gfrerer,
On generalized differentiation and Lipschitzian properties of implicitely given multifunctions
S2 059
12.04.2016  12:00 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Gleb Pogudin, Moscow State University
The primitive element theorem for differential fields
S2 044
07.04.2016  12:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Wen-Fong Ke, Kung University Taiwan
On simple nearrings with identity
S3 047
05.04.2016  16:15 Guest lecture
Prof. Dr. Dirk Blömker, Institut für Stochastik
Modulation- and Amplitude-Equations for stochastic partial differential equations
S2 120
05.04.2016  12:00 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Hui Huang,
Limits of C-finite and Algebraic Sequences
S2 044
22.03.2016  15:30
Maria Korotyaeva,
The resolvent method for shear waves spectra calculation in 2D phononic crystals: dispersion equatio
S2 416-2
21.03.2016  15:30 Guest lecture
Doc. Maria Lucia Sampoli, University Siena
On the isogeometric formulation of a symmetric Galerkin Boundary Element Method
S3 048
21.03.2016  09:00 PhD defense
Antonella Falini,
Isogeometric segmentation of planar domains using harmonic mappings
S3 057
16.03.2016  08:30 Guest lecture
Priyank Kalla, University of Utah
Word-Level Abstractions from Digital Circuits using Algebraic Geometry and Symbolic Computation
S3 048
15.03.2016  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Ludmil Zikatanov, Penn State University
High order exponentially fitted discretizations for convection diffusion problems
S2 416-2
15.03.2016  12:00 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Carl Maxson, Texas A&M
Mappings and Groups
S2 044
15.03.2016  10:30 PhD defense
Frederik Saxinger,
Congruence Preserving Functions
S2 219
14.03.2016  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Svetozar Margenov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Large-Scale Scientific Computing: Applications and Theory
S2 416-2
10.03.2016  12:00
Bert Jüttler,
9. Sitzung des Fachbereichs Mathematik
S2 054
08.03.2016  15:30 NuMa Seminar
Svetoslav Nakov, RICAM
The Nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann Equation: well-posedness analysis
S2 Z74
07.03.2016  15:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Manuel Kauers,
Creative Telescoping
03.03.2016  14:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Prof. Dr. Charles W. Clark, Joint Quantum Institute, Natio
Twisting the quantum
RISC, Hagenberg, Sem
03.03.2016  13:45 Guest lecture
Dirk Pauly, University of Duisburg-Essen
Solenoidal and irrotational vector fields in H^{-1} and related topics
SP2 416-2
01.03.2016  09:00
RICAM evaluation
SP2 416-1
29.02.2016  09:20
RICAM evaluation
SP2 416-2
01.02.2016  14:30 PhD defense
Urška Zore, AG
Constructions and Properties of Adaptively Refined Multilevel Spline Spaces
S3 057
01.02.2016  09:00 Guest lecture
Dr. Carlotta Giannelli, Università degli Studi di Fire
Hierarchical Refinement with Linear Complexity
S3 057
25.01.2016  13:45 Seminar of Stochastic
Dr. Anke Wiese, Heriot-Watt University, Edinbu
Almost-exact inverse methods: Simulating the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross process and
MZ 005A
11.01.2016  15:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Matteo Gallet, RICAM
Counting Irreducible Components of Algebraic Varieties
14.12.2015  15:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Frederik Saxinger, JKU
07.12.2015  15:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Markus Steindl, JKU
The Subpower Membership Problem for Semigroups
26.11.2015  10:30 PhD defense
Markus Steindl, JKU
Computational Complexity of the Subpower Membership Problem for Semigroups
HT 179 F
25.11.2015  16:00 Seminar Algorithmic Combinatorics
Steven Melczer, U Lyon, U Waterloo
Effective analytic combinatorics in several variables
25.11.2015  16:00 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Steven Melczer, U Lyon, U Waterloo
Effective analytic combinatorics in several variables
23.11.2015  15:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Peter Mayr, Boulder
16.11.2015  16:15 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Peter Fuchs, JKU
On the Construction of Matrix Units
16.11.2015  15:30 Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Tim Boykett, JKU
Toffoli Gates II
28.10.2015  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Bernhard Moser, Software Competence Center Hagenberg
Novel Research Perspectives of Weyl's Discrepancy Norm in Discrete Mathematics, Image and Signal Processing
HS 13
09.09.2015  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series D
Evelyn Süss-Stepancik, Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich
Kompetenzorientierter Computereinsatz im Mathematikunterricht der Sekundarstufe
S3 048
10.06.2015  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Manfred Borovcnik, Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt
Zentrale Säze der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und damit verbundene fundamentale Ideen
HS 13
12.03.2015  14:30 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Tony F. Chan, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Global Trends in Higher Education
K 269D
19.11.2014  18:30 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Florin Diacu, University of Victoria (Canada)
Historical Chronology: Truth or Fable?
HS 3
17.09.2014  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Thomas Vetterlein,
Fuzzy logic: an algebraic investigation of its semantics
HS 13
25.06.2014  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Gert-Matin Greuel, University of Kaiserslautern (Germany)
Mathematik zwischen Forschung, Anwendung und Vermittlung
HS 13
18.06.2014  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Wolfgang Windsteiger,
Mathematical Assistant Systems for Theory Exploration and Mathematics Education
HS 13
03.04.2014  10:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Alfio Borzi, Universität Würzburg (Germany)
A Fokker-Planck Strategy to Control Stochastic Processes
S2 416-2
05.02.2014  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Andreas Binder, MathConsult GmbH
Wir bewerten einen Swap
HS 3
16.01.2014  14:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Volker Mehrmann, TU Berlin (Germany)
Optimal control of flow problems via the discretization of transfer operators
S2 416
13.11.2013  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Markus Rosenkranz, University of Kent (UK)
Symbolische Methoden für Randwertprobleme und Integraloperatoren
HS 13
30.10.2013  15:30 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Sergey Repin, V.A. Steklov Institute of Math, St Petersburg (RU)
Estimates of Constants in Integral Type Inequalities of Functional Analysis and Applications to Computer Modeling Methods
S2 416
03.07.2013  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Thomas Vetterlein,
The semantics of fuzzy logics: Representation of residuated structures
S2 416
25.06.2013  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Günter Pilz,
Unglaubliche Ergebnisse der Mathematik
HS 19
19.06.2013  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Terry Maguire, Institute of Technology Tallaght, Dublin (Ireland)
HS 13
12.06.2013  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Wolfram Bentz, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)
Quadratpackungen als mathematische Herausforderung
HS 13
29.05.2013  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Axel Rimnac, Siemens VAI Metals Technologies GmbH
Höhere Mathematik und Industrie - wie verträgt sich das?
HS 13
06.03.2013  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Peter Mayr,
Termoperationen und Relationen auf algebraischen Strukturen
HS 13
16.11.2012  13:45 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Wolfgang Wendland, University Stuttgart (Germany)
Elliptic potentials and boundary value problems
S2 416
20.09.2012  15:30 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Philipp Kügler, Universität Hohenheim (Germany)
Parameter identification problems in physiology and systems biology
S2 416
06.07.2012  13:45 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Gabriel Wittum, Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany)
Modelling and Simulation of Biological Systems
HS 9
13.06.2012  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Manfred Borovcnik, Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt
Risiko in Gesundheitsfragen: Mehr Information und mehr Unsicherheit
HS 13
28.03.2012  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series D
John O'Donoghue, University of Limerick (Ireland)
Recent developments in school mathematics in Ireland
HS 13
21.03.2012  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Gunther Leobacher,
Path Construction, Monte Carlo Pricing and Calibration, Utility Indifference Pricing
HS 13
28.09.2011  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Peter Kritzer,
Zahlentheoretische Methoden in der numerischen Integration
HS 13
05.08.2011  10:30 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Martin J. Gander, Universite de Geneve (Switzerland)
Euler, Lagrange, Ritz, Galerkin, Courant, Clough: On the Road to the Finite Element Method
HS 13
18.05.2011  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Jaroslav Mlynek, TU Liberec (Czech Republic)
Optimization of the heat radiation intensity on a mould surface in the car industry
HS 13
11.05.2011  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Petro Yudytskiy,
Uniform approximation of sgn(x) by polynomials and entire functions
HS 13
19.01.2011  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Manfred Kronfellner, TU Wien
x-y-(un)gelöst. Ein Streifzug durch 4000 Jahre Gleichunglösen
HS 13
12.01.2011  15:30 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Dmitry Efrosinin,
Controllable Queueing and Degradation Systems. Performance and Reliability Analysis
HS 11
03.11.2010  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Klaus Schiefermayr, FH OÖ
Inequalities for the minimum deviation of Chebyshev polynomials and inverse polynomial images
HS 13
13.10.2010  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Teimuraz Kutsia,
Symbolic Computation Techniques for Unranked Terms and Hedges
HS 13
30.04.2010  15:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series D
Astrid Brinkmann, Westfälische Wilhelms-Unversität Münster (Germany)
Vernetzungen im Mathematikunterricht - Graphische Darstellungen mathematischen Wissens als Unterrichtsmittel
HS 13
24.03.2010  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Renate Tobies, Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena (Germany)
Mathematik im Industrielabor. Zu den Anfängen bei Osram und Telefunken
HS 13
03.02.2010  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Pavel Šišma, Masaryk University, Brno (Czech Republic)
Mathematics at the Brno German Technical University
HS 11
11.11.2009  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Stefan Kindermann,
Regularization of Inverse Problems: Development and Analysis of Problem-adapted Methods
HS 9
04.11.2009  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Fabrizio Durante,
Modelling Dependence with Copulas
HS 9
03.07.2009  15:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Susanne Saminger-Platz,
Aggregation Functions Constructions, Characterizations, and Functional Equations
K 269D
03.07.2009  10:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Johannes Kraus,
Algebraic multilevel methods for elliptic finite element equations
HF 9905
24.06.2009  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Markus Rosenkranz, University of Kent (UK)
Linear Boundary Problems in Symbolic Computation
HS 13
17.06.2009  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series D
Franz Schlöglhofer,
Beispiele zu Analysis mit NSPIRE im Mathematikunterricht
HS 13
27.05.2009  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series D
Irene Part,
Angewandter Mathematikunterricht in Frankreich - Darstellung eigener Erfahrungen
HS 13
13.05.2009  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series D
Fritz Tinhof,
Die Regression als Werkzeug in der angewandten Mathematik
HS 13
29.04.2009  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series D
Manfred Borovcnik, Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt
"Anwendungen" und Anwendungen - Chancen für den Unterricht in Stochastik
HS 13
25.03.2009  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series D
Thomas Schiller, BG/BRG Ramsauerstraße, Linz
GPS-Beispiele im Mathematikunterricht
HS 13
18.03.2009  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Alexander Martin, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Diskrete Mathematik diskret in der Praxis
HS 13
11.03.2009  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series D
Karl Josef Fuchs, Universität Salzburg
Mathematik- / Informatikdidaktik - Betrachtungen über den gemeinsamen Weg zweier Wissenschaften
HS 11
11.03.2009  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Johannes Kraus,
Algebraic multilevel iteration methods for solving elliptic finite element equations
HF 9901
28.01.2009  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series D
Andreas Lindner,
Der Einsatz von GeoGebra im Mathematikunterricht
HS 13
21.01.2009  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series D
Ekkehard Winter, Deutsche Telekom Stiftung
Das Jahr der Mathematik in Deutschland
HS 13
14.01.2009  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series D
Hans-Stefan Siller, Universität Salzburg
Modellbilden - eine motivierende mathematische Tätigkeit?
HS 13
10.12.2008  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series D
Günther Schwarz, Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich
Einsatz von Moodle im Mathematikunterricht
HS 13
03.12.2008  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Jonathan David Farley,
How to build and how to avoid a perfect terrorist cell
HS 10
26.11.2008  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series D
Emmerich Boxhofer, Private Pädagogische Hochschule der Diözese Linz
Forschende Aufgabenstellungen im Mathematikunterricht der Sekundarstufe 1
HS 13
26.11.2008  15:30 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Christian Krattenthaler, Universität Wien
Advanced Determinant Calculus
HF 9901
19.11.2008  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Susanne Saminger-Platz,
Aggregation Functions - Constructions, Characterizations, and Functional Inequalities
HS 13
12.11.2008  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series D
Hans Humenberger, Universität Wien
Mathematische und praktische Aktivitäten rund um die Leonardo-Brücke
HS 13
29.10.2008  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series D
Hans Gerhard Eder, HTL Leonding
Mathematikunterricht mit CAS an der HTL
HS 13
15.10.2008  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series D
Franz Schoberleitner,
Wozu man Mathematik braucht...
HS 13
01.10.2008  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series D
Stefan Götz, Universität Wien
Realitätsbezogene Aufgaben - ein Schlüssel zur Nachhaltigkeit im Mathematikunterricht?
HS 9
16.07.2008  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Martin J. Gander, Université de Genève (Switzerland)
Schwarz Methods in the course of time
HS 9
28.05.2008  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Olof B. Widlund, Courant Institute, New York University (US)
Coarse Space Components of Domain Decomposition Algorithms
HS 9
14.05.2008  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Otmar Scherzer, Universität Wien
Mathematical Methods in Imaging
HS 9
07.05.2008  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series B
Frank Bauer,
Stabilization and Denoising - Practical Examples and Theory
HS 9
10.04.2008  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Ingrid Daubechies, Princeton University (USA)
The Application as Architect for the Mathematical Framework
HS 9
12.12.2007  16:45 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Ralf Kornhuber, Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
First steps towards the human gait
HS 9
23.05.2007  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Harald Iro,
Die Eulersche Mechanik
HS 9
09.05.2007  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Rüdiger Thiele,
Leonhard Euler. Zum 300. Geburtstag eines Mathematikers, Mechanikers und Physikers
HS 9
25.04.2007  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Michal Kokowski, Polish Academy of Sciences
Copernicus, Copernican Studies and the Science War
HS 9
24.01.2007  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Wolfgang L. Reiter,
Der kulturelle Exodus 1938: Vertreibung und Emigration von NaturwissenschaftlerInnen aus Österreich
HS 9
28.06.2006  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Yurij Holovatch, National Academy of Science of Ukraine
Complex networks: from random graphs to public transport
HS 9
09.06.2006  15:30 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Renate Tobies, Friedrich-Schiller-Uniersity of Jena (Germany)
MathematikerInnen in der Rüstungsforschung
HS 12
10.05.2006  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Ariane Frey, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, München (Germany)
Teilchenphysik und die Reise ins Innerste der Materie
HS 9
22.03.2006  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Hansjörg Albrecher, Universite de Lausanne (Switzerland)
Bewertung von Risiken in der Versicherungsmathematik
HS 9
23.02.2006  15:30 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Gabriel Wittum, Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany)
Towards Simulation of Neuronal Signal Processing
HS 9
11.01.2006  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Erwin Frey, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany)
Im Zickzack zwischen Physik und Biologie
HS 9
23.11.2005  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Dietrich Braess, Ruhr University Bochum (Germany)
A Paradoxon in Traffic Flow
HS 9
10.11.2005  19:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Erwin Stein, Leibniz Universität Hannover (Germany)
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - far ahead of his time
HS 10
12.10.2005  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Roland Zdeněk Bulirsch, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Germany)
Keplers Spuren in unseren Tagen
HS 9
29.06.2005  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Jean Pederson, Santa Clara University (USA)
Paradoxes in Traditional Thinking
HS 9
16.06.2005  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Volker Bialas,
"Aber heiliger ist mir die Wahrheit.": Johannes Kepler - Astronom und Naturphilosoph
HS 8
01.06.2005  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Elisabeth Menschl,
Johannes Kepler und das "närrische Töchterlein der Astronomie"
HS 9
18.05.2005  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Adolf Karger, Charles University (Czech Republic)
Computer proofs of geometric theorems
HS 9
20.04.2005  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Bruno Buchberger,
Algorithmische Beweisverfahren: Das Ende der Mathematik? - Dem Gedenken an Professor Hans Knapp gewidmet -
HS 9
19.01.2005  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Rainer Blatt, Universität Innsbruck
Quantum Computer – Dream and Realization
HS 2
15.12.2004  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Gert Sadibussi, Université de Montréal (Canada)
Wie gut (oder schlecht?) verhält sich die euklidische Metrik auf rationalen Punkten? - oder - Können die rationalen Heuschrecken den euklidischen Raum
HS 10
16.06.2004  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Peter Gritzmann, Technische Universität München (Germany)
Pacht- und Nutzungstausch: Kombinatorische Optimierung (nicht nur) für die Landwirtschaft
HS 10
19.05.2004  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Renate Tobies, Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena (Germany)
"In jeder Hinsicht gleichwertig!?" - Frauen und Männer in der Mathematik
HS 10
05.05.2004  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Herbert Boller,
RÖNTGENSTRUKTURANALYSE - zu Perutz' Zeiten ein unsicheres Langzeitprojekt, heute (fast) Routine
HS 10
17.03.2004  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Arde Guran, University Ottawa (Canada)
Mathematical Studies of Friction and Contact Mechanics
HS 10
14.01.2004  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
W. Gerhard Pohl,
DIE FOTOGRAFIE FLIEGENDER PROJEKTILE Ernst Mach und Peter Salcher als Pioniere der Überschallforschung
HS 10
03.12.2003  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter,
Ökonometrisches Modellieren der Volatilität von Finanzzeitreihen
HS 10
19.11.2003  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Helmut Grössing,
Kepler und sein Traum vom Mond
HS 10
25.06.2003  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Walter Medinger,
Stören Funkwellen biologisch relevante Information? Messergebnisse im Magnetfeld und ein physikalisches Modell dazu
HS 10
02.04.2003  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Harald Iro,
Das Einsteinsche Relativitätsprinzip und die physikalischen Gesetze
HS 10
12.03.2003  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Otto Roeschel,
Übergeschlossene kinematische Ketten und bewegliche Polyedermodelle
T 1010
22.01.2003  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Hartwig Thim,
Experimentelle Widerlegung der relativistischen Zeitdilatation
HS 10
04.12.2002  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Gerhard Betsch, Universität Tübingen (Germany)
Johann Friedrich Pfaff: Wissenschaftsgeschichte und Analysis zwischen Euler und Cauchy
HS 10
13.11.2002  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Peter Schreiber,
Dürers Geometrie - Genie und Irrtum
HS 10
05.11.2002  15:30 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Alfio Quarteroni,
Mathematical models of the cardiovascular system
HS 9
19.06.2002  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Rainer Born,
Mathematik, Logik, Philosophie G. Frege: Großvater der analytischen Philosophie
HS 10
15.05.2002  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Craig C. Douglas, University of Wyoming (USA)
Modeling and Computation of Sea Surface Heights in Complex Domains
HS 10
08.05.2002  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Stefan Kurz,
Von den Maxwellschen Gleichungen zur Common-Rail Dieseleinspritzung: Dynamische Simulation elektromechanischer Systeme
HS 10
13.03.2002  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Olaf Steinbach, Technische Universität Graz
HS 10
31.01.2002  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze,
Die Förderung der Mathematik durch Rockefeller Stiftungen zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen
HS 10
16.01.2002  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Ekkehard Ramm,
Strukturoptimierung - Die Interaktion von Form und Mechanik
HS 10
12.12.2001  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Gert Sadibussi, Université de Montréal (Canada)
Kombinatorik des Fußballs: $C_{60}$ und die höheren Fullerene
HS 10
05.12.2001  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Nickolas Sapidis, University of Western Macedonia
Design Constraints in Solid Modelling
BA 9910
20.06.2001  17:30 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Elisabeth Menschl,
Die Faszination der Harmonie: Pythagoras und Kepler
HS 10
20.06.2001  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Ulrich Langer,
Der Spezialforschungsbereich F013: Numerisches und Symbolisches Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
HS 10
09.05.2001  17:15 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Hans Irschik,
Ludwig Wittgenstein, die Mechanik und die Mathematik
HS 10
04.04.2001  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Bert Jüttler,
Splines: Vom Flächendesign bis zur Fräsersteuerung
HS 10
14.03.2001  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Renate Tobies, Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena (Germany)
Einsteins Verhältnis zur Mathematik und zu Mathematikern
HS 10
17.01.2001  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Günther Ossimitz, Universität Klagenfurt
Systemisches Denken und mathematisches Modellieren für Betriebswirte
HS 10
29.11.2000  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Johann K. Brunner,
Mathematische Methoden und Modelle in der Volkswirtschaftslehre
HS 10
22.11.2000  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Peter Paule,
Ramanujans Traum: Computer beweisen mathematische Formeln
HS 10
25.10.2000  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Gerhard Larcher,
Was kann Finanzmathematik?
HS 10
24.05.2000  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Roland Fischer,
Mathematik als Materialisierung des Abstrakten
HS 10
29.03.2000  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Hans Gerhard Eder, HTL Leonding
Mathematische Modellbildungen zur Verbesserung der Eigenschaften von Kunststoff-Produkten
HS 10
12.01.2000  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Fritz Schweiger,
Mathematik und Sprache
HS 10
01.12.1999  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Markus H. Gross,
Modellierungsmethoden in der Chirurgiesimulation
HS 10
24.11.1999  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Hans Wußing,
Zur Frühgeschichte der Analysis
HS 10
19.05.1999  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Urbaan Titulaer,
Das Wechselspiel zwischen Mathematik und Physik
HS 10
05.05.1999  17:00 Johannes Kepler Symposium Series A
Rudolf Wille,
Kontextuelle Logik: Ein Ansatz zur Restrukturierung der Mathematischen Logik
HS 10