Diese Liste enthält für das Semester 2025s für jeden Slot die LVAs, die dort zumindest 4 Termine haben.
Berücksichtigt sind die LVAs, die laut Studienhandbuch in zumindest einem der Mathematik-Curricula
vorkommen (mit Ausnahme der Supplementary Subjects im Master Computational Mathematics).
Datenstand (KUSSS): 18.2.2025
Montag |
Anz. | LVA-Nummer |
Titel | Lehrende(r) |
Lv | ECTS | SSt |
BSc |
IM |
CM |
08:30 – 10:00 |
13x |
323.006 (2025S) |
UE Analysis 2 Weitere Infos |
Andreas Neubauer |
B1 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
P |
15x |
323.020 (2025S) |
VO Partielle Differentialgleichungen |
Stefan Kindermann |
B2 |
6,00 |
4,0 |
P |
15x |
327.001 (2025S) |
VL Optimierung |
Peter Gangl |
B3 |
4,50 |
3,0 |
P |
15x |
325.016 (2025S) |
VL Special Topics Number Theory (09:15 – 10:00) |
Sumaia Saad Eddin; Sumaia Saad Eddin |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
15x |
326.076 (2025S) |
VL Special Topics Symbolic Computation Weitere Infos |
Wolfgang Schreiner |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
8x |
338.021 (2025S) |
KV SAT Solving |
Martina Seidl; Nils Froleyks; Maximilian Heisinger |
M1 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
10:15 – 11:45 |
13x |
368.104 (2025S) |
UE Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie 2 |
Peter Fuchs |
B1 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
P |
15x |
325.015 (2025S) |
VL Special Topics Number Theory |
Arne Winterhof |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
15x |
325.016 (2025S) |
VL Special Topics Number Theory (10:15 – 11:00) |
Sumaia Saad Eddin; Sumaia Saad Eddin |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
7x |
369.005 (2025S) |
UE Stochastic Differential Equations |
Amira Meddah |
B3 |
1,50 |
1,0 |
W |
W |
W |
7x |
369.117 (2025S) |
UE Stochastic Simulation Weitere Infos |
Amira Meddah |
B3 |
1,50 |
1,0 |
W |
W |
W |
15x |
323.009 (2025S) |
VL Wavelets – Functional Analytical Basics Weitere Infos |
Ronny Ramlau |
M |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
P |
12:00 – 13:30 |
7x |
368.102 (2025S) |
VO Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie 2 |
Manuel Kauers |
B1 |
7,50 |
5,0 |
P |
15x |
323.010 (2025S) |
UE Wavelets – Functional Analytical Basics (12:00 – 12:45) |
Ronny Ramlau |
M |
1,50 |
1,0 |
W |
W |
W |
13:45 – 15:15 |
15x |
324.139 (2025S) |
VO Distributions and locally convex spaces Weitere Infos |
Richard Lechner |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
15x |
326.084 (2025S) |
VL Special Topics Symbolic Computation |
Günter Landsmann |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
13x |
368.302 (2025S) |
VL Advanced Computer Algebra |
Manuel Kauers |
M |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
P |
15:30 – 17:00 |
14x |
324.140 (2025S) |
UE Distributions and locally convex spaces Weitere Infos (15:30 – 16:15) |
Richard Lechner |
B3 |
1,50 |
1,0 |
W |
W |
15x |
368.157 (2025S) |
VL Special Topics Algebra and Discrete Mathematics |
Manuel Kauers |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
13x |
536.020 (2025S) |
VO Ethics and Gender Studies |
Waltraud Ernst |
M |
3,00 |
2,0 |
SO |
SO |
17:15 – 18:45 |
Dienstag |
Anz. | LVA-Nummer |
Titel | Lehrende(r) |
Lv | ECTS | SSt |
BSc |
IM |
CM |
08:30 – 10:00 |
14x |
326.003 (2025S) |
KV Algorithmische Methoden |
Wolfgang Windsteiger |
B1 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
P |
14x |
323.020 (2025S) |
VO Partielle Differentialgleichungen |
Stefan Kindermann |
B2 |
6,00 |
4,0 |
P |
14x |
327.001 (2025S) |
VL Optimierung (09:15 – 10:00) |
Peter Gangl |
B3 |
4,50 |
3,0 |
P |
13x |
327.007 (2025S) |
UE Optimierung (08:30 – 09:15) |
Phillip Baumann; Phillip Baumann |
B3 |
1,50 |
1,0 |
P |
10:15 – 11:45 |
14x |
323.004 (2025S) |
VO Analysis 2 Weitere Infos |
Andreas Neubauer |
B1 |
7,50 |
5,0 |
P |
14x |
324.101 (2025S) |
VL Funktionalanalysis Weitere Infos |
Markus Passenbrunner |
B2 |
4,50 |
3,0 |
P |
14x |
326.080 (2025S) |
VL Special Topics Symbolic Computation Weitere Infos |
Carsten Schneider |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
7x |
356.013 (2025S) |
UE Splines Weitere Infos |
Philipp Langgruber |
B3 |
1,50 |
1,0 |
W |
W |
14x |
326.0KA (2025S) |
VL Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Weitere Infos |
Josef Schicho |
M |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
P |
14x |
357.197 (2025S) |
VL Computational Modeling in Medicine and Life Science Weitere Infos |
Luca Gerardo-Giorda |
M |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
P |
12:00 – 13:30 |
14x |
324.110 (2025S) |
VL Mathematische Modelle in den Naturwissenschaften Weitere Infos |
Markus Passenbrunner |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
MM |
14x |
326.030 (2025S) |
VL Algebraic Combinatorics Weitere Infos |
Silviu Radu |
M |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
P |
14x |
357.430 (2025S) |
VO Dynamical Systems and Chaos Weitere Infos |
Luca Gerardo-Giorda |
M |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
P |
13:45 – 15:15 |
14x |
326.101 (2025S) |
UE Algebraic combinatorics Weitere Infos (13:45 – 14:30) |
Silviu Radu |
B3 |
1,50 |
1,0 |
W |
W |
14x |
327.014 (2025S) |
SE Numerical Analysis |
Herbert Egger |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
SE |
SE |
W |
12x |
356.012 (2025S) |
VO Splines Weitere Infos |
Bert Jüttler |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
15:30 – 17:00 |
14x |
327.006 (2025S) |
SE Numerical Analysis |
Herbert Egger |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
SE |
SE |
W |
14x |
326.063 (2025S) |
SE Symbolic Computation Weitere Infos (16:15 – 17:00) |
Wolfgang Schreiner; Teimuraz Kutsia; Wolfgang Windsteiger |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
SE |
W |
17:15 – 18:45 |
14x |
326.063 (2025S) |
SE Symbolic Computation Weitere Infos (17:15 – 18:00) |
Wolfgang Schreiner; Teimuraz Kutsia; Wolfgang Windsteiger |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
SE |
W |
Mittwoch |
Anz. | LVA-Nummer |
Titel | Lehrende(r) |
Lv | ECTS | SSt |
BSc |
IM |
CM |
08:30 – 10:00 |
15x |
368.102 (2025S) |
VO Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie 2 |
Manuel Kauers |
B1 |
7,50 |
5,0 |
P |
15x |
368.165 (2025S) |
VL Special Topics Algebra and Discrete Mathematics |
Peter Fuchs |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
15x |
357.410 (2025S) |
VL Wissens- und Datenbasiertes Modellieren Weitere Infos |
Susanne Saminger-Platz |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
MM |
15x |
327.003 (2025S) |
VO Numerical Methods for Elliptic Equations |
Andreas Schafelner |
M |
6,00 |
4,0 |
W |
P |
P |
10:15 – 11:45 |
15x |
323.111 (2025S) |
UE Partielle Differentialgleichungen |
Roland Wagner; Simon Hubmer |
B2 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
7x |
356.003 (2025S) |
UE Differential Geometry |
Philipp Langgruber |
B3 |
1,50 |
1,0 |
W |
W |
W |
15x |
325.050 (2025S) |
VO Introduction in number theory |
Friedrich Pillichshammer |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
15x |
369.116 (2025S) |
VO Stochastic Simulation Weitere Infos |
Amira Meddah |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
W |
15x |
326.060 (2025S) |
SE Symbolic Computation Weitere Infos |
Josef Schicho |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
SE |
W |
15x |
357.411 (2025S) |
PS Wissens- und Datenbasiertes Modellieren Weitere Infos |
Susanne Saminger-Platz |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
SE |
15x |
357.197 (2025S) |
VL Computational Modeling in Medicine and Life Science Weitere Infos |
Luca Gerardo-Giorda |
M |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
P |
7x |
327.004 (2025S) |
UE Numerical Methods for Elliptic Equations |
Andreas Schafelner |
M |
1,50 |
1,0 |
W |
CE |
W |
12:00 – 13:30 |
15x |
327.002 (2025S) |
KV Algorithmische Methoden in der Numerik |
Herbert Egger |
B1 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
P |
15x |
325.035 (2025S) |
VO Ergodic theory |
Gerhard Larcher |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
15x |
324.111 (2025S) |
PS Mathematische Modelle in den Naturwissenschaften Weitere Infos |
Markus Passenbrunner |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
SE |
14x |
324.127 (2025S) |
UE Singular Integrals and Potential Theory Weitere Infos (12:45 – 13:30) |
Paul Müller |
B3 |
1,50 |
1,0 |
W |
W |
W |
15x |
323.001 (2025S) |
VO Inverse Problems Weitere Infos |
Andreas Neubauer |
M |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
P |
P |
13:45 – 15:15 |
15x |
325.100 (2025S) |
VL Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik |
Sascha Desmettre |
B2 |
6,00 |
4,0 |
P |
15x |
325.036 (2025S) |
UE Ergodic theory (13:45 – 14:30) |
Gerhard Larcher |
B3 |
1,50 |
1,0 |
W |
W |
15x |
325.051 (2025S) |
UE Introduction in number theory (13:45 – 14:30) |
Sumaia Saad Eddin |
B3 |
1,50 |
1,0 |
W |
W |
15x |
324.126 (2025S) |
VO Singular Integrals and Potential Theory |
Paul Müller |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
W |
15x |
326.CA1 (2025S) |
SE Symbolic Computation Weitere Infos |
Carsten Schneider |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
SE |
W |
15x |
324.005 (2025S) |
VL Complex Analysis Weitere Infos |
Markus Passenbrunner |
M |
4,50 |
3,0 |
W |
P |
13x |
356.005 (2025S) |
VO Differential Geometry |
Bert Jüttler |
M |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
P |
15:30 – 17:00 |
15x |
324.158 (2025S) |
SE Analysis |
Paul Müller; Richard Lechner |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
SE |
W |
15x |
357.431 (2025S) |
UE Dynamical Systems and Chaos Weitere Infos (15:30 – 16:15) |
Luca Gerardo-Giorda |
B3 |
1,50 |
1,0 |
W |
W |
W |
15x |
326.054 (2025S) |
KV Practical in Symbolic Computation Weitere Infos (16:15 – 17:00) |
Teimuraz Kutsia |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
15x |
326.CA1 (2025S) |
SE Symbolic Computation Weitere Infos (15:30 – 16:15) |
Carsten Schneider |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
SE |
W |
15x |
324.005 (2025S) |
VL Complex Analysis Weitere Infos (15:30 – 16:15) |
Markus Passenbrunner |
M |
4,50 |
3,0 |
W |
P |
15x |
534.E82 (2025S) |
UE Planning, writing and presenting an academic paper |
Maria Christine Pree |
M |
3,00 |
2,0 |
SO |
SO |
17:15 – 18:45 |
15x |
326.054 (2025S) |
KV Practical in Symbolic Computation Weitere Infos (17:15 – 18:00) |
Teimuraz Kutsia |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
Donnerstag |
Anz. | LVA-Nummer |
Titel | Lehrende(r) |
Lv | ECTS | SSt |
BSc |
IM |
CM |
08:30 – 10:00 |
12x |
323.004 (2025S) |
VO Analysis 2 Weitere Infos |
Andreas Neubauer |
B1 |
7,50 |
5,0 |
P |
12x |
368.170 (2025S) |
VL Algebra und Diskrete Mathematik |
Erhard Aichinger |
B2 |
4,50 |
3,0 |
P |
6x |
368.171 (2025S) |
UE Algebra und Diskrete Mathematik |
Peter Fuchs |
B2 |
1,50 |
1,0 |
P |
12x |
326.00E (2025S) |
VL Special Topics Symbolic Computation |
Nikolaj Popov |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
12x |
327.003 (2025S) |
VO Numerical Methods for Elliptic Equations |
Andreas Schafelner |
M |
6,00 |
4,0 |
W |
P |
P |
12x |
369.007 (2025S) |
VL Stochastic Differential Equations |
Dmitry Efrosinin |
M |
4,50 |
3,0 |
W |
W |
P |
12x |
326.079 (2025S) |
VL Symbolic Summation and Integration Weitere Infos |
Carsten Schneider |
M |
4,50 |
3,0 |
W |
P |
10:15 – 11:45 |
12x |
368.102 (2025S) |
VO Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie 2 |
Manuel Kauers |
B1 |
7,50 |
5,0 |
P |
12x |
325.005 (2025S) |
VL Special Topics Mathematical Methods in the Economic Sciences |
Gerhard Larcher |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
W |
12x |
326.079 (2025S) |
VL Symbolic Summation and Integration Weitere Infos (10:15 – 11:00) |
Carsten Schneider |
M |
4,50 |
3,0 |
W |
P |
12:00 – 13:30 |
12x |
323.008 (2025S) |
KO Analysis 2 |
Thomas Speckhofer |
B1 |
0,00 |
2,0 |
W |
12x |
324.101 (2025S) |
VL Funktionalanalysis Weitere Infos |
Markus Passenbrunner |
B2 |
4,50 |
3,0 |
P |
12x |
327.024 (2025S) |
VL Special Topics Numerical Analysis |
Stefan Takacs |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
W |
13:45 – 15:15 |
12x |
326.001 (2025S) |
VL Algorithmische Kombinatorik Weitere Infos |
Veronika Pillwein |
B2 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
P |
12x |
325.100 (2025S) |
VL Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik |
Sascha Desmettre |
B2 |
6,00 |
4,0 |
P |
12x |
368.000 (2025S) |
SE Algebra and Discrete Mathematics Weitere Infos |
Manuel Kauers |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
SE |
W |
13x |
324.006 (2025S) |
UE Complex Analysis Weitere Infos |
Markus Passenbrunner |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
12x |
326.041 (2025S) |
KV Practical in Symbolic Computation (14:30 – 15:15) |
Ioana Cleopatra Pau |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
12x |
326.062 (2025S) |
KV Practical in Symbolic Computation (14:30 – 15:15) |
Ralf Hemmecke |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
12x |
327.015 (2025S) |
UE Special Topics Numerical Analysis (13:45 – 14:30) |
Stefan Tyoler |
B3 |
1,50 |
1,0 |
W |
W |
W |
15:30 – 17:00 |
12x |
326.002 (2025S) |
UE Algorithmische Kombinatorik Weitere Infos (15:30 – 16:15) |
Veronika Pillwein; Jakob Obrovsky |
B2 |
1,50 |
1,0 |
UE |
12x |
325.101 (2025S) |
UE Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik |
Sascha Desmettre |
B2 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
P |
12x |
326.041 (2025S) |
KV Practical in Symbolic Computation |
Ioana Cleopatra Pau |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
12x |
326.062 (2025S) |
KV Practical in Symbolic Computation (15:30 – 16:15) |
Ralf Hemmecke |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
17:15 – 18:45 |
Freitag |
Anz. | LVA-Nummer |
Titel | Lehrende(r) |
Lv | ECTS | SSt |
BSc |
IM |
CM |
08:30 – 10:00 |
11x |
323.004 (2025S) |
VO Analysis 2 Weitere Infos |
Andreas Neubauer |
B1 |
7,50 |
5,0 |
P |
14x |
368.170 (2025S) |
VL Algebra und Diskrete Mathematik |
Erhard Aichinger |
B2 |
4,50 |
3,0 |
P |
14x |
326.0FS (2025S) |
VL Special Topics Symbolic Computation Weitere Infos |
Wolfgang Schreiner |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
10:15 – 11:45 |
15x |
326.005 (2025S) |
KV Programmierung 2 Weitere Infos |
Wolfgang Schreiner |
B1 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
P |
12:00 – 13:30 |
14x |
368.108 (2025S) |
KO Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie 2 (12:45 – 13:30) |
Erhard Aichinger |
B1 |
0,00 |
2,0 |
W |
13x |
536.035 (2025S) |
KV Gender Studies und Soziale Kompetenz |
Andrea Guttmann |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
GS |
14x |
326.065 (2025S) |
VL Special Topics Symbolic Computation |
Teimuraz Kutsia |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
13:45 – 15:15 |
13x |
536.008 (2025S) |
KV Gender Studies TNF - Einführung (14:30 – 15:15) |
Andrea Guttmann |
B1 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
GS |
14x |
368.108 (2025S) |
KO Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie 2 (13:45 – 14:30) |
Erhard Aichinger |
B1 |
0,00 |
2,0 |
W |
15:30 – 17:00 |
13x |
536.008 (2025S) |
KV Gender Studies TNF - Einführung (15:30 – 16:15) |
Andrea Guttmann |
B1 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
GS |
17:15 – 18:45 |
LVA-Nummer | Titel | Lehrende(r) | Termin(e) |
Lv | ECTS | SSt |
BSc |
IM |
CM |
368.102 (2025S) |
VO Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie 2 |
Manuel Kauers |
Mo, 03.03.2025 10:15 – 11:45; Di, 01.07.2025 10:15 – 11:45; Mi, 24.09.2025 10:15 – 11:45 |
B1 |
7,50 |
5,0 |
P |
368.170 (2025S) |
VL Algebra und Diskrete Mathematik |
Erhard Aichinger |
Mi, 02.07.2025 08:30 – 11:00 |
B2 |
4,50 |
3,0 |
P |
356.300 (2025S) |
SE Geometry Weitere Infos |
Bert Jüttler |
Mi, 19.03.2025 10:15 – 11:45 |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
SE |
SE |
W |
368.001 (2025S) |
VL Special Topics Algebra and Discrete Mathematics |
Clemens Hofstadler |
Mi, 05.03.2025 10:15 – 11:45 |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
325.050 (2025S) |
VO Introduction in number theory |
Friedrich Pillichshammer |
Do, 10.07.2025 10:15 – 11:45 |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |
368.171 (2025S) |
UE Algebra und Diskrete Mathematik |
Peter Fuchs |
Do, 26.06.2025 17:15 – 18:45 |
B2 |
1,50 |
1,0 |
P |
536.027 (2025S) |
KV Gender Studies Managing Equality TN |
Bettina Bock von Wülfingen |
Fr, 14.03.2025 10:15 – 13:15; Fr, 04.04.2025 10:15 – 16:15; Sa, 05.04.2025 10:15 – 16:15; Fr, 11.04.2025 10:15 – 15:15 |
M1 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
SO |
SO |
368.165 (2025S) |
VL Special Topics Algebra and Discrete Mathematics |
Peter Fuchs |
Fr, 27.06.2025 17:15 – 18:45 |
B3 |
3,00 |
2,0 |
W |
W |