Die dunkel hinterlegten Zellen sind dem Studienhandbuch entnommen; die alphanumerischen Klassencodes aus dem Studienhandbuch geben die Stellung der LVA im Curriculum an. Die hell hinerlegten Zellen geben die angebotenen LVAs im Semester 2025s laut KUSSS wieder; diese sind durch die LVA-Nummer identifiziert. Datenstand (KUSSS): 18.2.2025 [Nur angebotene LVAs anzeigen]
Klassencode bzw. LVA-Nummer und Titel Lehrende(r) W ECTS SSt.
404COSU23: Core Subjects
Three core subjects (12,00 ECTS each) have to be fully completed. Courses from the other core subjects can be counted towards the Electvies.
........ 404ALBR23: Algebra 0,00/12,00
................ 404ALBRALGV23: VL Algebra 6,00 4,0
................ 404ALBRALVC23: VL Algebraic Combinatorics 3,00 2,0
........................ 326.030: VL Algebraic Combinatorics Weitere Infos Silviu Radu
................ 404ALBRDEMV23: VL Discrete Mathematics 3,00 2,0
........ 404ANAC23: Analysis 0,00/12,00
................ 404ANACCANV23: VL Complex Analysis 4,50 3,0
........................ 324.005: VL Complex Analysis Weitere Infos Markus Passenbrunner
................ 404ANACDSCV23: VL Dynamical Systems and Chaos 3,00 2,0
........................ 357.430: VO Dynamical Systems and Chaos Weitere Infos Luca Gerardo-Giorda
................ 404ANACSTDV23: VL Spectral theory and distributions 4,50 3,0
........ 404CANC23: Computer Algebra and Number Theory 0,00/12,00
................ 404CANCACAV23: VL Advanced Computer Algebra 3,00 2,0
........................ 368.302: VL Advanced Computer Algebra Manuel Kauers
................ 404CANCNUTV23: VL Number Theory 4,50 3,0
................ 404CANCSSIV23: VL Symbolic Summation and Integration 4,50 3,0
........................ 326.079: VL Symbolic Summation and Integration Weitere Infos Carsten Schneider
........ 404GEOC23: Geometry 0,00/12,00
................ 404GEOCCAAV23: VL Commutative algebra and algebraic geometry 3,00 2,0
........................ 326.0KA: VL Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Weitere Infos Josef Schicho
................ 404GEOCCOGV23: VL Computational Geometry 3,00 2,0
................ 404GEOCCGDV23: VL Computer-aided geometric design 3,00 2,0
................ 404GEOCDGEV23: VL Differential Geometry 3,00 2,0
........................ 356.005: VO Differential Geometry Bert Jüttler
........ 404MMMC23: Mathematical Methods in Modeling and Data Analysis 0,00/12,00
................ 403MAMOIEBV22: VL Integral equations and boundary value problems 6,00 4,0
................ 404MMMCSTMV23: VL Statistical Methods 3,00 2,0
................ 404MMMCWFAV23: VL Wavelets – Functional Analytical Basics 3,00 2,0
........................ 323.009: VL Wavelets – Functional Analytical Basics Weitere Infos Ronny Ramlau
........ 404MAMC23: Mathematical Models 0,00/12,00
................ 404MAMCCMMV23: VL Computational Modeling in Medicine and Life Science 3,00 2,0
........................ 357.197: VL Computational Modeling in Medicine and Life Science: Computergestützte Modellierung in Medizin und Biowissenschaften Weitere Infos Luca Gerardo-Giorda
................ 403MAMOMMCV22: VL Mathematical methods in continuum mechanics 6,00 4,0
................ 404MAMCNLIV23: VL Non-Life Insurance Mathematics 3,00 2,0
........ 404NUMC23: Numerical Methods 0,00/12,00
................ 403MAMOINPV22: VL Inverse problems 3,00 2,0
........................ 323.001: VO Inverse Problems Weitere Infos Andreas Neubauer
................ 403NUSINMEV22: VL Numerical Methods for Elliptic Equations 6,00 4,0
........................ 327.003: VO Numerical Methods for Elliptic Equations Andreas Schafelner
................ 403NUSINMCV22: VL Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics 3,00 2,0
........ 404STCC23: Stochastics 0,00/12,00
................ 403MAMOFIMV22: VL Financial Mathematics 4,50 3,0
................ 404STCCSDEV23: VL Stochastic Differential Equations 4,50 3,0
........................ 369.007: VL Stochastic Differential Equations Dmitry Efrosinin
................ 403MAMOSTPV22: VL Stochastic Processes 3,00 2,0
........ 404SLOC23: Symbolic Logic 0,00/12,00
................ 404SLOCAURV23: VL Automated Reasoning 4,50 3,0
................ 921SOENFMSK13: KV Formal Methods in Software Development 4,50 3,0
................ 404SLOCMALV23: VL Mathematical Logic 3,00 2,0
404ELEC21: Electives
Take account of upper bounds on ECTS for Soft Skills and Supplementary Subjects.
........ 404ANAS23: Analysis 0,00-31,50
................ 201MASEANAS23: SE Analysis W 3,00 2,0
........................ 324.158: SE Analysis: Spektraltheorie Paul Müller; Richard Lechner
................ 201ANASCHAV24: VL Classical harmonic analysis 3,00 2,0
................ 201ANASCHAU24: UE Classical harmonic analysis 1,50 1,0
................ 201ANASCANU23: UE Complex Analysis 3,00 2,0
........................ 324.006: UE Complex Analysis Weitere Infos Markus Passenbrunner
................ 201ANASDSCU22: UE Dynamical Systems and Chaos 1,50 1,0
........................ 357.431: UE Dynamical Systems and Chaos Weitere Infos Luca Gerardo-Giorda
................ 201ANASFRAV24: VL Fractals 3,00 2,0
................ 201ANASFRAU24: UE Fractals 1,50 1,0
................ 403COEXIEBU22: UE Integral Equations and Boundary Value Problems 1,50 1,0
................ 201ANASPOFV23: VL Pseudodifferential Operators and Fourier Integral Operators 3,00 2,0
................ 201ANASPOFU22: UE Pseudodifferential Operators and Fourier Integral Operators 1,50 1,0
................ 201ANASSIPV22: VL Singular Integrals and Potential Theory 3,00 2,0
........................ 324.126: VO Singular Integrals and Potential Theory Paul Müller
................ 201ANASSIPU22: UE Singular Integrals and Potential Theory 1,50 1,0
........................ 324.127: UE Singular Integrals and Potential Theory Weitere Infos Paul Müller
................ 201ANASSP1V24: VL Special Topics Analysis (1,5 ECTS) W 1,50 1,0
................ 201ANASSP2V24: VL Special topics analysis W 3,00 2,0
................ 201ANASSP1U24: UE Special topics analysis W 1,50 1,0
........ 404NUAN23: Numerical analysis 0,00-31,50
................ 403NUMACELV22: VL Computational Electromagnetics 3,00 2,0
................ 201NUMACFDV24: VL Computational Fluid Dynamics 3,00 2,0
................ 201NUMACFDU24: UE Computational Fluid Dynamics 1,50 1,0
................ 201MASENUAS22: SE Numerical Analysis W 3,00 2,0
........................ 327.006: SE Numerical Analysis: Forschungsseminar Herbert Egger
........................ 327.014: SE Numerical Analysis: Methodenseminar Herbert Egger
................ 403COEXNMEU22: UE Numerical Methods for Elliptic Equations 1,50 1,0
........................ 327.004: UE Numerical Methods for Elliptic Equations Andreas Schafelner
................ 201NUMANMCU22: UE Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics 1,50 1,0
................ 201NUMASP1V22: VL Special Topics Numerical Analysis (1.5 ECTS) W 1,50 1,0
................ 201NUMASP2V22: VL Special Topics Numerical Analysis W 3,00 2,0
........................ 327.024: VL Special Topics Numerical Analysis: Multigrid Methods Stefan Takacs
................ 201NUMASP1U22: UE Special Topics Numerical Analysis W 1,50 1,0
........................ 327.015: UE Special Topics Numerical Analysis: Multigrid Methods Stefan Tyoler
........ 404PTMS23: Probability theory and mathematical statistics 0,00-31,50
................ 201WTMSMACV22: VL Markov Chains 3,00 2,0
................ 201WTMSMACU22: UE Markov Chains 1,50 1,0
................ 201MASEPTMS22: SE Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics W 3,00 2,0
................ 201WTMSQUTV22: VL Queueing theory 3,00 2,0
................ 201WTMSQUTU22: UE Queueing theory 1,50 1,0
................ 201WTMSRETV22: VL Reliability Theory 3,00 2,0
................ 201WTMSRETU22: UE Reliability Theory 1,50 1,0
................ 201WTMSSP1V22: VL Special Topics Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics (1.5 ECTS) W 1,50 1,0
................ 201WTMSSP2V22: VL Special Topics Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics W 3,00 2,0
................ 201WTMSSP1U22: UE Special Topics Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics W 1,50 1,0
................ 201WTMSSTMU22: UE Statistical Methods 1,50 1,0
................ 403PTMSSDEV22: VL Stochastic Differential Equations 2 3,00 2,0
................ 201WTMSSDEU22: UE Stochastic Differential Equations 1,50 1,0
........................ 369.005: UE Stochastic Differential Equations Amira Meddah
................ 201WTMSSTPU22: UE Stochastic Processes 1,50 1,0
................ 201WTMSSTSV22: VL Stochastic Simulation 3,00 2,0
........................ 369.116: VO Stochastic Simulation Weitere Infos Amira Meddah
................ 201WTMSSTSU22: UE Stochastic Simulation 1,50 1,0
........................ 369.117: UE Stochastic Simulation Weitere Infos Amira Meddah
........ 404MMNS23: Mathematical methods in the natural sciences 0,00-31,50
................ 201MASEMMNS24: SE Mathematical Methods in the Natural Sciences W 3,00 2,0
................ 201MMNWSP1S24: SE Special Topics mathematical methods in the natural sciences (1,5 ECTS) W 1,50 1,0
................ 201MMNWSP2V24: VL Special Topics mathematical methods in the natural sciences W 3,00 2,0
................ 201MMNWSP1U24: UE Special Topics mathematical methods in the natural sciences W 1,50 1,0
................ 404MMNSTPMV23: VL Theoretical physics for mathematicians 6,00 4,0
................ 201MMNWTPMU23: UE Theoretical physics for mathematicians 1,50 1,0
........ 404MMEN23: Mathematical methods in engineering 0,00-31,50
................ 403COEXMMEU22: UE Mathematical Methods in Continuum Mechanics 1,50 1,0
................ 201MMTKMMEV22: VL Mathematical Methods in Electrodynamics 3,00 2,0
................ 201MASEMMES22: SE Mathematical Methods in Engineering W 3,00 2,0
........................ 323.005: SE Mathematical Methods in Engineering: Linz - Fudan Seminar Ronny Ramlau
................ 201MMTKSP1V22: VL Special Topics Mathematical Methods in Engineering (1.5 ECTS) W 1,50 1,0
................ 201MMTKSP2V22: VL Special Topics Mathematical Methods in Engineering W 3,00 2,0
................ 201MMTKSP1U22: UE Special Topics Mathematical Methods in Engineering W 1,50 1,0
................ 404MMENWFAU23: UE Wavelets – Functional Analytical Basics 1,50 1,0
........................ 323.010: UE Wavelets – Functional Analytical Basics Ronny Ramlau
........ 404MMES23: Mathematical methods in the economic sciences 0,00-31,50
................ 201MMWWFIMV22: UE Financial Mathematics 1,50 1,0
................ 201MASEMIES22: SE Mathematical Methods in the Economic Sciences W 3,00 2,0
........................ 325.003: SE Mathematical Methods in the Economic Sciences Sascha Desmettre
................ 201MMWWSP1V22: VL Special Topics Mathematical Methods in the Economic Sciences (1.5 ECTS) W 1,50 1,0
................ 201MMWWSP2V22: VL Special Topics Mathematical Methods in the Economic Sciences W 3,00 2,0
........................ 325.005: VL Special Topics Mathematical Methods in the Economic Sciences: Financial Engineering Gerhard Larcher
................ 201MMWWSP1U22: UE Special Topics Mathematical Methods in the Economic Sciences W 1,50 1,0
........ 404OPTI23: Optimization 0,00-31,50
................ 201OPTICOVV22: VL Calculus of Variation 3,00 2,0
................ 201OPTICOVU22: UE Calculus of Variation 1,50 1,0
................ 201MASEOPTS22: SE Optimization W 3,00 2,0
................ 201OPTISP1V22: VL Special Topics Optimization (1.5 ECTS) W 1,50 1,0
................ 201OPTISP2V22: VL Special Topics Optimization W 3,00 2,0
................ 201OPTISP1U22: UE Special Topics Optimization W 1,50 1,0
........ 404SYCO23: Symbolic computation 0,00-31,50
................ 201SYMRACOU20: UE Algebraic combinatorics 1,50 1,0
........................ 326.101: UE Algebraic combinatorics Weitere Infos Silviu Radu
................ 201SYMBML1U23: UE Mathematical logic 1,50 1,0
................ 201SYMBPLSK23: KV Practical in Symbolic Computation W 3,00 2,0
........................ 326.054: KV Practical in Symbolic Computation: Funktionale Programmierung Weitere Infos Teimuraz Kutsia
........................ 326.041: KV Practical in Symbolic Computation: Grundlegende Softwaretechnologien Ioana Cleopatra Pau
........................ 326.032: KV Practical in Symbolic Computation: Computeralgebrasysteme Weitere Infos Ralf Hemmecke
........................ 326.062: KV Practical in Symbolic Computation: Programmierung in Mathematica Ralf Hemmecke
................ 921CGELSASK19: KV SAT Solving 3,00 2,0
........................ 338.021: KV SAT Solving Martina Seidl; Nils Froleyks; Maximilian Heisinger
................ 201SYMRSP1V20: VL Special Topics symbolic computation (1.5 ECTS) W 1,50 1,0
................ 201SYMRSP2V20: VL Special Topics symbolic computation W 3,00 2,0
........................ 326.080: VL Special Topics Symbolic Computation: Symbolische Lineare Algebra Weitere Infos Carsten Schneider
........................ 326.00E: VL Special Topics Symbolic Computation: Formale Sprachen und formale Grammatiken Nikolaj Popov
........................ 326.0FS: VL Special Topics Symbolic Computation: Formale Semantik von Programmiersprachen Weitere Infos Wolfgang Schreiner
........................ 326.065: VL Special Topics Symbolic Computation: Rewriting in Computer Science and Logic Teimuraz Kutsia
........................ 326.084: VL Special Topics Symbolic Computation: Algorithmische Algebraische Geometrie Günter Landsmann
........................ 326.076: VL Special Topics Symbolic Computation: Formale Modelle Paralleler und Verteilter Systeme Weitere Infos Wolfgang Schreiner
................ 201SYMRSP2U20: UE Special Topics symbolic computation W 1,50 1,0
................ 201MASESYMS23: SE Symbolic Computation W 3,00 2,0
........................ 326.060: SE Symbolic Computation: Geschichte und Philosophie der Mathematik Weitere Infos Josef Schicho
........................ 326.CA1: SE Symbolic Computation: Computer Algebra and Applications Weitere Infos Carsten Schneider
........................ 326.063: SE Symbolic Computation: Projektseminar Formale Methoden und Automatisches Beweisen Weitere Infos Wolfgang Schreiner; Teimuraz Kutsia; Wolfgang Windsteiger
........ 404ADMA23: Algebra and discrete mathematics 0,00-31,50
................ 201ADMAACAU23: UE Advanced Computer Algebra 1,50 1,0
................ 201ADMAALGU20: UE Algebra 1,50 1,0
................ 201MASEADMS23: SE Algebra and Discrete Mathematics W 3,00 2,0
........................ 368.303: SE Algebra and Discrete Mathematics: Projektseminar Mathematische Talente Georg Grasegger; Manuel Kauers
........................ 368.000: SE Algebra and Discrete Mathematics: Research Seminar Weitere Infos Manuel Kauers
................ 201ADMADEMU23: UE Discrete Mathematics 1,50 1,0
................ 201ADMAGRBV20: VL Groebner Bases 3,00 2,0
................ 201ADMASP1V20: VL Special Topics algebra and discrete mathematics (1.5 ECTS) W 1,50 1,0
........................ 368.159: VL Special Topics algebra and discrete mathematics: The Polynomial Method for Combinatorial Problems N.N. N.N.
................ 201ADMASP2V20: VL Special Topics algebra and discrete mathematics W 3,00 2,0
........................ 368.157: VL Special Topics Algebra and Discrete Mathematics: D-Finite Functions I I Manuel Kauers
........................ 368.165: VL Special Topics Algebra and Discrete Mathematics: Semigroups Peter Fuchs
........................ 368.001: VL Special Topics Algebra and Discrete Mathematics: Groebner Bases II Clemens Hofstadler
................ 201ADMASP1U20: UE Special Topics algebra and discrete mathematics W 1,50 1,0
........ 404FUAN23: Functional analysis 0,00-31,50
................ 201FUANDLRV24: VL Distributions and locally convex spaces 3,00 2,0
........................ 324.139: VO Distributions and locally convex spaces Weitere Infos Richard Lechner
................ 201FUANDLRU24: UE Distributions and locally convex spaces 1,50 1,0
........................ 324.140: UE Distributions and locally convex spaces Weitere Infos Richard Lechner
................ 201FUANERTV24: VL Ergodic theory 3,00 2,0
........................ 325.035: VO Ergodic theory Gerhard Larcher
................ 201FUANERTU24: UE Ergodic theory 1,50 1,0
........................ 325.036: UE Ergodic theory Gerhard Larcher
................ 201MASEFUAS24: SE Functional analysis W 3,00 2,0
................ 201FUANOPTV24: VL Operator theory 3,00 2,0
................ 201FUANOPTU24: UE Operator theory 1,50 1,0
................ 201FUANSOSV24: VL Sobolev spaces 3,00 2,0
................ 201FUANSOSU24: UE Sobolev spaces 1,50 1,0
................ 201FUANSP1V24: VL Special Topics Functional analysis (1,5 ECTS) W 1,50 1,0
................ 201FUANSP2V24: VL Special Topics Functional analysis W 3,00 2,0
................ 201FUANSP1U24: UE Special Topics Functional analysis W 1,50 1,0
................ 201FUANSTDU23: UE Spectral theory and distributions 3,00 2,0
........ 404GEOM23: Geometry 0,00-31,50
................ 201GEOMADGV24: VL Advanced differential geometry 3,00 2,0
................ 201GEOMADGU24: UE Advanced differential geometry 1,50 1,0
................ 201GEOMCAGU24: UE Commutative algebra and algebraic geometry 1,50 1,0
................ 201GEOMCOGU14: UE Computational Geometry 1,50 1,0
................ TM1WLUECAGD: UE Computer-aided geometric design 1,50 1,0
................ 201GEOMDGEU22: UE Differential Geometry 1,50 1,0
........................ 356.003: UE Differential Geometry Philipp Langgruber
................ 201MASEGEOS22: SE Geometry W 3,00 2,0
........................ 356.300: SE Geometry: Algebraic Spline Curves and Surfaces Weitere Infos Bert Jüttler
................ 201GEOMINTV24: VL Introduction to topology 3,00 2,0
................ 201GEOMINTU24: UE Introduction to topology 1,50 1,0
................ 201GEOMSP1V22: VL Special Topics Geometry (1.5 ECTS) W 1,50 1,0
................ 201GEOMSP2V22: VL Special Topics Geometry W 3,00 2,0
................ 201GEOMSP1U22: UE Special Topics Geometry W 1,50 1,0
................ TM1WLVOSPLI: VL Splines 3,00 2,0
........................ 356.012: VO Splines Weitere Infos Bert Jüttler
................ TM1WLUESPLI: UE Splines 1,50 1,0
........................ 356.013: UE Splines Weitere Infos Philipp Langgruber
........ 404KBMS23: Knowledge-based Mathematical Systems 0,00-31,50
................ 201WIMSFUSV18: VL Fuzzy Systems 3,00 2,0
................ 201WIMSFUSU18: UE Fuzzy Systems 1,50 1,0
................ 201WIMSMVLV23: VL Manyvalued Logic 3,00 2,0
................ 201WIMSMVLU20: UE Manyvalued Logic 1,50 1,0
................ 201MASEWISS23: SE Mathematical Modelling W 3,00 2,0
........................ 357.507: SE Mathematical Modelling: nach Vereinbarung Weitere Infos Luca Gerardo-Giorda; Susanne Saminger-Platz
................ 404KBMSPKBK20: KV Practical Knowledge-Based Systems 3,00 2,0
................ 201WIMSSP1V24: VL Special topics Knowledge-based Mathematical Systems (1,5 ECTS) W 1,50 1,0
................ 201WIMSSP2V24: VL Special topics Knowledge-based Mathematical Systems W 3,00 2,0
................ 201WIMSSP1U24: UE Special topics Knowledge-based Mathematical Systems W 1,50 1,0
........ 404NUTH23: Number theory 0,00-31,50
................ 201ZATAFICV24: VL Finite combinatorics 3,00 2,0
................ 201ZATHINTV24: VL Introduction in number theory 3,00 2,0
........................ 325.050: VO Introduction in number theory Friedrich Pillichshammer
................ 201ZATHINTU24: UE Introduction in number theory 1,50 1,0
........................ 325.051: UE Introduction in number theory Sumaia Saad Eddin
................ 201ZATHNTHU23: UE Number Theory 1,50 1,0
................ 201MASENTHS23: SE Number Theory W 3,00 2,0
................ 201ZATHNMNV22: VL Number-theoretic Methods in Numerical Analysis 3,00 2,0
................ 201ZATHNMNU22: UE Number-theoretic Methods in Numerical Analysis 1,50 1,0
................ 201ZATHSP1V20: VL Special Topics Number theory (1,5 ECTS) W 1,50 1,0
................ 201ZATHSP2V20: VL Special Topics Number theory W 3,00 2,0
........................ 325.015: VL Special Topics Number Theory: Coding Theory Arne Winterhof
........................ 325.016: VL Special Topics Number Theory: Analytic Number Theory Sumaia Saad Eddin; Sumaia Saad Eddin
................ 201ZATHSP1U20: UE Special Topics Number theory W 1,50 1,0
........ 404SOSK23: Soft Skills 0,00-6,00
................ GS-BC: VL Ethics and Gender Studies 3,00 2,0
........................ 536.020: VO Ethics and Gender Studies: Gender in Technological Processes Waltraud Ernst
................ GS-ME-TN: KV Gender Studies Managing Equality TN 3,00 2,0
........................ 536.027: KV Gender Studies Managing Equality TN: Gender in Naturwissenschaft und Technik Bettina Bock von Wülfingen
................ 404SOSKPWPU20: UE Planning, writing and presenting an academic paper 3,00 2,0
........................ 534.E82: UE Planning, writing and presenting an academic paper Maria Christine Pree
........ 404ELEC23: Supplementary Subjects 0,00-9,00
................ 281SYRTRETV20: VL Automatic Control 4,50 3,0
........................ 361.001: VL Automatic Control Markus Schöberl
................ 281SYRTRETU20: UE Automatic Control 1,50 1,0
........................ 361.007: UE Automatic Control Lukas Ecker
........................ 361.008: UE Automatic Control Johannes Schrotshamer
........................ 361.009: UE Automatic Control Raphael Buchinger
................ 481WVERBIIK22: KV Biology for Engineers 3,00 2,0
................ 951STCOCSTK14: KV Computational Statistics 4,00 2,0
................ INBIPVOCOGR: VL Computer Graphics 3,00 2,0
........................ 364.000: VO Computer Graphics Weitere Infos Oliver Bimber
................ INBIPUECOGR: UE Computer Graphics 1,50 1,0
........................ 364.007: UE Computer Graphics Weitere Infos Rakesh John Amala Arokia Nathan; Oliver Bimber; Günter Wallner; Letian Wang
........................ 364.001: UE Computer Graphics Weitere Infos Günter Wallner; Rakesh John Amala Arokia Nathan; Oliver Bimber; Letian Wang
........................ 364.002: UE Computer Graphics Weitere Infos Günter Wallner; Rakesh John Amala Arokia Nathan; Oliver Bimber; Letian Wang
........................ 364.003: UE Computer Graphics Weitere Infos Rakesh John Amala Arokia Nathan; Oliver Bimber; Günter Wallner; Letian Wang
........................ 364.004: UE Computer Graphics Weitere Infos Letian Wang; Rakesh John Amala Arokia Nathan; Oliver Bimber; Günter Wallner
........................ 364.005: UE Computer Graphics Weitere Infos Letian Wang; Rakesh John Amala Arokia Nathan; Oliver Bimber; Günter Wallner
........................ 364.006: UE Computer Graphics Weitere Infos Letian Wang; Rakesh John Amala Arokia Nathan; Oliver Bimber; Günter Wallner
................ 993MLPEDN1V19: VL Deep Learning and Neural Nets I 3,00 2,0
................ 993MLPEDN1U19: UE Deep Learning and Neural Nets I 1,50 1,0
................ 993MLPEDN2V19: VL Deep Learning and Neural Nets II 3,00 2,0
........................ 365.111: VL Deep Learning and Neural Nets II Günter Klambauer; Johannes Brandstetter; Richard Freinschlag; Wei Lin
................ 993MLPEDN2U19: UE Deep Learning and Neural Nets II 1,50 1,0
........................ 365.361: UE Deep Learning and Neural Nets II Philipp Seidl; Richard Freinschlag; Günter Klambauer
........................ 365.360: UE Deep Learning and Neural Nets II Philipp Seidl; Richard Freinschlag; Günter Klambauer
........................ 365.114: UE Deep Learning and Neural Nets II Richard Freinschlag; Johannes Brandstetter; Günter Klambauer; Wei Lin
........................ 365.246: UE Deep Learning and Neural Nets II Richard Freinschlag; Günter Klambauer; Wei Lin
........................ 365.247: UE Deep Learning and Neural Nets II Richard Freinschlag; Günter Klambauer; Wei Lin
........................ 365.248: UE Deep Learning and Neural Nets II Richard Freinschlag; Günter Klambauer; Wei Lin
........................ 365.321: UE Deep Learning and Neural Nets II Wei Lin; Richard Freinschlag; Günter Klambauer
........................ 365.322: UE Deep Learning and Neural Nets II Wei Lin; Richard Freinschlag; Günter Klambauer
........................ 365.323: UE Deep Learning and Neural Nets II Wei Lin; Richard Freinschlag; Günter Klambauer
........................ 365.324: UE Deep Learning and Neural Nets II Wei Lin; Richard Freinschlag; Günter Klambauer
................ 536DASCDSPV19: VL Digital Signal Processing 3,00 2,0
........................ 382.063: VL Digital Signal Processing Weitere Infos Mario Huemer
................ 536DASCDSPU19: UE Digital Signal Processing 1,50 1,0
........................ 382.047: UE Digital Signal Processing Weitere Infos Matthias Wagner
........................ 382.064: UE Digital Signal Processing Weitere Infos Matthias Wagner; Bernhard Plaimer
........................ 382.070: UE Digital Signal Processing Weitere Infos Matthias Wagner
........................ 382.065: UE Digital Signal Processing Weitere Infos Matthias Wagner; Bernhard Plaimer
........................ 382.066: UE Digital Signal Processing Weitere Infos Bernhard Plaimer; Matthias Wagner
........................ 382.067: UE Digital Signal Processing: Zusatzgruppe Weitere Infos Matthias Wagner
........................ 382.068: UE Digital Signal Processing Weitere Infos Matthias Wagner
........................ 382.069: UE Digital Signal Processing Weitere Infos Matthias Wagner
................ INBIPVOFOMO: VL Formal Models 3,00 2,0
........................ 338.010: VO Formal Models: Anerkennung für INF B 6.2.2 (ab 2019W) gemeinsam mit UE Formal Models (338.011 / 338.012 / 338.013 / 338.014 / 338.015 / 338.016 / 338.017 / 338.018 / 338.019 / 338.009) Martina Seidl; Nils Froleyks; Maximilian Heisinger
................ INBIPUEFOMO: UE Formal Models 1,50 1,0
........................ 338.014: UE Formal Models: Anerkennung für INF B 6.2.2 (ab 2019W) gemeinsam mit VO Formal Models (338.010) Nils Froleyks; Maximilian Heisinger; Simone Heisinger; Mark Peyrer; Peter Pfeiffer; Andreas Plank; Adrian Rebola Pardo; Martina Seidl
........................ 338.018: UE Formal Models: Anerkennung für INF B 6.2.2 (ab 2019W) gemeinsam mit VO Formal Models (338.010) Nils Froleyks; Maximilian Heisinger; Simone Heisinger; Mark Peyrer; Peter Pfeiffer; Andreas Plank; Adrian Rebola Pardo; Martina Seidl
........................ 338.019: UE Formal Models: Anerkennung für INF B 6.2.2 (ab 2019W) gemeinsam mit VO Formal Models (338.010) Nils Froleyks; Simone Heisinger; Maximilian Heisinger; Mark Peyrer; Peter Pfeiffer; Andreas Plank; Adrian Rebola Pardo; Martina Seidl
........................ 338.015: UE Formal Models: Anerkennung für INF B 6.2.2 (ab 2019W) gemeinsam mit VO Formal Models (338.010) Maximilian Heisinger; Nils Froleyks; Simone Heisinger; Mark Peyrer; Peter Pfeiffer; Andreas Plank; Adrian Rebola Pardo; Martina Seidl
........................ 338.017: UE Formal Models: Anerkennung für INF B 6.2.2 (ab 2019W) gemeinsam mit VO Formal Models (338.010) Simone Heisinger; Nils Froleyks; Maximilian Heisinger; Mark Peyrer; Peter Pfeiffer; Andreas Plank; Adrian Rebola Pardo; Martina Seidl
........................ 338.013: UE Formal Models: Anerkennung für INF B 6.2.2 (ab 2019W) gemeinsam mit VO Formal Models (338.010) Peter Pfeiffer; Nils Froleyks; Maximilian Heisinger; Simone Heisinger; Mark Peyrer; Andreas Plank; Adrian Rebola Pardo; Martina Seidl
........................ 338.011: UE Formal Models: Anerkennung für INF B 6.2.2 (ab 2019W) gemeinsam mit VO Formal Models (338.010) Simone Heisinger; Nils Froleyks; Maximilian Heisinger; Mark Peyrer; Peter Pfeiffer; Andreas Plank; Adrian Rebola Pardo; Martina Seidl
........................ 338.016: UE Formal Models: Anerkennung für INF B 6.2.2 (ab 2019W) gemeinsam mit VO Formal Models (338.010) Maximilian Heisinger; Nils Froleyks; Simone Heisinger; Mark Peyrer; Peter Pfeiffer; Andreas Plank; Adrian Rebola Pardo; Martina Seidl
........................ 338.012: UE Formal Models: Anerkennung für INF B 6.2.2 (ab 2019W) gemeinsam mit VO Formal Models (338.010) Adrian Rebola Pardo; Nils Froleyks; Maximilian Heisinger; Simone Heisinger; Mark Peyrer; Peter Pfeiffer; Andreas Plank; Martina Seidl
........................ 338.009: UE Formal Models: Anerkennung für INF B 6.2.2 (ab 2019W) gemeinsam mit VO Formal Models (338.010) Nils Froleyks; Simone Heisinger; Maximilian Heisinger; Mark Peyrer; Peter Pfeiffer; Andreas Plank; Adrian Rebola Pardo; Martina Seidl
........................ 338.027: UE Formal Models: Anerkennung für INF B 6.2.2 (ab 2019W) gemeinsam mit VO Formal Models (338.010) Weitere Infos Clemens Hofstadler; Nils Froleyks; Maximilian Heisinger; Simone Heisinger; Mark Peyrer; Peter Pfeiffer; Andreas Plank; Adrian Rebola Pardo; Martina Seidl
........................ 338.026: UE Formal Models Weitere Infos Paulus Seip; Nils Froleyks; Maximilian Heisinger; Simone Heisinger; Mark Peyrer; Peter Pfeiffer; Andreas Plank; Adrian Rebola Pardo; Martina Seidl
................ 977PADMGATU22: IK Game Theory 3,00 1,0
................ 977PADMGATK22: KS Game Theory 3,00 2,0
................ 993MLPELRNV19: VL LSTM and Recurrent Neural Nets 3,00 2,0
................ 993MLPELRNU19: UE LSTM and Recurrent Neural Nets 1,50 1,0
................ 993MLPEMLTV24: VL Machine Learning: Advanced Techniques 3,00 2,0
........................ 365.041: VO Machine Learning: Advanced Techniques Johannes Brandstetter
................ 993MLPEMLTU24: UE Machine Learning: Advanced Techniques 1,50 1,0
........................ 365.356: UE Machine Learning: Advanced Techniques Arturs Berzins; Eric Volkmann
........................ 365.359: UE Machine Learning: Advanced Techniques Paul Setinek; Eric Volkmann
........................ 365.357: UE Machine Learning: Advanced Techniques Arturs Berzins; Eric Volkmann
........................ 365.244: UE Machine Learning: Advanced Techniques Eric Volkmann; Thomas Adler; Johannes Brandstetter
........................ 365.245: UE Machine Learning: Advanced Techniques Eric Volkmann; Thomas Adler; Johannes Brandstetter
........................ 365.358: UE Machine Learning: Advanced Techniques Paul Setinek; Eric Volkmann
........................ 365.319: UE Machine Learning: Advanced Techniques Thomas Adler; Johannes Brandstetter; Eric Volkmann
........................ 365.320: UE Machine Learning: Advanced Techniques Thomas Adler; Johannes Brandstetter; Eric Volkmann
........................ 365.042: UE Machine Learning: Advanced Techniques Johannes Brandstetter; Thomas Adler; Eric Volkmann
........................ 365.100: UE Machine Learning: Advanced Techniques Johannes Brandstetter; Thomas Adler; Eric Volkmann
................ 254AMETMBGV22: VL Medical Imaging 4,50 3,0
........................ 383.030: VL Medical Imaging Werner Baumgartner; Marco Da Silva; Johannes Heitz; N.N. N.N.
................ 254AMETMBGU22: UE Medical Imaging 1,50 1,0
........................ 383.026: UE Medical Imaging N.N. N.N.
........................ 383.027: UE Medical Imaging N.N. N.N.
........................ 383.033: UE Medical Imaging N.N. N.N.
................ 445VCOENMSV23: VL Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics 3,00 2,0
................ 445VCOENMSP23: PR Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics 4,50 3,0
................ 921COENPACK13: KV Parallel Computing 4,50 3,0
........................ 326.295: KV Parallel Computing Weitere Infos Wolfgang Schreiner; Alois Zoitl
................ 481MAPHPHGV22: VL Physical Principles of Mechatronics 4,50 3,0
........................ 374.022: VO Physical Principles of Mechatronics Johannes Heitz
................ 993TASMPRAV22: VL Planning and Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence 3,00 2,0
................ 993TASMPRAU22: UE Planning and Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence 1,50 1,0
................ 921CGELQCOV22: VL Quantum Computing 3,00 2,0
................ 921CGELQCOU24: UE Quantum Computing 1,50 1,0
................ 536MLPEREIV20: VL Reinforcement Learning 3,00 2,0
................ 536MLPEREIU20: UE Reinforcement Learning 1,50 1,0
................ 281SYRTSUSV20: VL Signals and Systems 4,50 3,0
................ 281SYRTSUSU20: UE Signals and Systems 1,50 1,0
................ 461GTPHSPIV23: VL Statistical Physics I 3,00 2,0
................ 461GTPHSPIU23: UE Statistical Physics I 1,50 1,0
................ 951SMDSSPDK20: KV Statistical Principles of Data Science W 6,00 3,0
........................ 238.341: KV Statistical Principles of Data Science Weitere Infos Harald Hinterleitner
................ 254MBSITMBV22: VL Theoretical Modelling of Biological Systems 3,00 2,0
................ 254MBSITMBU22: UE Theoretical Modelling of Biological Systems 3,00 2,0
................ 261THPHTQ1V16: VL Theoretical Quantum Mechanics I 6,00 4,0
........................ 313.026: VO Theoretical Quantum Mechanics I Arthur Ernst
................ 261THPHTQ1U16: UE Theoretical Quantum Mechanics I 3,00 2,0
........................ 313.027: UE Theoretical Quantum Mechanics I David Eilmsteiner
........................ 313.029: UE Theoretical Quantum Mechanics I Patrick Perndorfer
................ 461QPCSQM2V23: VL Theoretical Quantum Mechanics II 3,00 2,0
........................ 313.226: VL Theoretical Quantum Mechanics II Michel Bockstedte
................ 461QPCSQM2U23: UE Theoretical Quantum Mechanics II 1,50 1,0
........................ 313.211: UE Theoretical Quantum Mechanics II Michel Bockstedte
................ 261THPHTTDV16: VL Theoretical Thermodynamics 3,00 2,0
................ 261THPHTTDU16: UE Theoretical Thermodynamics 1,50 1,0
404MAAR20: Master's Thesis Seminars 16,00
........ 403MATSMT1S22: SE Master’s Thesis Seminar I 8,00 2,0
........ 403MATSMT2S22: SE Master’s Thesis Seminar II 8,00 2,0
................ 356.503: SE Master’s Thesis Seminar II Bert Jüttler
................ 325.002: SE Master’s Thesis Seminar II Gerhard Larcher; Friedrich Pillichshammer
................ 357.511: SE Master’s Thesis Seminar II Weitere Infos Luca Gerardo-Giorda; Susanne Saminger-Platz
................ 368.002: SE Master’s Thesis Seminar II Manuel Kauers; Erhard Aichinger; Peter Fuchs; Oliver Roche-Newton
................ 324.160: SE Master’s Thesis Seminar II Weitere Infos Paul Müller
................ 326.113: SE Master’s Thesis Seminar II Carsten Schneider
................ 369.306: SE Master’s Thesis Seminar II Weitere Infos Dmitry Efrosinin
................ 323.011: SE Master’s Thesis Seminar II Ronny Ramlau
................ 327.017: SE Master’s Thesis Seminar II Herbert Egger; Stefan Takacs
404FREL20: Free electives 12,00
Master's Thesis 20,00
Master's Examination 4,50